Chapter 24

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"The forest gave me chill though." Wonwoo said.

"What do you mean? There is 'something' in it?" Mingyu asked.

"Not sure. It just gives me chill."

"You know that we're gonna explore it right?"

"What?" Wonwoo looked at his boyfriend in the eyes, shocked.

Wonwoo sat up, Mingyu followed right after. The boy's expression changed. We cannot go into that forest. It's like digging our own grave. Wonwoo said in his mind.

"No... No..." Wonwoo totally objected to the idea. Mingyu just shrugged.

"Whose idea it is?" Wonwoo asked.


"Why I'm kinda expecting that answer?" Wonwoo sounded disappointed but not surprised. Of course, Hoshi would be the one who came out with this nonsense.

Wonwoo swore he felt something familiar about the forest. Like he's been there before. But he didn't remember when. They absolutely shouldn't approach that forest.

"There's no use of objecting the idea now. Everyone agreed with it. I think maybe we should follow them. You know if something happens." Mingyu said.

"We don't know what is there inside the forest. What if 'something' that is stronger than the 'fire face'?" just by mentioning the name gave Wonwoo goosebumps.


It was time for them to gather at the beach. After a good solid hour of comforting Wonwoo, Mingyu finally convinced the boy to join the exploration into the forest. While Mingyu was wearing his short pant, someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." Mingyu responded.

Reaching for the door, Mingyu turned the doorknob. He stunned. Two girls were standing in front of the door. The two were also shocked looking at Mingyu. Well, not every day they could witness a well-built plus handsome boy shirtless in front of them. They literally almost drooled. Pretending as nothing happened, Mingyu asked the two.

"May I help you?"

"O-oh we're sorry. W-we're thought this is our friend's chalet." one of the girls said. The other couldn't leave her eyes from Mingyu's defined abs.

"Okay then. So I hoped you can find it." and Mingyu closed the door without giving the girls a chance to replied anything.

"Who it is?" Wonwoo asked.

"Just two girls. They mistook our chalet as their friend."

Wonwoo narrowed his eyes. He smelled something fishy. You think you slick huh? Wonwoo mentally cursed the two girls. He knew their real intention. He looked at his shirtless boyfriend. Sure. They must be pleased to look at that, which is belong to me. He sounded possessive.

After everything ready, they exited their chalet, not forgot to lock the door. Wonwoo could saw his friends at the beach. He went ahead, leaving Mingyu struggling with the door lock.

Chan was already at knee level inside the water. The baby was so excited. Wonwoo joined the latter. It's been a while since he came to the beach. Getting into the water, his body felt the chill. The water was cold and refreshing. Jeonghan joined them. They were talking while standing inside the water, not over than the knee level.

Jun joined them but only to lift the baby. Chan started to beg Jun to put him down. He knew what Jun gonna do to him. Others started to get into the water also. And Jun thrown the baby into the water, let his whole body drowned with the salty liquid. Everyone started to laugh. When Wonwoo was caught off guard, Mingyu came from behind and attacked the boy, pushing them both into the water. And everyone started to soak themselves into the sea.

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