Chapter 9

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~ Jigeumbuteo 👏 sone bul nal ttaekkaji bagsu JJAGJJAGJJAGJJAG!!! *trying really hard to swing the leg but fail 🕺* ~

Okay back to the story


It was midnight and Wonwoo was sitting on the floor eyeing the boy that was on his bed. They were having an intense stare fight. Wonwoo wanted Mingyu to sleep on the couch but he only received an objection from the latter. This was his room, there's no way he would be the one who gonna slept on the couch. So here they were, having a mental argument.

Sleeping together, on the same bed, was Mingyu's plan from the beginning. He wouldn't receive 'no' as an answer from Wonwoo. Folding his arms, he looked at the boy, not blinking. It was about being dominant in this silent fight right now. Both sides didn't want to surrender. But it's crystal clear who's gonna win.

Minutes passed and Wonwoo stood up. Let out a heavy sigh, he headed to the closet. Taking out an oversize t-shirt and a pair of tracksuits for Mingyu, a red hoodie fall.

"Is that my hoodie?" Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo looked down and his eyes widen. Snatched it, he threw it in the closet back. But it was too late. The real owner already saw it. Before Wonwoo could close the closet, Mingyu already standing behind him, really close. He could felt Mingyu's breath on the back of his neck. Turning around, he backed off, hitting his back with the closet. He trapped. Mingyu moved further.

"Why you didn't return the hoodie back to me?" Mingyu asked in a husky voice.

Wonwoo could felt chill through his body. Their faces were inches apart. A slight move and their lips would touch. Gently pushed Mingyu a bit, he looked down, avoiding the stare.

"I-I forgot." excused Wonwoo.

Taking the cloth from Wonwoo's hands, Mingyu headed to the bathroom, smirking. When the door closed, Wonwoo fall to the floor, panting hard. He's been holding his breath the whole time. Taking another pair of cloth, he sat on the bed, waited for the latter to come out so that he could change.

Inside the bathroom, Mingyu looked at the white t-shirt in his hands. Bringing it to his nose, he could smell Wonwoo's scent on it. Closing his eyes, he sniffed the cloth. He felt hot again. You're mine tonight. Mingyu groaned.

Taking off his sweater, Wonwoo grabbed the t-shirt on his left side. Mingyu took a long time to change and it's frustrated him. When he was about to slip the t-shirt, the door opened, revealing Mingyu's shocked face. Grabbing his sweater, Wonwoo covered his body. From a shocked turned to smirk, Mingyu eyeing Wonwoo up and down. Wonwoo rushed to the bathroom still covering his body with the sweater. Passing Mingyu, the boys' eyes still on him. Closing the door, Wonwoo let out a heavy sigh.

Yummy... Mingyu looked at the bathroom's door. Throwing himself on the bed, he rolled around. Grabbing his phone, he messaged his mom telling her that he's gonna stay at Wonwoo's house. She instantly gave him approval. Looking through his social media, he waited for the boy to finish.

Minutes passed and the door opened, revealing Wonwoo in a black t-shirt and shorts. Mingyu looked at him and smiled, still laying on the bed. Wonwoo headed straight to the couch and laid down.

"Why you sleep there?" Mingyu asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the couch." not leaving his eyes from his phone.

"Sleep with me." Mingyu looked at Wonwoo with puppy eyes.


"You liked it when we slept together before."

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