Chapter 15

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okay, that's all. back to the story


Sitting in the cafe, Wonwoo didn't speak a word. Something was inside his head that he'd been thinking from his house. Unfortunately, Jihoon didn't join the hangout today and Wonwoo smelt something fishy about it. Recalled back, Jihoon never really into their conversation. He was more to the passive one, just listen to everything. The only time he spoke was during the self-introduction, and he just said his name.

Wonwoo wanted to know more about Jihoon though. Since they're friends, they have to know each other a bit deeper right? Maybe Jihoon looked a bit cold since he's never smiling or showing any expressions but Wonwoo knew that deep inside, he was a good person. He was like that too when it's come to the first impression. Cold, quiet, maybe arrogant but once you approach him, he's chill.

A nudge on the arm brought Wonwoo back to reality. Turning to the right, his boyfriend holding a spoon of red velvet cake toward his mouth, smiling so sweetly. Replying to the smile, Wonwoo ate the cake.

"Argh! Stop it! I might get diabetes!" Hoshi shouted, being the hyperbolic boy he was.

"Let them enjoy their sweet moment." Jeonghan snapped, sounded protective in a motherly way.

"Why can't you be like Mingyu?" Seungkwan glared at Vernon. The boy just smiled like a fool. Really Vernon?

Dino patted Mingyu on the shoulder. The baby whispered something at Mingyu's ear and the boy smiled, nodding.

"Wonwoo, I heard there was an ice cream stall around here. Want to go?" Mingyu looked at his boyfriend.

"Let's go with others." Wonwoo's face lit up.

"No, no honey. Just the two of us." Mingyu cooed. Wonwoo confusedly looked at his boyfriend but nodded right after.

"Guys, I want to kidnap Wonwoo for a while. Bye." Mingyu grabbed the mention boy's hand.

"Okay, don't be naughty kids." Jeonghan teased. The two just laughed.

Leaving the cafe, Mingyu wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. They started walking aimlessly. Matching the steps, Wonwoo wrapped his arm around Mingyu's waist, chuckling.

"So, where is the stall?"

"We will be there in a minute."

They talked about random things while heading to the stall that felt like it didn't exist at all. Which was true. As a diversion, his job was to take Wonwoo away from the group for a while. Next week was Wonwoo's birthday so they were planning something.

"Seriously, where is it?" Wonwoo asked, annoyed in his voice.

"Let's have a walk in the park there."

"But how about ice cream?"

"I want to spend some alone time with you, babe~" Mingyu placed a quick peck on Wonwoo forehead.

"Okay..." Wonwoo smiled, blushing.

Sitting on the bench, they intertwined their hands. Looking at their hands, Wonwoo thought about something. Looking around, he found the 'thing' beside a bush.

"Mingyu, I want to try something. To confirm it."

"What is it?"

"Gather your courage and look at the bush there. Don't worry, 'they' can't come near us." Wonwoo reassured. Mingyu nodded, followed the order.

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