Chapter 16

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Walking beside his mom, Wonwoo grabbed any snacks he could reach and placed them in the cart. His mom grumbled at him a few times though but he still grabbed the snacks, ignored all the complaints he got. He loved to eat snacks, he couldn't help it. Standing in the line at the cashier, his phone vibrated. He got a message from Mingyu. 'I love you♥'. Wonwoo smiled at the screen. His boyfriend always sends him random messages from 'I love you' to 'you're always in my heart' at random times. And Wonwoo appreciated every one of it. He also would always reply to the messages back.

Exiting the grocery store, Wonwoo's eyes landed on 'something' beside the road. He remembered something. After placing the groceries in the trunk, he called his mom.

"Mom, can you do me a favor?"

"What it is?"

"Gather your courage and look at the road's shoulder. Don't worry, 'they' can't come near us." he said the same things he said to Mingyu to his mom.

"I can't see anything. What are you trying to say?"

Same as last time, he didn't know how to do it. It just came into his mind just like that. Wonwoo held her hand. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Squeezing his mom's hand lightly, he opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Now look again." his mom turned her head.

"Nothing. I can't see anything. What are you trying to say dear?" his mom started to be frustrated a bit.

"We talk in the car." Wonwoo said and got in the car. His mom followed.

Heading to their home, Wonwoo told his mom how he could make Mingyu saw the 'things' by doing the same thing he did to her just now. But she couldn't see it. Wonwoo started to think again. Maybe he should try with other people, just to confirm it.

"He seems really special to you. I'm glad that you found someone that can make you happy." his mom suddenly spoke. Wonwoo made a weird expression.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Mingyu of course. Ever since he came into your life, you've changed. In a positive way. You've become more cheerful. You started to make friends. You have very good friends by the way. And I'm so proud of you." she smiled.

"He really is important to me. I feel protected every time I stay by his side. He promised me that he will protect me and keep me safe."

"How about you become the one who protects him? Since you're the one who has the ability. You're gifted honey. You don't know yet how strong you are, what are you capable of." his mom advised.

Wonwoo looked down. Gifted. How much he hated that word. They always said that to him. But did they knew what he's been through all these years? Cursed. That's the right word. Wonwoo mentally corrected his mom's word. Looking outside the window, he stared at the sky. The only place that he never saw even a single 'thing' at it.

Every night when he looked up, all he saw was the moon and stars. No 'things'. Just the beautiful sight of countless stars scattered in the pitch-black sky. Where he could have at least a few peace in his sight. But lately, the peace he'd looking at lied inside someone's body. And he glad that he finally found that someone. Wonwoo smiled thinking about his boyfriend.

Taking out at his phone, he messaged Mingyu. 'Thinking about you right now.' A few seconds later, he got a reply. 'I always thinking of you because you're always in my heart.' And there he went, the cheesiest boyfriend had come back. Wonwoo grinned.


Hugging himself, he's fastening his steps. Tears started to roll down his cheeks. He cried silently, begging for all these to stop. It was the first time he became these terrified. It was dark but Wonwoo still could saw the path he's heading. He's in a forest. Snap! Wonwoo froze. Turned to his back, he saw a little girl looking at him. Running away, the girl laughed. Continued his walking, a big tree stood in front of him. At the tree trunk sat an old woman, crying. He silently passed through the lady. Suddenly, the woman laughed. The sound sent chills through Wonwoo's body.

Gifted (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now