Chapter 6

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Taking a deep breath, Wonwoo looked around. He smiled to himself. It was the weekend and the weather seemed to be very nice. There were a lot of clouds hanging in the sky covering the sun making it a cloudy day. Wonwoo enjoyed this kind of weather so much so he decided to take a stroll around his neighborhood instead of isolating himself in his room. Of course, there were a few 'things' around him but it didn't stop him from enjoying the weather. He then decided to stop at the cafe and enjoying his favorite latte after the stroll.

Entering a park, he approached a pond in the middle. There were a few people also enjoying the cloudy day at the park. Kids were running around. A family was having a picnic under a tree. A couple was making out at a bench, ignoring the people around them. Wonwoo cringed at the sight and decided to ignore it since it was not his concern at all.

Sitting on a bench, plugging his earphone into his phone, he pressed the shuffle button on the music apps and listen to the song that came out. He caught a 'thing' beside the pond. A little girl sitting on the grass beside the pond, crying. Her hand was bleeding but she ignored the blood flow down to the ground. Wonwoo watched her silently, not showing any emotion. Well, he saw that every day so what can you expect.

Suddenly, the girl disappeared. More to turning into dust, Wonwoo frowned a bit at the scene, shocked. It was his second time witnessed that. The first one was in the dream, Mingyu did it. His eyes unconsciously turned to a tree quite far from him on the left. His eyes widen. A pair of red eyes that he recognized a lot. That 'thing' came back. It was standing beside the tree, watching Wonwoo. The stare gave Wonwoo goosebumps. He froze. He examined the 'thing' again. Tall, skinny but buff body like a human. The body was pitch black not reflecting any light at all. The head was on fire but still could saw the bright red eyes. Don't forget about the black smoke behind it. Bigger than Wonwoo's. Long yellowish fangs. The black claws at its' monster look-alike hands sticking to the tree. The 'thing' moved its' fingers and a crooking noise could be heard. 'It' was far away from Wonwoo but he could still hear it.

He stood up. Eyes not leaving the 'thing'. Few seconds passed and the 'thing' started to move toward Wonwoo, slowly. Wonwoo could felt the chill through his body. He's ...scared. He backed off one step. The 'thing' took two steps further. Wonwoo could felt his legs shaking. What does this 'thing' want from me? Why does it keep following me? He was terrified just by looking at that 'thing'. The 'thing' passed through the family that had a picnic. The baby in the mother's hands suddenly started crying. The 'thing' ...smirked still looking at Wonwoo.

His eyes started to get watery. With a shaky voice, he spoke,

"What do you want from me?"

"You are alone now. Your protector is not here to defend you."

"Protector? Who?"

"That filthy boy..." the 'thing' growled.

"Who? What do you want from me?"

"Your soul!!!" the 'thing' started to run toward Wonwoo. Raising its' claws that growing longer.


The 'thing' suddenly vanished from Wonwoo's sight and he burst into tears as his legs became really weak. He tried to back off one more time but finding his legs was malfunctioning and end up almost fall to the ground. A pair of hands caught him before his body hit the ground. He looked up and saw a very white smoke, shining, hovering him before he lost his consciousness.


Sitting on a chair beside the bed, Mingyu stared at Wonwoo as the boy lay on the bed unconsciously. While having a stroll at the park, he found Wonwoo standing alone beside a bench. He called the latter's name but didn't get a reply so he approached him. From what Mingyu could recall, Wonwoo was staring intensely at a tree a few meters from him. As he came near Wonwoo, he heard the boy mumbling something. He called his name again. Wonwoo backed off and almost fall. Luckily, Mingyu's legs were fast enough to move as his hands caught the boy from hitting the ground. Wonwoo looked up at him before fainted. And that's how they ended up in Mingyu's room.

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