Chapter 22

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Verkwan as the cover photo for this chapter because this couple need some 👏A👏P👏P👏R👏E👏C👏I👏A👏T👏I👏O👏N👏

now back to the story


The bell rang signaling the ending of school and the beginning of the holiday. All students started to pack their stuff and headed home, wanting to spend the vacation as soon as possible. When all students were leaving the school, the 11 boys went to their base a.k.a the garden behind the school. Ever since they discovered the garden, it became their usual place to hang out during lunch break. Wonwoo, Mingyu, Jun, and Minghao arrived first since their class was the nearest to the garden. Jun and Minghao sat at a bench, minding their own business. Wonwoo was standing a few feet from the couple looking at the tree in the middle of the garden.

"Did you see something?" Mingyu stood beside the boy, looking in the same direction as his boyfriend.

"The girl that being murdered at that tree."


"If only we can help her..." Mingyu sounded sad.

"I know. But we can't." Wonwoo smiled sadly at his boyfriend.

"Should I tell the others about my secret?" Wonwoo asked, eyes still on the tree.

"It's up to you but I think it's not the right time yet." Mingyu answered.

"Yeah, you're right." Wonwoo nodded.

"Wonu..." Wonwoo looked at Mingyu.

"Next time, whenever you see the 'things', you tell me about it. I want to know about them too." Mingyu smiled.

"I'm not sure though. I tend to ignore 'them' every time I see 'them' but I'll try." Wonwoo smiled back.

A few minutes later, the others arrived. They started to gather around and Seungcheol was the first to talk. Since he was the vacation planner.

"Okay, so our vacation started tomorrow. About the destination...we have a slight change-"

"My parents will bring us to an island!" Jun interrupted, excited.

"Oh my god...really?" Hoshi dropped his jaws. Wonwoo also.

Damn, he's rich! Wonwoo thought. And Jeonghan started to give detail about the island. They gonna stay in a chalet in pairs. Seungkwan cheered. So, Jun's parents rented seven chalets. It's not a private island but Wonwoo didn't surprise even if it was. So it's might gonna be other tourists there and Seungcheol reminded them once again to behave themselves.

"So we're gonna meet up tomorrow in front of the cafe at 7 in the morning. Vans will bring us to the harbor." Seungcheol ordered.

The 'meeting' ended and they all started to went home. Wonwoo arrived home and informed his parents about their vacation tomorrow and he sounded so excited about it. His parents smiled.

"Wonwoo, I'm glad you're making friends again." his dad said.

"They seem like nice boys." his mom added.

"They are. What do you think if I told them about my secret?" Wonwoo asked.

"I'm not sure dear. What if they can't accept it?" his mom asked.

"Mingyu accepted me." Wonwoo defended himself.

"The decision is on your hand now. You're a grown-up man. Just be prepared to accept any consequences, son." his dad said.

Wonwoo looked down. His parents right. What if they couldn't accept him? Would they leave him like others? But Mingyu stayed. Anxiety started to kick in. Wonwoo left his parents and headed to his room. Let's fate decide. Wonwoo told himself. Standing in front of his closet, he folded his hands.

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