Chapter 21

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Three days passed and Wonwoo still didn't see his boyfriend yet. Three days Mingyu skipped school. Three days he declined Wonwoo's calls, every single time. For three days Mingyu ignored Wonwoo standing in front of his room, screaming his name over and over. Three days Wonwoo suffered without Mingyu's love.

On the fourth day, Wonwoo fed up. He became desperate. All he wanted was to meet Mingyu and be in his hug again. He missed his boyfriend so bad. He didn't want his relationship to end just like that. That night, he came to Mingyu's house and as usual, the boy ignored him. Banging on the door loudly, Wonwoo screamed Mingyu's name as loud as he could. People might think he's crazy, well yes, he's crazy right now and he didn't care. His hands became bright red due to the hard bangs he did on the door. Wonwoo hissed in pain. If bleeding can make Mingyu out, I'm willingly gonna do it. And he continued banging the door.

After two hours of constant banging, Wonwoo had reached the edge. There's no energy left inside him. His throat sore from the screaming. His hands shaking. Fell to his knees, he still knocked on the door with his head. Tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"Mingyu...please...don't do this to me." Wonwoo sobbed.

"I love you...and only you." tears became a stream.

"I will never EVER cheat on you. Please... I can't live without you."


And the door opened. Raised his head, he looked at his boyfriend. There's no expression on Mingyu's face. Empty. Scrunching down, Mingyu held Wonwoo by the shoulders and raised the latter up, standing. Wonwoo looked down, still crying. He led the crying boy into the room. Closing the door, he caressed Wonwoo's hair gently and enveloped him into a hug.

"Shh...stop crying..." Mingyu rubbed Wonwoo's back slowly. His throat sore.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry." Wonwoo cried harder, hugged the boy tight.

"It's okay..." Mingyu replied.

They walked to the bed, still hugging. Sitting down, Mingyu wanted to look into Wonwoo's eyes but the boy didn't want to break the hug, afraid that Mingyu might leave him.

After a while, they broke the hug. Mingyu lifted the latter's face by the chin, he dried the tears with his finger gently. Wonwoo looked at Mingyu's face. He looked like a mess. His eyes were red and puffy. His hair was in every direction. Wonwoo looked around the room. Beer cans were all over the room. Mingyu suffered too. Mingyu took the boy's hands and kissed it multiple times. Holding Mingyu's cheeks, Wonwoo brought him into a kiss. The kiss was weak but passionate. They've been longing for each other lips for a long time. Breaking the kiss, they looked into each other eyes.

"I love you..." Wonwoo whispered.

"I love you too. With all my heart." Mingyu replied, smiled weakly.

Intertwined their hands, they laid on the bed. Wonwoo nuzzled his nose at the crook of Mingyu's neck, inhaling the scent he craved so much. Mingyu hugged and kissed his head. And they fell asleep. Peace in each other hug.


Morning came and Mingyu was the first one to wake up. Looking at the sleeping beauty beside him, he sighed. What have I done? He gently grabbed Wonwoo's hand. He gasped. His boyfriend's hand was full of bruises. Not bleeding just bruises. A drop of tears rolled down his cheek. Because of my ego, he suffered this much. I shouldn't believe what people said about him. I love him and he loves me. He's the one I should believe. If only I listen...

"I love you..." Mingyu kissed Wonwoo's forehead.

Scrunching his nose, Wonwoo opened his eyes. That little thing made Mingyu fell in love with the boy over and over again. Wonwoo looked at him and hugged the boy, tight.

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