Chapter 26

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"G-guys. W-what is t-that?" Joshua stuttered. His body froze.

They all turned to his side. Behind the big tree, a big black figure stood proudly, looking at them. So black that its skin was darker than the night. Around ten feet tall. Buff body. Its had the head of a goat. Its horns were long, pointing upward. Eyes as black as its body, shining. Demon. Wonwoo snapped. The others were speechless, too scared to speak or even move. They're terrified. The only protection they have was Wonwoo but the latter was also in the same boat as them. Terrified.

"I-it is r-real?" Minghao stuttered, his bottom lips shaking.

They moved to the right a few steps, avoiding the demon's stare by making it hiding behind the tree from their views. Suddenly, the demon also moved to the right diagonally, revealing itself. Crooked noise sounded as its moved.

"Fuck..." Wonwoo cursed. How could he fought that.

"W-where is my friend?" he stuttered. The demon just silent.

"Give me my friend back!" Wonwoo tried to sounded dominant.

The demon approached the tree and scratched it. A painful sound piercing throughout the forest. They covered their ears, hissing in pain. Wonwoo raised his head again, looking at the demon. His eyes widened.

"Hoshi!" he screamed.

They all snapped their heads at the tree but saw nothing except the demon. But Wonwoo saw Hoshi, unconsciously laying under the tree trunk. The demon hid the boy from the other to see. He stepped forward. The demon stepped forward also, preventing Wonwoo from reaching Hoshi. Wonwoo stepped back.

"Give him to me back!" Wonwoo screamed again.

"He's mine. His soul is mine!" the demon said, only Wonwoo could heard it.

Its voice was so rough and deep. Hearing it was like listening to a thunder. Chills shot through all over Wonwoo's body. He stepped back once again. Its too strong. Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo's hand and intertwined it.

"We fight together. You're not alone." Mingyu said, his eyes still on the demon.

Please God. Help us. Save us from this demon. Save Hoshi. Wonwoo silently prayed. All his friends held his shoulders, giving him strength, even though they were trembling like crazy.

"Y-you see Hoshi?" Seungcheol asked, whispering.

"Under the tree trunk." Wonwoo whispered back.

"I still can't believe what I'm seeing right now but... we're in this together. Like you said, we are stronger." Seungcheol said.

Wonwoo took a deep breath. Seungcheol right. They are stronger. He couldn't fall when his friend was here to support him. He could not fail. But now what should he do with the demon? It's not like he fight with demon or ghost on a daily basis.

His ability was only to see 'them'. He's not an exorcist. He didn't know how to do anything related to it. He was at the end of a cliff. Stuck between the capability of that demon and his will to save his friend.

"You can't take him." Wonwoo said.

"I'm going to take his soul."

"The unwilling soul. It's forbidden for you."

"I took one before. I can take this one too."

"No you can't."

The demon gritted its teeth.

"You have take what is forbidden! God has empowered me against you! Give me the unwilling soul back!" the words unconsciously slipped out of Wonwoo's mouth. He didn't know how he knew that.

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