Chapter 11

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It was a normal day at school. The teacher didn't come today so they have an absolute one hour and a half free time. Some of the students were talking among themselves waiting for the break to come. Wonwoo being an antisocial he was, he sat at his table reading and plugging his earphone so that the noisy class didn't disturb his reading. Mingyu was sleeping beside him and he felt so grateful that he didn't have to listen to the boy's blabbering for a few moments.

Flipping the page of the book, he felt a pair of eyes were watching him. Raising his sight from the book, he looked around. He figured out that someone was standing at the class's window, looking at him. It was Jihoon. As he remembered, Jihoon's class was below him since he saw the boy followed Seungcheol and Jeonghan into their class, then why the boy was there, judging Wonwoo from outside of his class. Their eyes met and they're both tensed. Jihoon turned away, continued his walking to who knew where. Narrowed his eyes, Wonwoo returned back to his book.

Wonwoo was too immersed in the book until he didn't notice that someone was sitting in front of him. A tapping finger on the table made Wonwoo looked up. Minghao? Six months in this class and he never knew that they were classmates? Unplugging his earphone, he smiled at the cute Chinese boy.

"Jun pissed me off." Minghao shortly spoke. There was annoyance in his face.

Jun? He is my classmate too? Wonwoo looked around and he found the mentioned boy. Jun was staring at them, angry, wait no, Minghao only. Wow, he is really a bad friend. First, Seokmin and now they two.

"Why? What did he do to you?" Wonwoo asked, feeling guilty that he didn't care about his surrounding at all.

"He wants to sleep at my place tonight but I want to sleep at him instead since his parents are not home. But that boy insisted to go with his plan. We were arguing and I lost my patience and I come here. Telling him not to follow me." the latter pouted. Wonwoo chuckled.

"What's wrong with his parents are not home or not? It's not like you two wanna do anything weird right?" Wonwoo asked, didn't get the message yet.

"I want to have sex with him but he's too stupid to catch the message." Minghao whispered.

Wonwoo's face turned red. What the fuck? Placing his book on the table, he rubbed his temple, sighing. Wow! He went straight into there! It's getting awkward.

"You said that like it was a daily basis and I never knew that you two are a thing." Wonwoo said.

"Isn't it obvious that we're both together?" Minghao stated a bit offended that Wonwoo didn't know about them.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I don't know... So what you're gonna do with him?" Wonwoo shrugged.

"I'm gonna ignore him until he agrees with me." Minghao folded his hands.

"Anything for you. Don't involve me in your fight."

"Technically, you are actually since I sit here."

"Oh god..." Wonwoo sighed. He looked at Jun. He still looked at them by the way.

"By the way, how about your relationship with Mingyu?"

Wonwoo was a bit taken by the question. What do you mean by relationship? There was nothing between them. But Wonwoo was hoping for nothing to become something actually.

"We're not in a relationship. We're just friends..." Wonwoo sounded low.

"Stop lying to me. Everyone knows that you two have a big crush on each other."

"What do you- wait did you said that Mingyu...likes me?"

"It too obvious dumb ass. Only you didn't realize it."

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