Chapter Seventeen (Get it?!)

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~Say the nameeee!!!!~

okay back to the story

Contain smut. you have been warned. 


~still flashback~

It's been 48 hours. Wonwoo still didn't wake up yet. Mingyu sat on the chair staring at his boyfriend. He looked like a mess. He didn't shower, didn't eat, he even didn't move from that chair ever since Wonwoo laid on the bed.

After sending Wonwoo to the hospital, all ten of them stayed at the hospital until late at night. Everybody insisted to be with the boy until he woke up. Chaos almost happened when nine boys sat outside of the room, one inside which was Mingyu, protested to remain seated even though the doctor told them to leave. Punches were almost thrown when the doctor called securities to dragged them out. A small fight happened outside Wonwoo's room until his mom persuaded them that everything would be okay and told them to go home. She would inform them when his son woke up. They all nodded sadly and started to head home. Mingyu on the other hand still with his stubbornness, didn't want to leave his boyfriend.

Mrs. Jeon gave up and let Mingyu stayed with his son while she and her husband went home. He stayed by Wonwoo's side two days straight. Mrs. Jeon entered the room but Mingyu's eyes still on the unconscious boy. Placing a box of lunch, she caressed Mingyu's head. Mingyu seems lifeless. He looked dead but still breathing. Mingyu's state touched Mrs. Jeon's heart. The boy really loved his son so much that he suffered like this just because Wonwoo faint.

"Mingyu dear...freshen yourself a bit and eat. You didn't eat anything at all." Mrs. Jeon still caressing Mingyu's hair, eyes started to get watery.

"No thanks. I'll wait until Wonwoo wakes up." he held Wonwoo's hand, caressing it gently.

~end of flashback~

Wonwoo was out of the hospital that day. Inside the car, heading home, Mingyu slept beside him, head on his shoulder. Wonwoo played with Mingyu's hand gently. Looking outside the window, he stared at the sky. A bit gloomy today, maybe would rain. He really just passed out for three days. A new record for him, staying inside the dream for that long and he's not even hungry or thirsty. It's felt like he just slept for a few hours.

While at the hospital, Wonwoo told Mingyu and his mom about the dream he had in the forest, as detail as possible. Mingyu told him that maybe it's not a dream instead it's real. He did some research about Wonwoo's ability and he found small information about it. That particular ability let Wonwoo 'separate' his soul from his body and 'travel' to anywhere he could go and came back into his body. The probability of a person having this ability was too little. Like, rare out of rare. And in Wonwoo's case, having two abilities was a real rare once in a blue moon. He also could do it while being conscious but he didn't know how. This ability let him saw the past and present. Future? Not sure. It didn't state in what Mingyu read.

But being out of the body for too long was risky. The body was like a vessel with the soul inside it. If the soul left the body, it's meant the body was empty. 'Something' could enter the empty body easily. A ghost could enter someone's body by possessing since the soul was inside the body, so 'they' have to force it out. 'They' couldn't possess a dead body since it's already dead. 'They' needed a living human. It's easier to enter an empty body that still alive.

"Wonwoo. You have to learn to control it. It's dangerous." Mingyu told Wonwoo.


Stopping in front of the house, Wonwoo smiled. Ten boys stood in front of the door holding a banner with messy handwriting that said 'Welcome home Wonwoo!!!' and a small 'all hail to Wonwoo' at the below left of the banner. They all waved at the boy excitedly.

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