
2.5K 40 28

genre: sad idk i cried when i wrote it
word count: 670

I text dan.

-what do you want from the store?

i wait about two minutes then hear the ding.

-ummm cereal

-and lunch foods

I type back an okay then put my phone away in my pocket. I get out of the cab after handing my driver £5. He takes the money and pulls away.

After buying everything from the store, I decide to walk home, as I don't have much to carry and our apartment is relatively close to the store.

I decide to call Dan to tell him I'm on my way home.

"pick up..." I murmur impatiently.

"hi!" I hear Dan's voice


"this is dan. if you're a creepy stalker, please hang up. if you're a friend, leave a message after the beep."

Dan has got to change his voicemail.

"dan, I'm on my way home from the store. just thought id let you know."

after ending the call, I hear another text alert. it's from pj.

-hey Phil, is dan answering any of your calls?


I reply and wonder why pj is asking me this.

-he may just be in the shower.

-really, Phil? for an hour and forty minutes?

I remember how long I've been out.


I decide it would be easier to call pj.

"hey, Phil!" I hear him say.

"hey, peej!"

"so..."he says.

"why are you so concerned about dan not answering you?"

"well phil, umm I think he's been hiding something from you." he says and I let him continue. "he's been talking to me recently about his...well, his depression. it's been getting worse." I frown. why wouldn't he talk to me? I'm his best friend!

"oh?" I say, then realize I'm on our block. "well peej, I've gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

I hang up and almost run to the apartment and fumble with the keys to it. I unlock the door and call upstairs to dan.

"dan?" I don't hear any water running, so he's not taking a shower.

I put the bags down and run up the stairs. I walk into the living room. no one there. I check the kitchen. nothing. I check his bedroom last and find him.

I find him hung on the ceiling.

"no..." I murmur. "oh, dan. this is a joke, right?" his lifeless body doesn't answer.

"dan... Jesus, no... dan." I start to tear up. "no..." I kick the chair that's underneath his dangling feet over.

"dan... no." I am in tears by now, realizing that my best friend is dead.

I start to yell at him. at his lifeless dead body.

I hear a ding. but it's not my phone. it's his. from his nightstand. I walk over to check it.

it's from pj.



-I called Phil. he said you didn't answer him either.

I unlock Dan's phone. pj sent him 34 messages.

I go to his other messages to see who else he didn't respond to and I see me.

there's one message that failed to deliver.

-Phil, I'm leaving. I'm leaving this world. I'm sorry. I just can't stand this anymore. I've tried help, I really have. But nothing has worked. Not the pills, not the sessions. Phil, I've been hiding something from you. You know how I've been wearing lots of long sleeve shirts although it's summer? Well, the sleeves are hiding something. I've been cutting again, Phil. I know you told me to stop. And I did. For 5 whole years. I'm sorry. Phil, I am only texting you this because I know that you will help me. Or at least try to. If not, this is my note. Goodbye, Phil. I'll miss you.

my face is flooded with tears.

"dan..." I murmur, and sit on his bed after turning his phone off and putting it back on the nightstand. "dan..." I take out my phone and unlock it to send one last message to him.

ding. I hear his phone go off.

message from Phil:

-I love you.

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