Chapter 2

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After Carlos left, the day went by pretty slow and I was actually alone all day until closing with absolutely no customers after him. I closed up with my manager that evening and ended up going home yet again to an empty apartment, in the dumps of the outskirts of LA. I climbed the stairs, unlocked the door and walked in. I managed to have a nice dinner for one and the rest of the evening was pampering myself with a bubble bath and a glass of wine in the tub. My senior cat, Oliver, was laying in the bathroom sink, relaxing as if he was a human like me in a tub. His tail swished on the porcelain of the sink making me giggle. The night was mellow, but I couldn't get one thing off my mind. Carlos. I didn't have a thing for him by any means, but I felt something when I thought of him. I don't know what, but I had a feeling he would be good in my life, even if he was just a friend, perhaps he could be my first friend since moving out here to LA. I lied in bed with Oliver purring beside me and stared into the darkness of my room. I was alone, and I was okay with that, at least I thought I was. I had Oliver, and that was enough for me. I had bigger dreams than to be someone's little old wife, and if that meant being alone for awhile, it was worth it. I would find someone someday, I just needed a friend, and I hoped since Carlos and instantly got along that we'd be seeing each other again.

I woke up the next morning rejuvenated and happy. It was an odd morning to say the least. I adored how I was in such a good mood just waking up, and let me say, it was rare for me to wake up so happy. Usually my waking was like a chore that had to be done, but today was different. I liked the feeling of that. I made myself breakfast as Oliver munched on the floor next to my feet. I then showered, put on an outfit, put on some makeup, and then was ready for the day. I had curled my hair so it was being wild at the time I started walking down my apartments stairs. I was going to be super early for work at this point, so I decided to treat myself to coffee. I wasn't one for mainstream coffee, but for some reason, Starbucks was calling my name this morning. I picked up a large drink and headed to work. I put on my name tag after setting up my area for the day and hung out until someone walked through the door. It only took three hours since opening for someone to come in. And who it was, was pretty shocking to say the least. Carlos. No joke, he in fact was at my work once again.

"I had a feeling I'd bump into you here." Carlos said walking in, his arms at his sides very mysterious like. I giggled as I was taking a sip of my coffee. "You're one of those girls, eh?" He asked looking at my coffee. I rolled my eyes and then put my drink down.

"You thought you'd bump into me at my work?" I asked sarcastically as he smirked. "Hm, coincidence indeed. And yes, I like coffee, not just Starbucks, thank you very much." I defended myself. He smirked and crossed his arms in front of him and leaned them on the counter. I sat quietly, unsure of what he'd say next. He looked at me for a long while before taking off on a diarrhea of the mouth ramble.

"So, the missus and I wanted to know if you would like to come to a dinner party we are having, for no real reason, this Friday?" Carlos asked me. The missus? I wondered. My eyes of course zeroed in on his left hand, and realized there in fact was a ring there. Of course there was, even though I didn't have a thing for him, it figured he was married already being as nice as he was. I smiled to his face and then shrugged.

"I don't know... I mean, I barely met you yesterday. Would your wife like to find out you're stalking me?" I asked sarcastically, trying to sound worried. He shook his head and snorted.

"Not stalking you, just coming to your work everyday after meeting you. There's a difference." Carlos winked just as sarcastic as I was, making me roll my eyes and smile wider at the ability for us to joke so freely already. "I just thought a cool girl like you, would like to hang out with some major dorks for a night." He shrugged, standing up straight again, and then acting like he was about to start walking away.

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