Chapter 10

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"What do you need to talk about? Are you alright?" Carlos asked me, leading me through the entry way and into the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink? Water, tea, coffee?" Carlos asked.

"Coffee, please." I confirmed feeling like I needed the boost. Carlos started the coffee maker and we sat at the island in his marble covered kitchen.

"What's going on?" He asked as Alexa walked in.

"I thought I heard the door and your voice. How are you, Liz?" Lex asked genuinely caring about the answer. I smiled shyly and then groaned.

"I have no idea what's going on with me. I don't know how I am. I'm losing myself over here." I said staring at a spot on the counter probably looking like a deranged person. Lex and Carlos were taken aback from my response.

"Okay, start from the beginning." Lex instructed. I took a breath as Carlos got up to get me a cup of coffee.

"Uhm, okay. Well, this all started when I showed up here for the party." I said as Carlos handed me a mug and set creamer and sugar out for me to fix myself. Lex made herself some tea and Carlos sat waiting for me to continue. "I met James outside and he was really nice and sweet. He said I was honest and that I didn't need to feel self conscious. But then I met Kendall and he was so cool and sweet. He listened to me. But then Logan and I got drunk, made out which happened to be my first kiss, and then James took care of me and held my hair even when I was puking. I fell asleep on him too ya know? Then he left me stuff for my head. Then Kendall showed up with you with my car and we hung out all afternoon and we made out. Like a lot, but then during the best kiss I thought of James. Kendall also sang a really cute song while playing the guitar. I don't know why I thought of James after everything. Then Kendall dropped me off saying he was excited for our date Monday at his concert. But then he's all 'we aren't a thing'. Also, he asked about my virginity, which if I haven't kissed anyone, you can probably be safe to assume I am a virgin, and then he made a comment about me needing to get out of the car before he followed me upstairs. It was like, in a sexual sort of implication also. Then James sounded jealous that Kendall and I hung out and I'm really confused. Because now I have an all day date with James tomorrow, and then I had a minor freak out, and now I'm here." I said breathless and looking like a lunatic.

Lex and Carlos sat a little stunned.
"Great." Carlos said finally after silence. "Now I caused all of this." Carlos said. Lex reached for his hand from across the counter.

"No, it's okay. Everyone and everything is fine. No worries. So you don't have feelings for Logan? Even though he was your first kiss?" She asked me. I nodded. "Okay, there's a good start." She smiled. I nodded feeling like she was listening and truly trying to help. Carlos looked just as stressed as me about this whole situation.

"Well, let's see. You kissed Kendall, but not James. Do you think that means that your subconscious knows you have more feelings for Kendall?" Lex asked as if that was helpful. I shook my head sadly.

"No, I've only ever kissed Kendall he asked me about if I felt like a drunken kiss was worthy of my greatness in regards to being my first kiss. There's been no real time that I was with James to kiss, he was either calming me down about being nervous or he was being my babysitter. I don't think he would've kissed me after having thrown up my stomachs entire content or while just having met me." I explained shaking my head as I looked to Lexi as she seemed stressed now for me from where she stood. Carlos looked up.

"Kiss James." He said as if it were that simple.

"Really? That's your solution?" Lex asked him as if she couldn't believe he'd said something like that.

"No, babe. Okay, so Lizzi, you found you felt something of a connection to Kendall, right? You kissed him. You found you didn't have a connection with Logan after kissing him as well. So, you kiss James because you have a real connection with him already. If you kiss, that connection will either deepen or it'll fade." Carlos said as if he had cracked the code, his teeth grinning brightly. It was crazy.

"You realize we aren't on some teen drama on the CW, right?" I asked him. Lex laughed.

"Yeah, no kidding." She added. Carlos shook his head.

"You two have anything better planned?" Carlos asked frustrated with us.

"Alright. Since we have nothing else, I'll go with it." I decided. Carlos nodded. Lex however looked worried.

"Are you sure? What if you just kiss him and you feel for him as you do for Kendall?" Lex asked with her arms now across her chest. Carlos rolled his eyes.

"She wants me to be romantic, but then she gets all pessimistic when I do get into the romance." Carlos complained to me shaking his head. Lex's hand reached the back of his head and smacked it making me giggle a little.

"So, you'll kiss him tomorrow?" Lex asked me. I shrugged.

"I guess so." I sighed.

"Good luck, sweetheart." Lex said smiling and touching my hand. "I'm going to go to bed. Come by tomorrow after your day with James so you can tell us everything before your date with Kendall." She said happily walking past me and squeezing my shoulder. Once she left, I fixed my coffee and then turned to face Carlos. He smiled sadly.

"I don't want to say it, but I kinda feel like this is mine and Lex's fault. We forced you to meet Kendall and James." Carlos said leaning his arm on the counter and then resting his head on his hand.

"You didn't. You just introduced us, we screwed up the rest naturally." I assured him feeling like I was suddenly a hormone crazed person, kissing all these men suddenly. He smirked.

"Yeah, you're probably right." He said. I punched him lightly and playfully in the arm from across the island.

"Thanks for the load of confidence." I joked. Carlos then got serious and stared at me.

"I want you to know, whoever you grow fond of more, the other one will understand eventually. Don't let their feelings get in the way of yours. You know they both want to see you, so you have to agree to allow yourself to make the decision." Carlos said almost as a warning. I smiled sheepishly and then nodded.

"Will do." I said. After finishing my cup of coffee and small talking with Carlos, he walked me to the door and gave me a big hug and a 'good luck'. I drove home in a much calmer state than the one I went to the PenaVega house in. I rested the rest of the night and woke up a quarter to seven so I had time to get ready for my day with James.

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