Chapter 38

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James and I headed down stairs after the excitement and taking pictures in front of James's hard work in my bedroom and after we changed for dinner. James wore a white button down with a black vest, dark jeans, and Converse. I however went with a simple black and white horizontal striped short dress and a white cover long enough to cover my shoulders, and a pair of black heels. James and I started dinner as I felt like I was high on love all night. I couldn't stop smiling because I never thought I would have ever found someone like James or found someone at all really who would want to spend the rest of his life with me. John headed back outside with Baxter and Archie. James and I sat the table and then sat at the isle waiting for everyone to show up. I had my hands in his and his smile kept me smiling myself. "I can't believe it." I whispered staring at my ring.

"The ring or the proposal?" James asked questioning. I giggled.

"Well, either. I didn't think you wanted to get married to me. I always thought that we'd be one of those couples who stay together for eight years before they just decide that they've been together this long, so why make it official." I explained to him and his hand rubbed my back from where we sat. James shook his head.

"Babe, I've been waiting for you my whole life. I've been waiting for someone to make me want to be tied down. You did that." James said kissing my temple and leaning his head then on mine as we admired the ring.

"Did you plan this for long?" I asked him. He chuckled and cleared his throat.

"Uh, I was thinking about it back when I was talking to your dad, but then it never was the right time. John found out when you were traveling for the commercial and gave us his blessing." James said. I smiled.

"You're the best." I told him kissing his lips. Then out of nowhere the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get it." James said pulling away and letting his fingers longer on the small of my back.

"I'll get John." I said as I got up but headed the opposite way than James. I walked to the back door and opened it to see John throwing a ball as Baxter ran to fetch it while Archie sat at John's feet.

"John, guests are arriving." I smiled at him as he put the dogs up and came inside covered in dog hair.

"Dude, please go change?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes Mrs. Maslow." He said then cracking a smile and winking as he headed up the stairs.

I walked down the hall and into the office where all our guests had gathered. Alexa looked stunning a pretty white sundress and her very pregnant stomach looking adorable with Carlos in a charcoal button down and jeans next to her. Then the others all looked like they were regretting coming as soon as I walked in. Logan, I remembered vaguely from my not so drunken minutes, was in a black blazer and a black bowler hat with a white vneck showing under the blazer. His eyes met mine and I instantly felt awkward. I however smiled, because he had a short, very thin, brunette on his arm who was in a black and gold metallic toned dress that had no straps and barely covered her butt. I was happy for him, he should have moved on, I mean all we did was kiss. Kendall however had brought, a guy? Dustin, if I remembered right, his other bandmate. Kendall was in a green blazer with a baby blue button down underneath and skinny jeans with loafers. He looked good, which I was happy about but my stomach felt like it wanted to throw up anything I had eaten today which wasnt much. I was nervous, not sure how things would go down tonight. Kendall avoided eye contact when I looked at him but as soon as I looked away, his eyes were on me.

Dustin however had a very different approach to dinner casual. He had a blue and white plaid shirt on with black jeans and black Vans. I smiled, I didn't even care what anyone wore as long as they were here. "Welcome guys!" James said coming from the back of the crowd and to stand next to me where everyone was now facing. "Liz and I wanted to have this dinner to see some friends we haven't seen in awhile and to catch up. But we also wanted to let everyone know about a new addition to our family." James said taking me under his arm as I smiled. Alexa and Carlos smiled, but the rest all either whispered to one another or gave my stomach a good checking out.

"A very new but a little older than ideal addition." I said making sure everyone was clear I wasn't pregnant. Just then we led the group of people into the kitchen and dining room when John was walking down the stairs in a blue blazer, skinny jeans, white button down, and black and white Converse.

"You adopted a kid?!" Dustin asked from around the bar in the kitchen. I giggled and stepped away from James and walked over to John who stood awkwardly.

"I did. But I've known him for awhile. Everyone, this is John, my fifteen year old brother." I said as faces looked less stunned and a little more confused. Alexa waved at John as he smiled at her. She was like another big sister to him now.

"Hey." John waved at the four wondering new faces. He was very laid back thankfully because I felt awkward. Everyone started into their own conversations and I was left standing alone by the staircase. Alexa, Logan's new lady friend, , Dustin, and James were in conversation as Kendall and Carlos were talking to John by themselves by the sink. I took a seat on the bottom stair as Logan walked over and smiled.

"May I?" Logan asked gesturing to the spot next to me on the stairs. I smiled and nodded. He took a seat and sighed. "This is a very awkward dinner isn't it?" He asked. I nodded sighing.

"Like you can read my mind." I said joking. Logan chuckled.

"I will just come out and say this, I don't want any awkwardness between us. I mean, James is my best friend, but so is Kendall. I kissed you and that wasn't cool. But that is getting to be close to eleven months ago. I'm with Terri now, and we're happy." Logan said looking at me until he glanced at the girl he came with and smiled.

"I can also see you and James are pretty happy as well." Logan added suddenly. I furrowed my brow as he nodded towards my left hand with the brand new ring on it. I smiled shyly. "Congrats." Logan whispered nudging my shoulder with his. I smirked and laughed.

"Thanks. But congrats to you too. I agree, we are both mature adults. We kissed once while causing a little drama and now we are sober and fine. We can be friends." I said laughing. Logan laughed and nodded.

"Friends sound good." Logan agreed.

"Hey Logan, come here for a second." Terri smiled as she looked excited about something. Logan smiled at me and then got up. I sat watching the scene before me as Alexa traded spots with Logan and she came to sit next to me.

"Congrats sweetie!" Alexa said happily sitting down next to me. I giggled, was my ring this obvious?

"Thanks, he's really sweet." I said staring at my ring. Alexa giggled.

"Yeah, Terri's one lucky girl. I'm sorry you didn't get to meet that Logan the first time you met." Alexa said. Oh, she was congratulating me on talking with Logan, not my ring.

"Hey, come with me." I said standing and helping Alexa up.

"Where are we going?" Alexa asked as we tried to sneak up the stairs but James saw us. He grinned and winked at me as I smiled down at him. He then Continued to make conversation with those with him.

I drew Alexa close and then told her to close her eyes. She did as told and I opened the door. "Okay, open." I told her. She did and gasped.

"Oh my God! This is all so cute!" She said happily shrieking and holding her belly in her arms. She smiled and looked at the room in awe.

"Oh, and there's this." I said holding up my hand. Alexa shrieked even more.

"That's gorgeous!" She said walking close and inspecting my ring. I giggled.

"I mean, it's not as big as yours or as fancy as yours but-" I started to defend my ring as I was looking at her wedding ring as she covered my mouth and stared at my ring.

"Don't even. He designed this with you in mind. You are simple yet gorgeous in your own right. It fits you like a glove and that's all that matters." She said gasping. "Who all knew?" She asked. "Carlos didn't tell me and James didn't tell me. What the hell?" She asked. I giggled.

"I'm not sure if Carlos knew, but my dad knew before he passed and James included John in the decision." I said happily as she made a face meaning she was overwhelmed with happiness.

"I'm so happy for you!" She said giving me a hug.

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