Chapter 15

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After sitting alone for awhile, and after I watched from the nursery window as Kendall left the house, I stood to my feet. I did pick James, for what it was worth. I wanted to be with him because he listened to me, he made me feel as perfect as he saw me to be. I just wasn't ready for him to know it yet, but I was afraid Kendall may have given it away. I walked back down the hall to see James sitting at the bottom of the stairs. My feet gently descended as he had his elbows on his knees, resting.

"James?" I asked in a quiet voice as I stood about three quarters of the way down the stairs. His head jerked at the sound of my voice, he looked behind himself to see me. He stood, his hands hesitant at his side, and then looked as if he wanted to touch me.

"Liz." He said quietly, as if he hadn't said it for so long it felt brand new on his tongue again. I smiled shyly, taking in the gorgeous, inside and out, man standing about two steps down from me. He smiled then too, his thousand watt smile giving me the chills. "Oh, uhm, duh." He shook his head and looked to my feet for a moment before bringing his eyes back to mine "Congrats with your commercial and foundation." He said genuinely happy sounding for me. I nodded, blushing slightly.

"Thank you so much." I smiled softly.

"You weren't kidding when you said you wanted to change the world." He told me, light-heartedly. I laughed looking down shyly.

"Nope, I guess not." I smiled before looking up to meet his gaze again. "Look, James..." I started trying to get this over with. I didn't even know if he wanted to be with me anymore. I was pretty sure by his look in his eyes when he looked at me, but I couldn't be sure. There was still a chance he would tell me to fuck off. He shook his head putting up a hand to silence me. My heart dropped at seeing him like this.

"It's okay. I figured you'd pick Kendall. That's why he went outside? To get his car so you two can leave?" He asked sadly, but he kept smiling trying to force me to believe it was alright with him, as long as I was happy. I shook my head with a furrowed brow.

"No, no. That's not it at all actually." I told James touching his arm, barely grazing his shirt sleeve. He froze at my touch, his eyes fixated on mine.

"What do you mean?" He asked me, seeming almost giddy in his eyes. I gazed into his eyes, studying them, diving into the hazel pools I missed for six months, and then slid my hand down from his arm to his hand, where I held it. My eyes searched his face as I spoke.

"I've known for awhile who I wanted to be with. I also knew, that before I could be with someone and be truly happy, I had to figure out what I wanted for myself. I needed to establish myself. I needed to work on me. I needed to be confident in who I was fully, and have something that was my own. And I do now, the foundation, it's mine. I'm happy truly by myself now, but I want someone to share it with now, where I felt like I needed someone else to share it with." I said trying to convey my thought process sufficiently. James looked astonished, tilting his head as his confusion drifted from his eyes.

"You worked on yourself this whole time?" He asked out loud, which I didn't know if I should answer or not. Then he added, "on this foundation and your dream the whole time?" He asked looking almost glowing in the face as he realized I just needed to become my own person before I could be with him. Not that I didn't know I truly wanted to be with him, because all along I think I had known he was the one I was going to choose. Deep down I had known the hazel eyed god before me held my heart. I nodded not sure if I should smile or not as I searched for another response in his eyes. He smiled again, letting the happiness reach his eyes.

"That's the Liz I missed every single day." He whispered shaking his head. I smiled as my stomach flipped happily inside my abdomen making me let out a relieved breath. I instinctively wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head against his chest. His arms were back around me, filling the small hole inside my chest where he so quickly nuzzled his way into my heart. It had been empty all this time, and with his arms around me now, I felt invincible. His touch, his warmth, and his arms around me were all I needed to make the pain of hurting Kendall go away. I felt at home and at ease in his arms. They were where I needed to be.

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