Chapter 35

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It was the day after the commercial shooting and I was back at a similar sound stage. James and I however were pulled in different directions and I was sent to hair and makeup. Now, you'd think hair and makeup was just that simple, no, they waxed my legs and under arms. I hadn't expected that to happen and they were doing it to all the female models. I sighed as I had never gotten waxed before and afterwards felt so smooth but so weird. They put on big glamorous lashes on my eyes as James walked in still in his normal outfit he had came in, but he had on a little bit of makeup and they did his hair better than he could have ever done it. The girl next to me was finished and was gone so then James took the spot as his own.

"You look so fancy." James said enjoying looking at me in the brightly lit reflection. I smiled as they then moved to my lips for color.

"I do, it's a miracle." I teased without moving my lips. James chuckled.

"Today's pretty special. Yours and mines official debut as a couple. You'll have two commercials on tv!" He said excitedly. I smiled as they finished my lips and moved onto my jewelry which were simple Pearl earrings and a simple chain necklace.

"You are trying to make me nervous now." I said as another guy came over to work on my hair. He started to curl and give me blown out hair. "I think I'm making myself even more nervous by looking at myself right now." I said quietly. The man doing my hair smiled.

"Honey, trust me you're the most glamorous girl in the whole shoot." He smiled in the mirror from behind me.

"Am I really?" I asked. I was wearing a lot more glits and glam than any of the other girls, as they looked like they were simply wearing foundation and one swipe of mascara.

"Yes, you're the star. If we were allowed to put eyeliner on your man, we would love to. But we can't." The hair dresser said putting at James.

"He would love for that too." I said as James raised an eyebrow.

"I would not." He said. I giggled.

"How long have you two been dating?" The man asked looking up at me every so often.

"Ten months today actually." I smiled at James out of the corner of my eye. The hair dresser touched his free hand to his chest.

"Awe! How cute! You two are the cutest couple I have ever seen. Well, besides Will and Kate." He said making me laugh.

"Do they pay you to say that?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"They pay me to make you look sizzling hot. And I have, so Check. They don't pay me to say I'm in love with you and your man." He said pointing at James as he sat the curler down and was now covering my face and spraying my hair to make it stay. I giggled and then stood when he told me to.

"Thank you so much." I smiled as he came in for a hug.

"Thank you sweetie." He said poking me on the nose once and then walking to the next chair with an awaiting girl in it. James smiled as I turned to look at him.

"You are freaking stunning." He smiled. I blushed.

"We need to report to clothing now." He smiled. I followed him where they had both our names on a dressing room.

"Hello! Beautifuls!" Another flamboyant man greeted us as James led me into the room. He had me go with his assistant and James changed in the main room while I was led to a changing room where the woman helped me undress and got me into underwear and a tshirt. I felt awkward enough in my own underwear, that it was completely odd for me to be standing here in front of this woman naked and having her help me put on other under garments.

"Beautiful." The woman said fixing my hair and then opening the door for me to step out where James was now just in tight fitting brief boxers. I giggled as he was getting felt up around his waist by the man who had greeted us earlier. I felt conscious in just a pair of underwear and bra and oversized tshirt, but James beamed at me.

"Hello!" James winked in his reflection. We finished up and were sent to the stage where they were awaiting us. I held onto James's hand with mine the entire time because I felt like every man and woman was giving me judgmental looks. There was a canopy bed much like James's own bed on a bedroom set that we were told to wait on as the director came over.

"We will be interviewing James later and his voice will be playing over the montage of you two together." The director told us. James and I nodded as he continued. "So we will be shooting this as you two reenact what you do in the mornings, teeth and hair brushing and then show you, Liz, getting dressed into jeans, zoomed in on you in our Hanes garments as you take off the white shirt and put on a sheer top that shows off the bra. Then we will have James put on a Hanes tagless shirt and jeans as well. There can be talking but just act happy and at home here. We will get shots of you two being cute and cuddly later." The director said as he then gestured for me to sit in a chair next to the 'window' in the set while James laid in the bed.

We shot everything the director needed under thirty minutes and they even let me sit in on the interview they were going to put of James over the footage of James and me before. I was now in a robe and James was as well as he sat in the chair I had for the commercial, but he was dressed now. "James, what first made you drawn to Liz?" The interviewer asked. James smiled with is hands folded nicely at his waist.

"Liz, ah, she was different. I mean, she obviously looks different compared to other women, she has piercings, tattoos, and she is gifted when it comes to those killer curves." James said shooting me a glance and a wink. "But, herself. Her soul and personality was different and they seemed to just draw me in." James said as if effortlessly.

"Do you think your relationship with her will always remain this way?" The interviewer asked. James nodded.

"Of course. We've need felt this way about another person before so I doubt that within time we could ever find someone who would be able to with stand the expectations we've built with each other." James explained speaking a lot with his hands.

"Some men, shy away from curvier women, why do you think that is?" The interviewer asked as I then became even more interested in James's answer.
"I would have to say, other men shy away from women who aren't as society says 'thin' because they listen too much to what society says. Every woman is beautiful, I've learned that being with Liz that she broadens my viewpoints on things and she makes me rethink what I think or say about people because I don't know what they've been through or what their lives have been like. She definitely makes me a better person. But most men look at woman first with their eyes, and not with an open heart. Men don't look at the woman's heart before looking at their souls. That to me is why I think it worked so well between Liz and myself. I was open minded about people the night I met her and I immediately fell for her." James said as the interviewer nodded his head.

"What would you say Hanes is trying to do with their new line of women's plus size apparel?" The interviewer asked.

"I think Hanes is trying to let both men and women know that there are all sorts of beautiful people out there and that they can be flawed, but the most gorgeous creature you've ever seen before. Hanes' line for women lets women like Liz out there know that they too are seen as beautiful as well." James said.

"Thank you so much James." The interviewer said smiling and then leaving James to leave on his own. James walked over to me and watched my face. I was smiling.

"You've listened to everything I've ever said and you've retained it." I whispered taking James's hand as I sat still.

James grinned and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "You've made me a better man." James whispered to me. We then headed to the photoshoot as James undressed again. We were told to do different poses as a couple or individually and most of them James would either tickle me or make me laugh from behind the camera or quietly in my ear. "Yeah, that one." James said to the assistant after the photographer told me I was done. James had on a robe now and was pointing at one of my pictures on the screen.

"That one?" I asked James as he turned dramatically and smiled.

"Don't look. I found the picture that will match Alexa's downstairs in your office." James said blocking my view of the computer. I rolled my eyes and we were free to go.

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