Chapter 18

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James had actually made Chinese noodles. He was actually a great cook. Once we finished, he did our dishes and I walked over grabbing the cleaned but still wet plates,'and dried them with a towel.

"Now who's domesticated?" James asked. I laughed and bumped him with my hip. He took that as an invitation to grab my wrist and pull me close. My breath stuck in my lungs as I held it. James then slowly, but passionately leaned down and stopping just short of my lips.

"Kiss me." I whispered. He smiled.

"As you wish." He whispered and kissed me. I dropped the just dried plate in the sink with the other dirty dishes. James then took a step or two closer to me causing me to be pressed against the counter and his body. I would say it was totally uncomfortable if it had been anyone other than James. His touch caused all my worries to fade. I gripped James's hair as he moved his lips down to my neck and I breathed heavily. His hands held onto my hips as if I was trying to get away, but one traveled up my body to my hair and he grabbed a handful, which with my staples was painful.

"Ow, ow. James..." I breathed. He pulled away immediately.

"Shit, sorry." He said catching his breath and taking a step back leaving me of his touch. I smiled shyly.

"It's okay." I smiled reaching for his hand. "I'm okay. We should probably slow it down a bit though until I don't have little pieces of metal holding my head together." I said to be taken as a joke. James smiled for a moment, but then seemed to get angry within himself again.

"Stop it." I whispered to him. He didn't respond in any way. "James, you didn't cause this." I told him. He shook his head ignoring what I just said.

"I could've prevented this from happening." He mumbled quietly. I sighed and looked down at my feet.

"Then I wouldn't be with you right now. I wouldn't have known you're really, really sweet, so sweet that you got eight bags of food just because you didn't know what I wanted. So sweet you combed and braided my hair this morning. So sweet that I'm lucky to have you in a time like this. Without you, I'd be over at Carlos and Lexi's listening to them either talking in baby talk about their love for one another or yelling about actual baby names." I said trying to ease the tension. James cracked a smile proving it worked.

"Do they really do either of those?" He asked. I laughed.

"Yes, on a daily basis, usually one after the other." I said making James and I both crack up. I sighed and took a step closer to James and rested my head on his chest. "You are my Superman." I whispered.

"Since when did you start calling me that?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"I had a dream while in the coma thing I was in. You wanted to stay with me and Carlos said you weren't Superman. But you are mine." I smiled. James shook his head.

"That wasn't a dream, you heard our conversation." He said. I shrugged. I really hadn't known if it was a dream or not so I just went with it being a dream, but James knows better.

We then went into the living room and watched a movie on the flat screen until we heard the door bell at four fifteen. I giggled excitedly and jumped up. They were here!

"Oliver!" I shrieked running down the stairs being followed by James as he was saying not to run too fast in case I lost balance. I made it safe and sound, but then James tripped on the last step. He skidded and then sat up. I gasped.

"Oh my God!" I said walking back to James. He shook his head with an amused look on his face.

"That's so embarrassing." James said hoping up. I squinted at him.

"You fell and you worry about me?" I asked, then I turned away and ran to the door. I swung it open and saw Carlos holding my little kitty. "Oh my God! Carlos! OLIVER!" I shrieked. Carlos knew to hand Oliver to me as he did. Oliver's purring was loud and I giggled holding him close.

"How are you?" Carlos asked me. I smiled and gave him a half hug.

"I'm fine. Where's Alexa?" I asked. Carlos nodded towards the canyon.

"She stayed home for this round. I'm getting your key, dropping off Oliver and then she'll drive your car over. That's when we'll talk." Carlos said as James limped over and handed Carlos my key.

"What happened to you?" Carlos asked James. James shook his head.

"Nothing man. Just get your girl and come back." He said annoyed sounding.

"Alrighty then." Carlos said winking at me and then turning around. James closed the door as Carlos drove away. I walked over to the bottom of the stairwell and put Oliver down on the floor. He sniffed everything in sight and then warmed up to James as he came to sit next to me. I leaned my head on James's shoulder.

"You are okay, right?" I asked James. He laughed embarrassed.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said with his arm around my shoulders. Oliver then reached up on James's leg and stretched. At first he looked cute but then he stretched out his toes as well and let his claws scratch down James's leg.

"Oh my God, your cat!" James said wincing. I giggled.

"Oliver, no." I said picking him up. "I know it's hairy underneath those pants, but it's not a scratching post." I whispered loud enough for James to hear and for him to act offended even though he was hiding a smile.

"You're so mean sometimes." James complained. I stuck out my tongue.

"Do you not remember the Jack Daniel's comment you made when you drove me home that Friday night? You said my breath reeked." I said in my defense. James laughed.

"The truth hurts." James said. I laughed and waved at him with Oliver's paw.

"Like kitty scratches." I winked. James rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later, Oliver really warmed up to James and actually let him pet him again. Then two cars pulled into the drive way. A very round bellied Lexi and Carlos got out of my car and Carlos's Jeep. I opened the door as James set Oliver on a chair.

"Oh my gosh! There you are! How are you doing?" Lexi asked. I smiled and shrugged.

"Fine. How's my non-biological niece doing?" I asked hugging Lexi. She pulled away and grabbed my hand.

"Hold your hand here and wait." Lexi said. She then turned to Carlos in the doorway and smiled.

"Okay, do it babe." Lexi said excitedly. Carlos smirked and walked close to me and Lex. Carlos then started to sing a random melody I hadn't heard before. I waited a moment and then a felt the baby kick. I gaped and then shrieked.

"Oh she kicked!" I said excitedly. Lex nodded and smiled ear to ear.

"She only does it when her daddy sings." Lex said rubbing Carlos's shoulder. I touched my heart with my hand.

"That's so sweet." I said overwhelmed with the cuteness.

"Better watch out there James." Carlos teased winking at him. James put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them. "She might be wanting one soon." Carlos then looked at me and smiled. I stuck out my tongue again like a child.

"If it's meant to be one day, then maybe." James said neither denying nor confirming our possibility, which made me smile. We hung around, Lexi freaked when I described the robbery to her when we were alone. I knew better than to talk about it in front of James or else he'd get all 'I could've saved you' on me. But that just showed he loved me right? Right.

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