Chapter 17

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James had been right. I had a big day. I had to deal a lot with the police, in a hospital gown, aside from identifying the guy who stole all my stuff. James had went back to my apartment, grabbed me a duffle bag full of clothes to choose from. "I trust your choices in fashion, James." I teased looking through them all.

"This isn't just for today. You're staying with me for a week." James said matter of factly. I raised my eyebrow.

"Really? And what about when I'm traveling with Alexa?" I asked him as he must've forgotten that part. James shook his head.

"The board post-poned the commercial shoot to next month. They heard about the accident and they wanted you to be in the best of health before you started working again." James informed me. I sighed disappointed. "You're still going and it's happening, don't get too bummed out there, little one." James said kissing my cheek as I sat on the hospital bed.

I picked out yoga pants, a two sizes too big hoodie which would've been six sizes too big for James even, and slip on shoes. "Perfect." James smiled taking the duffle bag off the bed and zipping it up. I hopped off the bed as James turned to face the wall. I got dressed and was finally happy to be warm.

"Awe, makeup bag." I whispered sadly. James then opened the duffle bags side pocket and handed me my makeup bag. I smiled. "Thought of everything?" I asked. James smiled with a wink. I sat on the bed and did my makeup just enough to hide the bruised left side of my face and give me eyelashes and glossy lips. I handed the bag to James as he put it away. He then pulled out a brush, but then frowned.

"Doc's coming to take the big bandages off and is going to check out the staples." He said. I gasped reaching back gently and touching the gaze around my head with my finger tips .

"I have staples in my head?" I asked. He nodded. "You are sure they didn't shave part of my head?!" I asked thinking he lied to me. He nodded, slightly amused that I would be upset about this most of all.

"I made sure they didn't shave any part of that gorgeous blonde hair." He promised. I glared at him.

"Better be telling the truth. I'm finding out where you sleep at night." I said. James winked. We waited about twenty minutes and then the doctor came in.

He did take off the bandages and checked on the staples. He put a cream on them so they wouldn't get infected and told me to come back in six weeks. Then we were free to go. James brushed my rats nest hair and actually braided it pretty well too. I sighed once we were in James's car. I felt safe in there as well. I fell asleep on the way to the police station, with my head on the window and my hand in James's.

"Honey, wake up." James said shaking my arm. I woke up slowly and squinted at the brightness.

"No." I decided and closed my eyes again. James chuckled.

"C'mon. We will get you something real for you to eat afterwards. Then we will go to my house and then you'll be free to sleep as long as you desire." James said. I groaned and sat up. James chuckled.

"What?" I asked. James then put down the visor and I saw I had a giant line going down my face from the window. "Don't laugh at me." I complained. James sucked in his top and bottom lips to keep from laughing any more, and looked out the window.

"Babe, come on." He said rubbing my back as the line faded shortly. I opened the door and got out. The morning breeze wasn't very enjoyable either.

"Why is it freezing?" I asked James as we entered the police station.

"You were freezing in the hospital the whole time. It was really cold in there." James explained pointing to an officer who stood at the sight of James and me.

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