Chapter 41

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John was much happier and seemed to be making friends because now he wasn't nervous to talk to kids at school. He had some boys over a lot doing homework or skating down the street to James's house and back. John even had a few girls come over to 'study' in the living room under mine or James's supervision of course. However, I feel like James wasn't watching them as much as I would have been. I wasn't stalking or like peering into the living room or anything, I was simply observing every half hour or so to make sure studying was actually happening. James would come in at the beginning, and then the end of the session, so a baby could've been made at any point with his observing skills.

"You're horrible!" I said teasing James as John had a few of his friends over in the backyard as James and I grilled steaks for everyone.

"Hardly! I remember my family doing what you were doing and it was embarrassing." James defended himself chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

"James, you're also not a father now are you? No. So your family is to thanks for not giving you the honor of teen parenting." I said touching his back and looking down at the grill. James laughed looking up at the sky.

"I didn't think of it that way." James said. I giggled.

"Exactly." I said taking a sip of my lemonade. This was probably one of the last times we could barbecue since it would be too chilly to stand out for too long after this weekend. So for now I moved a chair into the sunshine, with my bare legs in the sun. I sat with my eyes closed as I could hear John's friends talking as they threw a frisbee back and forth.

"Your sister was on that underwear commercial wasn't she?" One of the boys asked. James then closed the barbecue top for awhile as the meat cooked. He walked over and started nudging my feet with his. I giggled as we played our little game.

"Yeah, don't bring that up." John said most likely regretting what he said before about me flaunting what I had in front of everyone.

"She looked good. Your brother in law was that guy in his briefs too wasn't he?" Another one said. James then looked at the boys with his sunglasses on as he furrowed his brow.

"Is this as awkward for you, as it is for me?" I asked him. James nodded and then looked at me.

"Kid's lucky he's sixteen saying you looked good, otherwise, there'd be a problem." James said kneeling down and kissing me. I giggled at his jealousy.

"Oh my gosh, handle yourself." I joked pulling away. James then looked at me from above his sunglasses and winked before standing to man the grill.

"Alright boys! Dinners ready!" James said setting a platter of steaks on the outside table. The four of them rushed over, helped themselves as James and myself came in to eat.

"Do you know when we should start getting things done for the wedding?" James asked as we sat down in the dining room to eat as we heard the boys yelling and laughing outside the house. I shrugged and thought a moment.

"I guess that depends when we want to get married. I mean if it's closer yeah we should start now, but if you want a long engagement, then we should be okay for now." I said taking a bite of my side salad. James cleared his throat.

"I think closer is better." James said. I raised my eyebrow.

"Really? Why?" I asked. He shrugged.
"Well, if we wait a lot can happen between then and now, not that we will change, I just mean like around us, things change." James said. I nodded understanding where he was coming from.

"Do you know how close you'd like it to be?" I asked him. He nodded and looked down at his plate.

"Within the next three months." James said. I about spit out the food I have just put in my mouth.

"Are you kidding?" I asked him as I swallowed hard. James rubbed my hand and shook his head.

"No, I love you. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. I just want to be happy and together all the time." James said. I sighed at how sweet he was being but also because he wasn't a woman and he didn't know how much would have to be done when it came to wedding prep.

"I would have to find a dress relatively soon then so they could do anything needed to make it 'the dress', not to mention everyone else's apparel as well and the venue." I said as I tried to reason with him. He sighed and took a bite of steak.

"We can just have a small wedding in the backyard, or Carlos's backyard. John, PenaVega's, my parents, siblings, Logan, Terri, Kendall, and Dustin. That's all who we need there. We don't need anyone else." James said trying to persuade me. I stared at him in wonder.

"Why are you in such a rush to get married? I'm not going anywhere." I said to him in hopes to slow him down. He sighed again.

"I just want to be with you, forever. The sooner the better." He said. He was scaring me.

"James, tell me the truth. None of this beating around the bush with 'sooner is better'." I said taking a hold of his hand. He sighed.

"I don't want to wait till I'm almost thirty to have kids, or be married. I want to be there before I'm twenty five." James said. I had no idea how to respond.

"Why are you so worried about kids?" I asked him since he did have a weird fascination with when we'd have children.

"Because I don't think I can have any." He said.

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