Chapter 12

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James and I drove around until lunch time. We stopped at a cute little bistro close to the beach and strolled in. Of course James paid without even a chance for me to argue. We took our food and grabbed a table outside. The sun was at it's peak, but with the sea breeze, the wind previous to the sea being added and it getting closer to fall, the chill was absolutely unavoidable. We ate talking about our families this time.

"What's your family like?" I asked him. He took a minute to gather and then went on.

"Well, my dad and step mom are great people. My older brother is my best friend in the whole world, then I have a step sister and she has the most adorable little girl in the whole world, Emma, is her name. She's the best thing ever." He said sounding so proud. I smiled at his happiness. "What about your family?" James asked me, eyeing me smile about his family. My smile faltered immediately and he took notice.

"I have my parents and my brother. That's about it really. No aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, or in laws of any sort." I said sounding much more sad than I had intended to. James watched me for a second before talking.

"Do you not get along with your family?" He asked. I shrugged.

"As much as I would like to say we are a perfect family, I wouldn't dare lie to you." I said truthfully, looking to meet his hazel eyes, earning a sympathetic look from the beautiful man before me. "My dad and mom are constantly going on out one another, and my brother, well my brother's the normal one of the three. He has Aspergers, and people still treat him like shit. I feel so bad all the time, like I'm not helping him enough, but I just can't get how to help him. Ever since I moved out here, he's stopped talking to me." I said looking out at the sandy white beach. I could feel James's eyes on me. I slowly turned to face him again to see I was right. He frowned.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better what so ever, I don't speak to my mom." He said as if it hurt him to talk about her.

"Why not?" I asked. He shook his head.

"We'll save that wild ride for another day." He said waving off the conversation. I let it go, because obviously he didn't want to in fact talk about his mom. After that, James was pretty quiet.

"Do you want to skip the park and just walk along the beach?" I asked James randomly. His saddened face seemed to brighten a little more.

"I was hoping you'd ask that." He said. We took off our shoes and socks and walked along the tide. I carried my shoes in my left hand while my right clung to James's hand. We walked peacefully for a solid twenty minutes just admiring the beauty and each other's company.

"Today was pretty amazing." I told James finally. He smiled.

"Yeah, aside from the one minor setback." He said shrugging.

"I personally think that was pretty amazing too." I said in rebuttal. James gave me a questioning look.

"How? Those guys were jerks." James said sounding annoyed at the thought of them. I shook my head.

"What was amazing about that, was you. James, I've never had someone ever really stick up for me like that. You don't understand how amazing that was for me." I said finally realizing that I actually did feel that way, but also that I was grateful for being with James through that because many people wouldn't have done that. James stopped walking and tugged on my arm. I stood watching him as he did the same to me. I then closed the space between us and put my hands under his jacket for a simple embrace. His arms were then around me and his chin rested on the top of my head.

"I have been alone for so long, I forgot how good it feels to have someone's arms around me." I whispered hoping he had heard me, which he had. He loosened our closeness and looked down at me.

"Elizabeth, if you're with me, you'll never be alone again." He whispered lifting my chin with his fingers. I Felt my breathing increase as it in fact was happening. His face was closing in on mine and I couldn't bare the distance between our lips. As soon as we were millimeters away from having what I had been waiting for all day aside from the single moment of uneasiness outside the theater, thunder and lightning crashed above our heads. We both jerked our heads up to see the sky turning a grey color and my heart sinking along with any hope for that kiss in this moment. The rain started pouring and James grabbed my hand as we ran back to his car. We got in just in time before lightning struck a few feet away. "I guess I have to take you home now." James said sounding very disappointed. I thought a moment.

"Or we can go pick up some extra clothes for you, go back to my place, watch movies and order takeout if we get hungry later?" I asked not ready for this day with him to be over. James smiled and then reached for my hand. He grasped it firmly, but then ran his thumb across.

"Sounds like a date." He said winking at me. I felt those butterflies again.

We did as planned. James brought a pair of blue flannel pajama bottoms and a matching long sleeved shirt. I changed into a pair of pink and black flannel pajama bottoms and a black hoodie. I came out not expecting to match James as much as I did.

"Oh my gosh." James said looking at me from the bathroom doorway. I covered my mouth and started laughing. "I have to say, you do look mighty fine in those." He said wrapping his hand around my waist and leaning his forehead against mine.

"Since when do you say 'mighty fine'?" I asked giggling. James rolled his eyes.

"Since you walked into my life." He whispered. I smiled and eyeballed his lips. Maybe now was our moment. "Not now." He whispered, pulling his body away from mine. I frowned then, feeling as though we were going to play this game for some time before it would happen at the right moment for us. He took my hand and pulled me to the couch where we had put in a movie. We watched about three before I even got the slightest amount of tired. It was only six in the evening, but with the rain, it looked about midnight outside. There were flash flood warnings going around as well.

As the fourth movie started the door bell rang for the take out we ordered. I went to stand when James pulled me down and then stood up himself. "Gentleman." He bowed, but then grabbed his wallet and answered the door. He walked back with fresh Chinese food. We formed a table with my coffee table and leaned on the bottom of the couch for back support. James sat awfully close to me for just eating Chinese. As we finished dinner, we migrated back to the couch and got comfortable. James sat with his legs swung onto the other two cushions of the couch with his head on the arm rest of the couch. While he laid in a daze watching the movie, I found myself comfy between the back cushions, and James. My head rested on his chest and his arms wrapped around me protectively. My eyes just so happened to wonder to his face to see he was about to fall asleep.

"James, you can go lay in my room if you want." I whispered. He shook his head and took a deep breath. His arms then rubbed my back as if to assure that he wasn't tired. "James, please go lay in there if you're tired." I pleaded as he shook his head again. I rolled my eyes and sat up. I took the remote and turned off the tv. I stood up and then offered James my hand. He took it and we were both standing now. "Come now, sleepy." I smiled as I led the way to my room. James followed with his hands on my shoulders, giving me a short massage. I laid down on my usual side as James groaned sleepily as he laid down on the other side. I rolled to face him as he squinted through his dark lashes to see me. "Go to sleep." I whispered. James nodded and rolled into his back and waved me over. I snuggled my way under his arm and laid my head on his chest again. He then lazily kissed the top of my head as he mumbled.

"Goodnight." He mumbled. I smiled leaning up on my arm and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight." I whispered laying back down. Before I knew it, he was asleep, and then I was shortly after.

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