Chapter 9

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I spent the rest of the day with Kendall he sat on the couch with his feet on the coffee table and I laid my head on his chest and watched movies. I eventually fell asleep and Kendall's arms sheltered me almost. When I woke up, Kendall was moving. He was shifting uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" I asked sleepily. Kendall chuckled.

"I have to pee." He said truthfully. I started laughing and moved over so he could be released from my iron grip on his arm.
He came back in a minute or two as I situated myself on the couch and tried waking up.

"You don't have to get up, your pillow's back." Kendall said touching his shoulder. I smiled and stood. I walked over and stood in front of him.

"I don't spend the night before the first date, or even after the first date. Maybe the third if you really wow me." I teased as Kendall put his hands around my waist. I leaned into him. My head on his chest and my arms around his waist as well, I closed my eyes wanting to get back to sleep.

"Since that was your first kiss, I'm safe to assume you never, uhm, have spent the night with someone before?" Kendall asked then, a little awkward. I pulled my head from his chest as I stared up at his eyes. I didn't say anything, I just shook my head in response. He nodded in understanding. It was awkward now, standing in front of him, admitting to my being a virgin. It was weird. It was bad enough admitting my first kiss had been with Logan while drunk off my ass.

"I should get home." I whispered. Kendall pulled away and stuck out his lip.

"Fine." He mumbled. We broke apart as he grabbed his keys and I grabbed my things. As we waited for the elevator, Kendall's hand sneakily came in and grabbed mine. I hid my smile and giggled.

"What?" Kendall asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing. You're just a dork." I told him. Kendall then put his other hand on my waist bringing our body's close. He then leaned me against the wall next to the elevator. My breathing caught in my chest as I looked into his mysteriously gorgeous green eyes, but that made me remember a pair of eyes. James. James's eyes looking down at me flashed back and I was shocked by Kendall's lips on mine. I gave in and kissed him back, even if I had just been thinking about one of his best friends. Kendall eventually pulled away as the elevator appeared and opened. We walked in together and stood quietly, comfortable for Kendall I was sure, but confusing for me. Why was I worrying about James all of a sudden? We hadn't even talked that much. I mean he did hold my hair back as I vomited and I had fallen asleep on him first last night like how I had tonight with Kendall. James took care of me, so maybe I felt a connection to him just based on that. I didn't know. I just needed to be alone to clear my head. We drove in silence, Kendall pulled up to my apartment and then looked at me before I could get out.

"Yes?" I asked smiling to not lead him to think something was obviously wrong.

"What are we? Like in your mind?" He asked as I assumed he figured he'd ask this in case I was being a weird virgin who fell in love too fast for her own good. Oh shit, I thought. I smiled shyly.

"What do you want to be?" I asked trying to come up with a way to detour him from defining us.

"I think we just kissed tonight. We confirmed we had new feelings for one another, but we aren't exclusive or anything yet. Agreed?" He asked. Could he read my mind? I was relieved.

"Agreed. I mean, we haven't even been on a real first date yet." I said playing off the serious vibe with a playful one. Kendall smirked.

"'Yet' being the key word. What are you doing Monday night?" Kendall asked reaching and taking a hold of my hand. I thought a moment. I never had anything to do.

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