Chapter 4: Everything Must End

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Silence fell upon the four in the small room. Sigyn nodded, although she didn't seem too upset about it.

"Well, in my extraordinary long life, I have come to learn that all things will eventually come to an end one way or another."

"Thats one way of looking at it." Natasha agreed.

"Is that all you require of me?"

"Yes, thank you." Steve nodded. "But, I wanted to ask if you could stay?"

Sigyn's original mission came back to her mind, and the warnings of The Seer, before her coarse was altered when Steve called. Her heart fluttered and her adrenaline kicked in.

"No, I cannot." She spoke with urgency. It made Steve and Natasha furrow their eyebrows with concern. "I have another task to complete before—" she quickly cut herself off.

"Before?" Steve repeated curiously.

"—Nothing!" Sigyn's smile faltered at the mere thought of it. "I just wanted to say... goodbye."

"We'll see each other again." Steve chuckled lightly and tucked his thumbs into his belt.


"What'd you mean? Where are you going?" Bucky asked.

"It's where we'll all be going soon." says Sigyn starling the three with her words. "I don't know how long—"

"What are you talking?" Natasha warily rose from her spot on the floor. "There's something you know?"

"I am Asgardian, of course I know more than you think." Sigyn retorted and made a break for the exit. "This may be our final farewell, I wish you the best in your days."

"Final farewell?!" Steve blocked Sigyn exit path. "Sig, you can always come back and—"

"You're not listening to me, Steve Rogers!" Sigyn shouted, silencing Steve's protest. "I have a final task to complete on Midgard, before returning home to Asgard to live out my days with my family!"

"So... your not coming back?" Bucky faltered sadly.

"It was an honour to fight with all of you." Sigyn crossed her arm over her chest. It was daunting. To hear her words. They were going to be another small  phase in her life.

"And it was an honour serving with you." Bucky stands from his seat.

"Oh! Vali married and is expecting his first child." Sigyn relaid happily.

"Send him my best wishes."

"This is really the last goodbye?" reality finally seemed to hit Steve, he had tears in his eyes.

"Maybe." Sigyn corrected. "I cannot say for sure, but it most likely will be. Steve, I bid you farewell. Natasha, Bucky, I too bid you farewell."

"Well." Natasha smiled. "Gotta admit, I'll miss you."

"As will I." Sigyn stepped outside the small shack with the three following. Sigyn stopped and turned, her cape flowing behind her, she gave a small nod of acknowledgment which they returned.

"We'll keep honouring the gods." Natasha chuckled.

Sigyn laughed with her, "That would be nice. It has been an honour." And with that said, she turned on her heel and swiftly marched towards the outskirts of the sleeping village and disappeared from their sights.

Steve let out a shaky breath, the last thing he saw was Sigyn's back walk away for what could possibly be the last time.

Sigyn followed the trail leading out of the village into the forests of Africa, as she marched sown the dirt path, a strange noise caught her attention. She stopped to turn back to see nothing, but when she turned back again, strange sparks ignited and a portal opened up.

She stepped back cautiously, seeing an old antique building on the other side. Before she could summon her weapon or call out, the portal flew forward and passed over her body. She gasped and stumbled back as the portal closed trapping her inside the old building.

Inside was furnished from wood, and smelled like old books and antiquities. Cases of relics decorated the room and a massive circular window across the staircase held a strange design.

It was oddly quiet here. Sigyn looked around cautiously, ready for an attack, before a deep voice called,

"Sigyn of Asgard, daughter of Freya and Iwaldi."

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