Chapter 53: The Norns

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"The Norns." Sigyn greeted softly.

"Thee cometh seeking us?" said the first one, Wyrd.

"I did."

"Wherefore?" asked the second, Verdandi.

"I had nowhere else to go."

"So wherefore choose to seeketh council from us?" said the third, Skuld.

Sigyn took in a shaky breath. Their very presence was overwhelming. It was like their minds were linked, they spoke with each other, like they shared knowledge and information between the three of each other.

"You are aware of Ragnarok?"

"Aye..." said Skuld.

"... We art the ones that thread'd the string of events..." said Verdandi.

"... And those are still happening." said Wyrd. "Ragnarok is yet to be over."

"What do you mean?" asked Sigyn.

"We cannot sayeth. " did reply Wyrd. "If we toldeth thee woulds't fell the balance. Things wouldst not playeth out as those gents art meanteth to... "

"You carryeth a child..." said Verdandi.

"... all because we meanteth to beest. " Skuld concluded. Sigyn held her hands over her stomach. "Th're art still many a most wondrous things still to befall. "

"It is not why I came." announced Sigyn firmly. "I did not come to seek the future."

"... Then wherefore art thee h're?" Wyrd rounded Sigyn. "Why wend did through all the trouble to find us?"

"I want to know about Loki."

"The Trickster?!" Skuld said excitedly. "He wast our minion puppet. "

Sigyn bit her lip. She wanted to shout and curse them for speaking ill of Loki, but she was afraid they would alter her destiny. Wyrd casted Skuld a deathly glance from under her hood and stood to face Sigyn. "child, what doth thee wisheth to know?"

"Is he truly dead?"

Wyrd hummed with curiosity. "The Trickster has a... tricky string."

"He is dead." Verdandi said firmly and Sigyn's heart dropped.

"... For now." Skuld chuckled.

Sigyn looked up at the three hooded figures. "What does that mean? I want to know if there's anyway I can bring him back?"

"You're love for that gent is more than what we intended." said Wyrd. "No matter how many times we tested it, bent it, broke it... "

"... and even cut the string." Verdandi continued.

"... It at each moment mend'd itself. " finished Skuld. Sigyn's eyes fluttered between the three, they were avoiding her question.

"We see you're desperation..." said Wyrd.

"... We did enjoy testing thee both. " said Verdandi. "Enjoy'd playing. You've coequal cometh as far as to seeking us out..."

"... we shall grant thee what thee seek. "Skuld concluded.

Sigyn gazed between the three unsure. "There's no trick? No payment?"

"No." Wyrd stated firmly. "We hast tortured thee enough."

"How do I know you're not lying or not going to chance my destiny."

"You're destiny is already woven." said Verdandi. "Intertwined with many a other. It cannot beest undone...."

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