Chapter 20: Pretty Avenger

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Sigyn casually wondered the never ending twists and turns of the tower they were being held in. She acted as though she knew were she was going when in fact she was searching for Thor or Hulk, which ever one came up. She could only guess they might be on the top floors of the towers.

As she passed a two girls dressed in gold, platform heels and an odd shaped hair, she stopped them,

"Excuse me, do you know where to find the champion? I wish to congratulate him." Sigyn said innocently to the two girls. "The Grandmaster has given me special permission, But I have seem to have lost my way."

"Floor above, in the champions suit." one replied.

"Thank you!" Sigyn chirped and skipped towards the elevator and pressed the button and waited. That was a little too easy...

The doors opened and a squadron of guards exited, Sigyn stepped aside and waited until the elevator was empty before stepping inside. She pressed the button for the next floor up. She stood patiently until the doors opened again, she peeked her head out to make sure there was no one. She stepped out into the empty red and white corridor.

"Champion's suit?" she repeated to herself as she looked around. On the wall to her left was several signs pointing in different directions, her eyes trailed down the signs until an arrow pointing ahead said 'Champions Suit'. Bingo.

She followed the one way corridor she turned right and followed it down, she could hear voices in the distance. She kept going until it turned right against and down at the end of the corridor was a doorway where the voices where the most loud. She cautiously approached the room, the two familiar voices of Thor and Hulk sounded like they were arguing.

"Thor go!"

"I'm going!"

Sigyn could see Thor turn towards the door and before he could pass the threshold, a loud beep went off and a barrier lit up, electrocuting Thor. Hulk burst out laughing, "Thor, Go again!"

Sigyn cautiously approached the door; stepping over the half eaten fruit that was laying on the floor for some reason, but refused to pass the door in fear that she would get zapped. Thor rolled to the his side and stood up huffing in defeat.

"Hello, Thor." Sigyn greeted. Thor spun around with surprise and his eyes lit up at the sight of Sigyn.

"Sig! You have no idea how relieved I am to see you!" Thor smiled widely. "I need you're help to get me out of here."

"I don't think I can." Sigyn replied absentmindedly, she dared to wave a hand through the door and thankfully nothing happened and she was allowed to pass through. "You need a remote to turn that thing off."

"Pretty Avenger!" Hulk greeted, saying the Asgardian's name was difficult so he resorted to other names.

"Aww, why thank you, Hulk. Good to see you're alive." Sigyn approached the beast who sat on his bed. "How are things?"


"Ah, yes." Sigyn nodded in reply. "Can I talk to Banner? It's very important I see him."

"No Banner." Hulk replied. Sigyn pursed her lips and turned to Thor who just shrugged and folded his arms, kicking at the floor.

"How long has he been like this?" Sigyn asked. "How did he get here?"

"Two years, I believe, since he's been missing. And there's a quinjet." Thor replied happily and pointed out the window. Sigyn jogged towards the window and surely, outside was a quinjet.

"If we can get to that."

"We can get off this planet." Thor said. "Where is Loki?"

"He would have joined me, but since he's discovered the Hulk is here, he's suddenly adamant that we leave the planet." Sigyn explained.

Thor chuckled, "Of course."

"It brought him great delight seeing you get smashed by Hulk. He hasn't shut up about it."

"He's never going to let it down."

"Smash you!" Hulk yelled. "Tiny Avenger!"

"No!" Thor retorted. "I won that fight!"


Thor grumbled under his breath, "We need to get to Asgard! We need to get off this planet!"

"Don't forget, we cant just leave Banner here." Sigyn lowered her voice.

"I know." Thor nodded looking back at the Hulk. "Can't you just use your power and turn him back?"

"Before Ultron, the Avengers tried different ways to calm Hulk down, the lullaby worked efficiently, but as we discovered using my power only aggravates him further." Sigyn explained. "... We decided it was only be used as a last resort."

"Alright!" Thor groaned with annoyance. "What do we do?"

"Firstly, you need to get that disk out of your neck." Sigyn explained. "Secondly, we need to get to that quinjet, and lastly, Loki and I have a plan."

"Loki has a plan?" Thor repeated.

"We have a plan." Sigyn corrected. "Fear not, he's working on it... hopefully."

"Hmm." Thor hummed. "I'll have to find a way then."

Down the corridor, multiple alien voices could be heard talking loudly.

"I cannot delay, Thor. I must go." Sigyn says hurriedly and takes a few steps towards the exit.

"Wait! There's something you should know about that Scrapper!" Thor called after her. "She's a Valkyrie!"

Sigyn paused in her wake, "She's a what....? How can you be so sure?"

"I've seen the mark on her arm." Thor says. "We spoke before our battle, she somewhat admitted it."

"Things just might be working out for us."

Thor gives her a lazy salute as she turned to the door and jogged down the red and white corridor. She turned left following it back to the main halls.

Ahead she could see Scrapper 142 marching in her direction, and it was time she got answers. 

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