Chapter 70: A Chance Granted

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When only Sigyn returned on the platform, Sam shouted. "Where's Steve!?"

Sigyn looked around herself and worry swelled inside her chest. "I don't know. Something must be wrong."

"He flew right past his time stamp!" Bruce said in a panic flipping every switch and trying every alternative switch.

"Where's Steve?!"

"I don't know!" replied Bruce.

"Get him back." ordered Sam.

"I'm trying."

"Get him the hell back!"

"I said I'm trying!"

Bucky turned away knowing full well what Steve had done and he spotted a figure sitting on a bench out looking the lake. "Guys." he called their attention.

Sigyn who placed down the now empty briefcase, looked to the spot where Bucky was looking. There sat a man on the bench over looking the lake. she smiled knowing who the person was.

Together Sam and Bucky approached the figure, "Go ahead." said Bucky.

Sam approached the figure cautiously to find an old man sitting on the bench and oddly recognising him. "Cap?"

"Hi, Sam."

"So did something for wrong, or did something go right?" smiled Sam.

"Well after I put the Stones back, I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get."

"How'd that work out for you?"

"It was beautiful."

"I'm happy for you. Truly."

"Thank you."

"Only thing bumming me out is the fact about the world without Captain America."

"Oh, well, that reminds me." Steve bought around an object in a round case and unzipped it to reveal his shield. "Try it on."

Sam looked from Steve to Bucky unsure of what was about to happen and Bucky nodded in reassurance. Sam pulled up the shield and placed it onto his arms.

"How's it feel?"

"Like it's someone else's."

"It isn't."

Sam took in a deep breath with tears forming in his eyes, the role of Captain America had been passed onto him. A great honour was passed onto him. "Thank you. I'll do my best." and they shook hands, Steve clasped Sam's hand with both revealing the wedding band around his finger.

"That's why it's your's." said Steve.
"Wanna tell me about her?" Sam gestured to the ring.

"No." replied Steve. "No, I Don't think I will."

Sigyn smiled warmly removing the watch from her wrist and the suit disappeared leaving her in her armour. She handed Bruce the watch still smiling.

"Did something happen, Sigyn?" Bruce asked suspiciously.

"I hope." she replied turning to her son who looked confused. "We have one last stop to make before we go home."

"Where are we going, mother?"

"We're taking Asgard home. Something we should have done a long time ago."

and Bruce sighed heavily, "Does this mean we'll ever see you again?"

"Maybe. If you should need me, you know how to contact me." and she handed him the device Rocket gave her. "This is goodbye." said Sigyn. "Forever possibly."

"We're gonna miss you, Sig."



Don't. I'm gonna cry. 

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