Chapter 66: I Am Iron Man

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Carol Danvers landed in the rubble looking down at Peter who cowered with fear clutching the glove. "Hi, I'm Peter Parker." he introduced himself.

"Hi, Peter Parker." replied Carol with a smirk. "You got something for me?"

"I don't know how your gonna get through all that." said Peter motioning to the Chitauri army and handing the glove to Carol.

Sigyn came by his side and said, "Don't worry, boy." as her spear came returning to her hand.

Scarlet Witch landed by her other side followed by Brunnhilde who landed behind on her pegasus. General Okoye too joined, "She's got help."

Pepper landed in her Iron suit as Mantis and Shuri joined, soon followed by Hope who grew back into size as Gamora also joined them, all with the backing of The Vanir Fleet.

"Very impressive." complemented Carol.

"Why, thank you."

Several skiffs flew down from the skies, with Vali piloting one he called to his mother, "My Queen!" he motioned to an empty skiff. Sigyn leaped onto the sides of the skiff and swung her leg around the seat leaning forward and grasping the controls.

"Your orders, My Lady!?" called a warrior hovering a skiff beside her.

Sigyn looked around her at her companions and her army and to the Chitauri army ahead and commanded, "Fire."

Her army flew at her command firing endlessly upon the enemy with their Queen in the lead. She clutched the gears firing at the giant creatures and tearing up the grounds. The Fleet circled the skies firing upon the Chitauri Leviathans that flew the skies.

Sigyn released all her anger and rage into flying and shooting, skilfully weaving past mounds of rubble and Chitauri she never missed a target.

Carol flew past in a glow of light with the glove under her arm, flying towards Thanos with her fist.

Sigyn turned her skiff and followed after Carol with Thanos in her sights, her vision turned red for him. She released a war cry firing at Thanos who was unable to defend himself. The force of the furious energy that rained down on him sent him rolling back violently across the rubble and debris, tearing up the ground along with him.

Thanos threw his blade forcing Sigyn to pull aside as his massive double sided blades whizzed past, but it wasn't enough to stop the blades from slicing into the side of her skiff and bringing her down.

Her skiff crashed into the ground as Thanos blade flew over her head back into his hand, he swiftly turned and threw his blade at Carol who was flying away with the glove. The blade slammed into a brown van and exploded before Carol could reach the van. The force knocked her out of the air and sent her into a pile of rubble and separated her from the glove.

Sigyn's anger seemed the grow with every second Thanos took a breath. Her body shook with rage looking around at the damage he had already caused, looking around as her army was plucked out of the sky one by one.

"Mother!" shouted Vali as he flew to her. "Mother, are you alright?! What do we do!?"

"I'm fine." she growled lifting herself from her broken skiff. "Use the cannons on the Cruisers and send in the foot soldiers."

"Yes, ma'am." saluted Vali with a wide smile and shot into the sky.

Tony lunged himself at Thanos pushing him away from the glove and Thanos returned the favour and threw Tony from him.

Thor landed and swung his axe at Thanos as he reached for the glove and drove him back swinging his hammer and axe in hand, Thor threw away his hammer and turned to reach for the glove and Thanos grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. Thor turned and swung his axe for Thanos to catch in his hand. Thor called his hammer back to his hand and used it as leverage to push his axe into Thanos's neck who strongly resisted.

Steve jumped onto Thanos' back and helped to pull the axe towards Thanos bringing the blade closer to his neck by inches.

Thanos threw his head forward and head butted Thor knocking him back. He reached behind him and threw Steve over his head and landed a powerful punch and knocked him unconscious.

Thanos scurried towards the glove. He reached out for the glove only to be find a blade that pierced his hand. Thanos screamed with pain and rage and Sigyn ripped her spear from his hand and swung it across his face slicing his cheek and he fell back.

Thanos paused for a moment looking down at the gapping wound in his hand and touching the blood that dripped down his cheek. No one's ever been able to hurt him like this... He angrily jumped to his feet and swung a massive fist for Sigyn to duck underneath and drive her spear into his armour. Thanos lashed out his foot and she jumped kicking off his chest and pulling her spear with her.

"You took everything!" she screamed with rage and lunged her spear into his other foot planting him to the ground. Thanos cried out and ripped the spear from his foot and was met with unholy fire.

Several skiffs surrounded Thanos from above firing down upon him, forcing him to his knees. Sigyn spear returned to her hand and she ran towards Thanos while the cannons blasted him and at the very last moment they stopped in time to allow her to leap into the air holding her spear above her head as she brought it down into Thanos' back and threw his armour.

Thanos arched his back his mouth wide as Sigyn twisted her spear into his body. "All... just for... that." he managed to say.

"I want you to suffer like he did." she growled and forced her spear further into him. Thanos mustered strength and reached behind him, he snagged Sigyn's cloak and violently threw her into the air at one of her own skiffs. The skiff managed to lean aside to avoid hitting his queen, another skiff flew after her allowing her to land on top of the skiff safely.

Thanos painfully pulled the spear from his back and lunged it into the skiffs above him, destroying at least two. He limped to the glove and was finally able to pick it up, he slid the glove onto his hand and the Stones immediately took effect, their raw power climbing up his arm like it did Bruce. He screamed raising his hand bringing his fingers together.

"Shoot!" screamed Sigyn commanding her warriors. "Shoot!"

Carol made it in time and slammed into his fist and brought him to his knee, keeping apart his fingers with all her strength.

"Hold fire!" Sigyn stopped the shoot order in fear of hurting Carol, but quickly learnt not even Thanos head butting her would even faze her, she barely flinched. The shock on Thanos' face was evident enough, so he ripped the power stone from the glove and clutched it in his other palm and punched Carol sending her flying away in an explosion of purple power.

"Fire!" screamed Sigyn once more. As the skiffs turned their cannons to Thanos he fired the power stone towards them. "Retreat!" she ordered and they flew into the sky evading the blast.

Sigyn leaped from the skiff she stood upon and held out her hand for her spear. Thanos returned the power stone to the glove to have Tony try and pry the glove from his hand and Thanos merely slapped him away.

Sigyn landed on the ground again and ran towards Thanos as he raised his hand and brought his fingers together, "I am inevitable."

She refused to fail again, she wouldn't let him win again. "No!" she threw her spear towards him as he snapped his fingers with a smile and nothing happened.

The smile on Thanos' face dropped as he turned his hand over to find the stones gone. Sigyn's spear lodged into his side and he winced as blood seeped down his side. Sigyn came to a stop also confused when nothing happened, "What..."

The Stones climbed up Tony's arm and positioned themselves into his suit's hand and the power activated climbing up his arm. Sigyn's eyes widened she went into panic, adrenaline pumped her legs to run towards Tony as fast as they would allow, "Tony, wait!" she called hoping she would reach him in time.

"And I... am... Iron Man."

Tony clicked his fingers as Sigyn's hand grabbed his shoulder and a bright white light blinded them both. 

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