Chapter 64: Past And Future

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Sigyn ended up catching the edge of broken cement stopping herself from falling any further into the never ending hole that tunnelled into the Earth. She hoisted herself up to the edge and backed against the broken wall catching her breath. Had the snap caused this?

Sigyn looked up at the hole she had fell through to see no exit outwards, the entrance had collapsed on itself. "By the Norns." she cursed. Dirt and water dripped form any crack that it could dusting Sigyn in dirt.

"Cap?" she heard a voice call from above.

"Clint!" she called back recognising his voice.

"Sigyn?!" he called back shocked. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know!"

"Where are you?!"

"Below you."

Sigyn saw Clint's head peek over from above her shining a torch down, "Can you find a way up?"

Sigyn stood up carefully on the edge of the broken cement turning to climb up the wall using the cracks and broken rocks. "Grab on." Clint leant over the edge and extended his hand to her. She pushed herself up and found his hand and he pulled her up with ease.

"We have to find the others."

Clint shown his torch down the maintenance tunnel, "This way still looks intact." and he guided her inside the tunnel and amongst the fallen rock, they found the glove.

"Allow me." said Sigyn brushing off the debris and picking up the glove and tucking it under her arm. A low grumble caught their attention, Sigyn and clint casted each other strange looks. They weren't alone in this tunnel.

Clint knocked an arrow into his bow, he turned back and fired the arrow down the tunnel, the light of the arrow illuminated dozen's of creatures climbing around the tunnel.

"Run!" shouted Sigyn.

They turned the other way and sprinted with the creatures growling and howling after them. Sigyn and Clint jumped over debris and broken parts of the tunnel as the creatures chased them.

"Those are Chitauri!" yelled Sigyn.

"How's that possible!?"

"It could only mean on thing!" Sigyn jumped and turned throwing a dagger into the head of a Chitauri that came to close for liking and continued to follow Clint around a corner.

Clint reached into his quiver and pulled out an arrow and embedded it into a pipe as they ran along. A few seconds passed before the arrow exploded, the shockwave of the blast send both Clint and Sigyn flying out onto a crate.

Sigyn looked back at the fire and the few Chitauri the bomb killed. "That won't hold them. Move!"

Clint rose to his feet and fired an anchor into the ceiling high above them and then attached the wire to his belt. Sigyn shoved the glove into Clint's hand and her spear materialised into her hands as Chitauri broke threw the fire.

"Hold on." warned Clint and wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her up with him as the wire hoisted them upwards.

The Chitauri jumped up the tunnel after them and Sigyn swiftly sliced her spear through them cutting them down as they went up.

Clint ran up the tunnel wall and jumped up onto the platform, Sigyn skilfully swung her spear around and sliced the last Chitauri down as she landed on her feet on the edge of the platform while Clint landed on his back. She watched as the alien fell back to the bottom.

"Oh, hey." greeted Clint and Sign turned to see Nebula looming over Clint who held the glove.

"Nebula?" greeted Sigyn, there was something off about her as she reached down to pick up the glove and she said into her earpiece,

"Father, I have the Stones."


Sigyn aimed her spear at Nebula and Nebula aimed her gun back at her and an unfamiliar voice shouted, "Stop!"

Nebula turned pointing her gun at a women with green skin and red hair, "You're betraying us?"

"You don't have to do this." said Nebula's voice as another one stepped out from the shadows. Clint quickly rolled to the side and stood by Sigyn.

"I am... this." replied the past Nebula.

"No, you're not." said the green woman.

"You've seen what we've become." said the future Nebula.

"Nebula listen to her." said the green woman.

"You can change." said future Nebula.

"He won't let me." relied past Nebula and turned her gun to the green woman.


The future Nebula was quick to respond and shot her past self, watching as she fell. Sigyn marched over to the dead Nebula and picked up the discarded glove. She looked back at Nebula with clear confusion and then to the green women aiming her spear at her, 

"Who are you?"

"I am Gamora." the green women held up her hands in defence. "I'm here to help."

"How did this happen?" Sigyn motioned her head to the now dead Nebula.

"Thanos." was Gamora's simple reply. "I am not the enemy here, I'm here to help top him."

Sigyn eyed Gamora suspiciously and lowered her spear deciding to trust this Gamora.  "We have to reach the surface, I must send a signal for my army."

"You have an army?" asked Clint.

"I am Queen, of course I have an army and since we're assuming the snap worked, my army will now have been restored to full power, and if what Gamora says is true, we'll need them." 

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