Chapter 18: Contest Of Campions

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Loki and Sigyn entered into the Grandmaster's VIP watch area, it was bright and yellow with a big window to the show the arena where thousands of Sakaarian's had gathered for the main event.

"And now, without further ado." A massive projection of the grandmaster said in the middle of the arena. "It's main event time."

Loki and Sigyn walked in with arms linked, and immediately were offered drinks, Loki picked up two glasses and handed one to Sigyn. Loki excitedly dragged Sigyn passed a few people to try and get a better look out the window.

"This is his first appearance, and it's quiet promising. With little tricks up his sleeve!" The Grandmaster sang, "I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Lord of Thunder!"

On the floor of the arena, Thor entered, his hair had been cut short, with two red streak of paint going down the left side of his face. And he had been given knew weapons along with a shield. The crowd immediately booed.

"Watch out for his fingers, they make sparks." The Grandmaster commented. "Ok! This is it. Lets get ready to welcome this guy.... here he comes!"

Green puffs of clouds exploded around the arena while the crowd cheered and whistled. Suddenly, a loud rumble shook the arena as the arena floor lowered.

"He is the creature- what can you say about him? Well, he's big, there's nothing like him. I have a special connection with him."

Thor placed a winged helmet onto his head and pulled it down into place on either side of his face. The doors across the arena rumbled and began to open. Loki stood with a proud smile, laughing.

"He's undefeated, he's the man, he's the defendant."

Thor readied his shield and sword and stood in a protective stance, ready for a fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you! Your! Incredibleeeeeeee-!"

The creature burst threw the half open doors and screamed, "HULK!"

The smile on Loki's face dropped and picked up on Sigyn's face at the sight of the Hulk. But what really silenced the crowd was Thor's scream of delight,


The crowd instantly fell silent. Loki's hand quickly fumbled around to grab Sigyn's as he said with urgency, "We have to get off this planet."

Sigyn pouted sadly. "But I want to watch!" she teased.

They find Hulk after he had gone missing; on an alien planet, and mind you, had become the Grandmaster's beloved champion. And suddenly Loki wants to leave the planet? She found it so amusing.

Loki's hand closed around Sigyn's and he pulled her along with urgency trying to leave the VIP box, but Loki came to a sudden holt causing Sigyn to run flat into his back smacking her nose against his shoulder pads.

"Hey, hey. Where are you's going?" Grandmaster placed a hand on Loki's chest and pushed him back, Sigyn stumbled over her feet as Loki backed into her. On the Arena floor the Hulk chanted his name as the crowd cheered him on.

"Come and sit with me." The Grandmaster offered the long lounge to Loki and Sigyn. "Sit with your wife and enjoy."

"Aha." Loki chuckled nervously and sat on the farthest end of the lounge the with the Grandmaster at the other end, he took Sigyn's hand and pulled her down next to him so that she acted as a barrier between him and the Grandmaster. She sighed and sunk into the lounge and crossed her legs, her arm wrapped around Loki's. And together they watched the show unfold.

"Hulk! Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!" the crowd chanted while the Hulk waved his arms in the air. It was unusual to see Hulk dressed up as a gladiator with the spiked hair helmet and a kilt.

"Hey!" Thor waved his arm trying to catch the attention of his brother, Sigyn and the Grandmaster up in the VIP Box. "Hey! We know each other! He's a friend from work!"

The Grandmaster turned confused and shocked to Sigyn and Loki, all excitement gone from his features. Loki merely cleared his throat nervously, holding his fingers against his mouth, biting the inside of his lips. Sigyn also refused to make eye contact with the Grandmaster who stared at the two.

"Hulk! Hulk! Hulk!" the crowd continued to chant louder.

"Where have you been?" Thor asked the giant green creature. "Everyone thought you were dead! So much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer, like yesterday, so thats still pretty fresh. Loki... Loki, is alive! Can you believe it? And Sigyn is here too! They're up there!" Thor then waved up at his brother and Sigyn. "Hey, Loki, Sig! Look who it is!"

Loki just stared down with disbelief, his mouth agape. Sigyn meanwhile shook her head and let out a heavy breath with a slight smile. The Hulk just looked up and narrowed his eyes up at Loki.

"Oh, Banner, I never thought I would say this, But I am happy to see you." Thor says sincerely. The crowd just continued to chant the Hulk's name, which took his attention away.

"Banner! Hey Banner!?"

"No Banner, only Hulk!"

"What'd you doing?" Thor's eyes grew wide, "It's me, Thor!"

The Hulk took a running start and jumped into the air with a roar. Hulk brought down his two weapons and Thor rolled to the side as they struck the ground. The Hulk quickly stood and round house kicked Thor, destroying his shield and sent him flying across the arena. He came to a sliding stop with his dagger in the ground. He stood and whipped out his two swords.

The Hulk roared and smacked his two weapons together.

"Banner, this is crazy. We're friends. I don't wanna hurt you!" Thor tried to plead. The Hulk only jumped towards Thor and swung his weapons at Thor who deflected them. He smashed down the hammer, bending Thor's swords and then kicked him across the arena and into the wall.

The crowd cheered with delight and excitement.

"Here we go." the Grandmaster adjusted his position on the seat. Thor jumped out from the hole he created as the Hulk threw his hammer into the wall. The Hulk ran towards Thor with speed and pulled up his axe ready to kill.

Thor jumped up to the hammer stuck in the wall and grabbed the handle, he waited until Hulk got closer before pulling the hammer out of the wall and smashed it across his body and send him smashing across the arena wall.

The crowd booed and oohed.

"What?" the Grandmaster mumbled to himself with shock. 

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