Chapter 24: Revolution

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"Alright." Sigyn says as she walks along beside Valkyrie with Bruce struggling to keep up. "What's you're plan?"

"Draw away the guards." Valkyrie explained.

"We can either seduce them or kill them." Sigyn suggested with a smug smile.

"I'd prefer option two."


Bruce, who straggled behind spoke, "What if we just created a distraction and we don't have to kill anyone."

"Really, who is he?" Valkyrie asked.

"It's a very long story we don't have time for." Sigyn replied. The two women backed themselves into a wall, Sigyn peered around to see guards that roamed the palace floor. She looked around the markets, trying to spot something she could make work.

"So now what?"

"Just watch." Sigyn says, her blue eyes land on a series of barrels most likely filled with fuel. Feeling her Seidr flow threw her body she held up her hand, her fingers twisted and a golden mist formed.

"Sorceress." Valkyrie muttered. "Should have known."

Sigyn rolled her fingers together creating a small ball of Seidr, and flicked it in the direction of the barrels, once she the ball of magic hit one of the barrels and exploded as a golden mist, she flicked her wrist and it ignited.

With a loud explosion, the barrels went up in flames and created a chain reaction setting off the others. The people around screamed and fled as the guards ran into action.

"Nice." Valkyrie commented. "Lets go."

Sigyn and Bruce followed Valkyrie as she led them towards the palace floor zone where her ship was parked. Upon command, the ship activated and opened, the stairs rolling out allowing the three to board. Valkyrie sat in her pilot chair, Sigyn on the left and Bruce on the right.

Alarms then rang throughout the palace and Sigyn sighed heavily, "Leave it to them to alert the entire planet." she cursed Thor and Loki. The ship roared to life and they took off as did hundreds of other ships.

A projection of the grandmaster appeared in front of palace, "Loyal Sakaarian's. Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favourite champion. Sakaarian's take to the skies. Bring him down. Don't let him leave this planet."

Valkyrie skilfully flies the ship, until she see's a bright yellow ship being fired at and follows it.

"There it is!" She announced. She flies behind the ship attacking Thor and Loki and fires, blowing the ship out of the air.

"Good shot!" Bruce applauded.

"Thanks." Valkyrie pressed a button on the seat behind her head and said, "Open the doors."

Thor doors under the ship that Thor and Loki stole opened and the roof to Valkyrie's ship opened as she flew under the stolen vessel.

"I hope you're tougher than you look!" Valkyrie yelled out over the roar of the winds at Bruce.


Bruce's seat ejected him, sending him flying straight into the air and into the ship above them. Shots then rang out and hitting the ship. 

Sigyn stood up on her seat and leaped into the air, she flew up into the ship above and gracefully stepped onto the platform of the ship.

"Where are the guns on this ship?" Thor's voice said.

"There aren't any." Valkyrie replied over the intercom. "It's a leisure vessel."


"Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff."

"Don't touch anything." Thor mumbled.

Sigyn grimaced at the thought. She approached the cockpit of the ship, there was Bruce and there was Thor, but no Loki.

"Where is Loki?" She asked suspiciously.

"Uh... about that." Thor replied. "He set off the alarms, so...." he trailed off.

"You left him there!?" Sigyn shot, both anger and annoyance filled her chest. She was not surprised that Loki tried to betray Thor, but she was mad that he would betray his word to her.

"You know what he's like." Thor shrugged. "He'll find a way back to you."

"You better be right."

Valkyrie's ship flew past them with the assault ship still raining shots at her, before they knew it, the ship exploded.

"No!" Thor and Bruce yelled as they watched the ship explode in front of them. A figure came flying threw the air. Valkyrie hit the ships windows and held on tight.

"Get inside!" Thor ordered.

"In a minute!" she yelled back and disappeared from view.

"We should probably go and help." Thor says to himself. "Here take the wheel!" he stood up from the pilots seat and pushed Bruce into the seat.

"No. I don't know how to fly one of these!" Bruce protested.

"Use one of your PHD's." Thor suggested.

"None of them are used for flying alien spaceships!"

Sigyn let herself fall from the open hatches in the ship, she landed on the ship flying below and conjured her spear. She drove her spear into the engines, causing it to spark and smoke and the ship lost all function.

Several shots hit the ship she stood on around her, she looked at the ship that followed and she leaped over the guns and onto the roof. She drove her spear into the metal of the ship and dragged her spear along the roof as she ran along. The ship's engines blew and she jumped onto the next.

She skilfully slid across the window and drove her spear into the pilot. The ship immediately fell from the sky. She pulled her spear out and jumped onto the last remaining ship that Thor had already claimed, he ripped open the hatchet and pulled the pilot out of his seat. Valkyrie then joined the two, she kneeled down to the controls and willed the ship to speed up to catch up with their own stolen ship.

Once close enough, the three jumped up threw the open doors. Thor and Valkyrie came inches apart while Sigyn had already made her way into the cockpit.

"Guys where coming up on the Devil's Anus." Bruce announced. Sigyn sat into the vacant seat and took hold of the controls, Valkyrie released Bruce of his position and sat in his seat.

Sigyn and Valkyrie casted each other glances, Sigyn smiled warmly and turned her attention back onto the portal ahead.

"Buckle up." Sigyn ordered the men. They sat in the passengers seat behind the pilots seat and pulled the belts on.

"Going full speed." Valkyrie pulled forward a lever and the ship flew forward into the clouds and debris the portal whipped up. All four where pushed back into their seats. Both women had the controls down as far as it could go to allow for maximin speed and control as they dodged massive pieces of debris.

The debris constantly rained down on the ship and slowly they picked up more speed, the force pushing them back into their seats. Faster and faster they went, and the brighter the light got. Sigyn was forced to shut her eyes and allow her body to be pushed back into her seat instead of fighting it.

In a bang, the portal spat out their ship into ship. They trailed along, all passengers on board unconscious, the ships lights inside flashed a light red and the controls acted on their own.

Bruce was first to come to, he looked out the window at the thousands of stars that littered the sky. Next was Sigyn and Valkyrie who's eyes shot open, and Thor shortly followed.

Sigyn looked ahead and relief filled her chest, ahead was Asgard.  

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