Chapter 68: The Time Is Near

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"Everybody wants a happy ending, but it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope that families are reunited, I hope you get it back of something like a normal version of the planet that's been restored. If there ever was such a thing. God what a world, and universe now. 

If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone to this extent, I mean I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on! Who knew, that epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in." spoke Tony's voice from a projection playing from his Iron Man helmet in his home living room to his family, and Morgan who still didn't quite understand what was happening.

"So I thought I better record a little briefing incase of an untimely death, on my part, not that death had any time as untimely. This time travel thing we're gonna try tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about survivability and... that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to." 

The projection of Tony stood up from the seat he was sitting on and approached the helmet, leaning down to look ahead at his family. "I love you three thousand." smiled Tony and the projection switched off.

When Pepper finally emerged from the house with her daughter hand in hand, and a bouquet of flowers in her other hand, along with Happy and Rhodey following behind, she greeted the guests with a sad smile.

Sigyn stood closest to the lake adorning a black dress and complicated braids, beside her stood Vali also wearing traditional black armour, and Frigga who he held in his arms.

Above the lake in the skies floated The Vanir Fleet, waiting to escort their Queen home.

They watched as Pepper walked to the end of the dock and knelt to place the bouquet onto the lake's water and allowed it to float away. On the bouquet sat an arc reactor with the words 'Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.'

With her stood Rhodey, Happy, Steve, Peter, Aunt May, Thor, Bruce, Doctor Strange and Wong, Scott, Hope, Janet and Pym, The Guardians, T'challa, Shuri and Okoye, Bucky, Sam, Scarlett, Hawkeye and his family, Harley, Carol Danvers, Nick Fury. All mourning for Tony Stark and in some way, Natasha too.

Morgan who adored the giant floating ships in the sky turned to her mother, "Can we go?"

"No, baby." smiled Pepper sadly crouching to her daughter's level. "But you see her?" she pointed to Sigyn. "She owns those ships. She's been wanting to meet you."

"That's daddy's friend." smiled Morgan.

"Yes." Pepper chuckled cupping Morgan's cheek. "Let's go say hello." she took Morgan's hand guiding her to Sigyn. The closer they came the more excited Morgan became, she had action figures of each Avenger and loved listening to the stories her father told her. She loved Sigyn the most.

Morgan's hand ripped from her mothers and they ran into Sigyn's leg hugging her tightly and smiling wildly up at her her. "Oh, hello little one." greeted Sigyn.

Morgan laughed and jumped excitedly, "Hi."

"You must be Morgan, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"What do we say?" said Pepper.

"Thank you." replied Morgan with a sweet smile and it made Sigyn smile.

"Frigga, why don't you come and say hello." called Sigyn. Frigga who shyly hid behind her own mother's leg slowly came out of hiding and gave Morgan a small wave and Morgan waved back enthusiastically.

"Do you wanna be friends?" asked Morgan and Frigga looked up to her mother for reassurance and Sigyn nodded to encourage her. Frigga came out of hiding and said, "Okay."

Morgan giggled excitedly and motioned for Frigga to follow her, "I want to show you my room!" and together they ran for the house, but Morgan quickly stopped in her tracks and ran back to Sigyn and signalled her to lean down.

Sigyn looked to Pepper who shrugged and leant down to the little girl, "Yes, little one?"

"I have something to say." she cupped her hands to Sigyn ear and whispered, "Mommy says that my daddy's in the stars. When you go back can you tell him I said 'I love you three thousand back!"

"Of course." Sigyn pinched her chin. "I'll make sure to tell him." and Morgan excitedly ran back to her new found friend, taking Frigga's hand and leading her inside their house. 

Tears filled Pepper's eyes watching Morgan run away, "I didn't think she understood what I said."

"Children have a funny way of surprising us."

Morgan and Frigga reemerged onto the porch with a pile of toys collected from Morgan's room, they laid out their adventures and played together. "Do you want to see my magic?!" asked Frigga and Morgan nodded. Frigga tried with all her best to disperse a puff of green magic and all that came was a few sparkles and still Morgan awed with wide eyes. "Cool!"

Vali looked on his sister proudly when Peter approached him, "Hey." he greeted softly.


"I'm, uh, Peter Parker."

"Vali Lokison." they shook hands. "My mother has never mentioned you before."

"I'm... SpiderMan." said Peter sadly. "Tony was..."

"I understand. I lost my father too."

Peter managed to push a friendly smile forward and the two boys stood in comfortable silence and possibly as knew friends.

Happy sat on the porch chair over the two little girls and asked, "How you doing, squirt?"

"Good." replied Morgan. "This is Frigga."

"You good, okay? Nice to meet you. You's hungry?" asked Happy and both girls nodded. "What do you's want?"


"You know your dad liked cheeseburgers."

"What's a cheeseburger?" asked Frigga curiously.

"Yummy." said Morgan.

Happy smiled down at Morgan and her knew friend. "I'll get you all the cheeseburgers you want."

Sigyn approached Doctor Strange who spoke with Wong and interrupted, "Apologies, Doctor Stephen Strange."

"No, don't be." he turned to her. "How can I help?"

"I, uh." she nervously fiddled with her fingers. "You know most about time, yes?"

"Yes, what are you asking?"

Sigyn inhaled sharply, "If I was to return to a place in the past and bring back an object, would it effect the now?"

"Would said object be Loki?" inquired Stephen Strange with a raised eyebrow.

Sigyn looked up, "I know..."

"Bringing someone back from the past to the now could have effects. Dangerous ones."

"No, I spoke with The Norns they said the rules of time and death don't apply to Loki, it's other's I'm worried about, the fate's and destiny's of other's."

"It's a tricky question. Hard to say." implied Wong. "What else did The Norns say?'

"You are familiar?"

"I've read about them."

"They said I would have one chance and I would know when that time came, but I'm not too sure, I haven't felt anything to know. I don't even know how I'm supposed to know."

Stephen hummed curiously, "The rules of time and death... try going back to the moment before he died."

It was like the idea presented itself before her. Her head perked upwards and Stephen smiled with a nod. He turned on his heel and stepped through a portal opened by Wong leaving her to reminisce in her thoughts.

The moment before, she thought. Could this be her chance? Could this be it? She spun on her heel and called, "Bruce!" 

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