Chapter 48: Sons of Loki

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Even though Sigvard was dead and buried in the crypts below the palace, and her father had returned to the palace, and Sigyn now every right to climb the steps to the throne, she didn't. Her son was still missing.



"Only the realm will choose if you are worthy enough to rule it." he explained. "Step outside, allow the winter to lift."

"Father, I don't know if I can." Sigyn's voice broke as a tear slid down her cheek. "I couldn't protect the Asgardian's, I've lost the only person who really meant anything to me, and now my son is still missing. The last thing I have left..."

"You have me. And your people. I have faith in you."

Sigyn prayed to the Norns as she entered out into the courtyard, that the winter would not lift. She didn't feel worthy enough to rule.

She dragged her feet through the thick inches of snow gazing into the sky as the snow rained lightly. It was beautiful to watch, but the summer was long overdue.

 Sigyn's handmaidens waited patiently at the doors with thick coats on as the princess wondered deeper into the garden

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Sigyn's handmaidens waited patiently at the doors with thick coats on as the princess wondered deeper into the garden. They waited eagerly for the snow to lift.

Sigyn's hand grazed over a dead bush and it was like the warmth transferred. The snow around her feet melted and the clouds in the sky slowly began to move away. The light was finally able to break free from behind the clouds and warm rays touched the land and melted the snow.

Where the snow melted, the grass grew back a bright green. The bushes returned to life as their leaves grew back. The dead tree's lifted as their leaves grew and the flowers blossomed. The frozen rivers cracked open and began to flow. The frozen waterfalls crumbled as the water ran once more. The creatures began to come out from hibernation and birds soared the skies again.

People in the city began to wonder outside again in wonder and awe, watching as the winter faded and the summer came in. It was magical to watch the realm turn from dead and cold to warm and alive.

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