Chapter 55: Five Years Later

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In the gardens of the palace, a little girl with wavy white hair chased a butterfly. She giggled and held out her hands trying to catch the creature. 

Stumbling over her own feet she fell into the soft grass and watched as the butterfly flew over the hedge

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Stumbling over her own feet she fell into the soft grass and watched as the butterfly flew over the hedge. The little girl pouted.

In a golden mist, more butterflies appeared around her. Her laughter sparked again as the colourful creatures fluttered around her head. She rose to her feet trying to catch them, when her hand fazed through one they disappeared in a puff of yellow mist.

The little girl opened her hand to find no butterfly and wondered where they had gone, when a hand reached around and a white daisy flower appeared before her. The little girl looked up to see her brother.

"For the little lady." said Vali.

Sigyn watched from afar standing on the garden's path in a silk dress that interlaced around her body with a golden shawl and her crown wrapped into her hair. She watched as Vali picked up little Frigga and swung her around to hear her laughter. Her wavy white hair flying in the wind with her little gown. She could imagine Loki by her side with their arms locked together, she pushed the thought from her mind and called out,

"Vali! Frigga!"

"Yes, mother?!" called Vali and stopped spinning.

"It's time for her lessons!"

Vali set down his sister and knelt to her level, "I'll race you there, winner gets a horse ride."

Frigga cheered and took off running into the palace, Vali waited and watched as she disappeared inside and lightly jogged after, "Oh, no! How are you so fast?!"

Vali mourned his lost wife and child even though he never shows it. He always made sure to keep Frigga happy and smiling, always finding ways to entertain her. It kept his mind off things.

That was when a guard approached her. "My Queen."

"What is it?" she turned to face the guard who bowed with respect.

"Two alien creatures demand an audience. They claim they're friends."

"Their names?"

"They didn't say, My Queen."

Sigyn pondered the possibilities for a moment. Without a doubt, it wasn't Thor or Brunnhilde. It may possibly be one of the Avenger's, but there was no way for them to come here. She strides past the guard who bowed as she passed and followed behind her. Sigyn marched into the palace and strided down the long corridor. She turned right and followed it until it turned left. She followed it to the end and emerged from a door behind the throne. She rounded the throne to find a squadron of the queens guard surrounding Nebula and Rocket.

"What brings you here?" she sat on her throne crossing her legs and resting her arms on either side presenting all power and authority of a Queen.

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