Chapter 36: Destroy The Stone

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Sigyn laid on a table under the spiral stairs of the lab, scanners ran over her body healing her injuries. While an assistant cleaned the blood and dirt from her face with a wet cloth. Steve stood close by Sigyn, feeling the need to watch over her. Hundreds of thoughts ran threw his mind, the main thought was what happened out there? Where was Thor? And why would she call for Loki?

Meanwhile, Vision laid on another table while Shuri scanned his head with her bracelet to get a three dimensional hologram of the Stone.

"The structure is pulling morphice." Shuri said surprised, while Bruce stood on the other side of the table.

"Right, we had to attach each neurone non-sequentially." Bruce explained.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synopsis to work connectively?" Shuri asked like it was obvious. Vision turned his head questionably at the Scientist.

"Cause we... didn't think of it?"

"I'm sure you did you're best." Shuri smiled with victory.

This was no time to play games or make jokes. "Can you do it?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurones here, one miss alignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. It will take time, brother." Shuri informed her brother, who nodded understandably.

"How long?" Steve asked from across the lab.

"As long as you can give me."

"If we're going to fight, we need her awake." Steve gestured to the sleeping Asgardian. "We need questions answered."

"I already told you," Bruce said frustrated. "This is the work of Thanos! He did this! And imagine what he'll do when he gets here."

"Which is why we need her awake."

Wanda nodded and marched towards the sleeping Asgardian. She understood what she needed to do. "I'll wake her."

Wanda rounded the table, examining the troubled features of the princess. She extended her hand to Sigyn's forehead and a little red mist formed from her fingers.

Wanda was delved into her mind, immediate flashes of the recent events played out in her own mind.

She gasped loudly, catching the attention of the others.

Wanda saw the destruction of the Asgard as it blew up before her eyes. She could hear the screams and cries of the Asgardian people as they were murdered. She could see they're struggles and the fight to stay alive as their vessel was torn apart.

Tears formed in her eyes as she watched the horrific event threw Sigyn's eyes.

"Her brain activity is going berserk." Shuri called worriedly while she monitored the Asgardian on her device.

Tears formed in Wanda's eyes as she continued to watch. One moment she was beside Loki, looking at who she guessed was Thanos, the next she was being held by something she couldn't see. The Tesseract made a brief appearance.

The next moment, Hulk was fighting before he was struck down and was sent away with the Bifrost.

Another moment showed Loki confronting Thanos, before Thanos had his hand around his throat. Wanda was overcome with fear and sadness as Thanos crushed Loki's neck. Hearing Sigyn's screams, Wanda cried out as tears slipped over her cheeks. Vision was up from the table he laid on in seconds but was stopped by Natasha.

Before she knew it, Wanda was hovering over Loki's body begging him to come back before a bright bang exploded before her eyes.

Simultaneously, Wanda stumbled back as Sigyn shot up from the table with a loud yelp. Sigyn fell from the table and in a frantic attempt to escape, she lashed out, still thinking she was fighting for her life.

She conjured throwing daggers and threw them without aim. They flew all over the room, forcing people to duck and the Dora Milaje to surround their King and the princess.

"Whoa!" Steve shouted as a knife flew past.

Sigyn stumbled and fell, she fell onto a table knocking the equipment over. "Come on-!" Shuri complained, but was stopped when T'challa held out a hand. Everyone watched her moves carefully.

Sigyn held onto the table tightly, her body shook as she soon realised, she wasn't in danger anymore.

"Everyone stay calm." Steve edged closer to the frightened Asgardian warily. "Sig?"

Sigyn stood back up to her feet on shaky legs, still gripping the table. She blinked the tears from her eyes several times and slowly turned to the people in the room. Everyone was on guard or hiding.

"Sigyn. It's us." Steve called her attention. "You're safe here."

"No." Sigyn's voice chocked as tears swelled in her eyes. "Where am I?"

"You are in Wakanda." T'challa stepped out from the protective circle. "I am King T'challa."

Sigyn furrowed her eyebrows, she remembered Steve told her of this place. She looked down at her leg remembering the wound, but she only found that it was healed and her leg was bound in a black cloth, her dark blue leather pants were stained in her blood from the wound. The ends of her cape burned, ripped and stained in blood.

"I healed you." Shuri announced proudly. "Using advanced technology and Vibranium."

Sigyn scanned the room of familiar and unfamiliar faces, until her eyes landed on Vision and the Stone in his head. Her eyes narrowed on the Stone as she was filled with rage. All of this happened... because of that rock. 

In seconds she was across the room with her spear in hand. The Dora Milaje were too slow to act. Wanda cast out her hands catching Sigyn's spear inches from Vision's head, who made no attempt to stop her.

"Don't." Wanda warned.

Sigyn fought against the magic, "Destroy it." she said as a tear slipped down her cheek. "Before it destroys us. Please.... it has to be destroyed."

"I understand your pain." said Wanda.

"You understand nothing!" Sigyn cried. "I am Sigyn, Princess of Asgard. Daughter of Freya. Goddess of Fidelity, and wife of— It is my sacred vow to protect the Nine Realms. I will be damned before I allow Thanos to kill us all."

"I've been inside your memories." Wanda announced. "I've seen what he has done."

"Then you know what Thanos has done to my people!" she shouted, trying to contain her cries. "You've seen what he will do.... destroy the Stone before it's too late."

"We can remove it!" Natasha said quickly. "You don't have to kill him. Put the spear down."

The room was still for a moment. Sigyn stared into Vision's vibrant eyes and the sadness they held. Sigyn faltered, the spear dematerialised and everyone released the breath they were holding.

Sigyn turned to face Bruce, before she could speak, he enveloped her in a tight hug. "I am so glad you're alive."

Sigyn remained silent, she couldn't say the same thing, dying with her people may have been better. Bruce pulled away from the hug, patting Sigyn's shoulder he says, "I know what Loki did for Asgard. I'll defend his memory till I die."

That statement made nearly everyone in the room, who either fought Loki, or watched the attack on Tv, raise an eyebrow.

"I'm so sorry we didn't listen." Bruce said. "Loki's attack- it was all Thanos. We know that now."

"Thank you, Bruce." Sigyn smiled warmly.

"If you don't mind filling us in?" Steve asked tucking his thumbs into his belt. "What happened? Where's Thor?"

Sigyn's eyes examined the room. She recalled Steve telling her about the fight he had with Tony, she was not at all surprised to find he was not here.

"Asgard is no more."

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