Chapter 42: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust

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Sigyn stood facing the windows in the Avengers compound with her hands balled up to her chest and tried tears on her cheeks. Her braids were undone and her hair was a wavy mess.

She stared out into the night waiting. She wasn't sure what she was waiting for, perhaps the surviving Asgardian's to return with Loki onboard. Or nothing at all. But she waited every night for nearly three weeks.

She had no way of knowing if her only son was alive. If her father or mother or sister were alive. No way of knowing if the last surviving Asgardians survived the snap.

No way of knowing if this was another one of Loki's tricks.

She was sure the Nine Realms were in chaos... or what was left of them. Rather the entire universe.

The compound began to rumble under her feet. Sigyn's tired blue eyes narrowed at her reflection in the shaking window. She looked up into the sky to see an unfamiliar ship with a glowing source underneath it. Her heart jump for a moment thinking Valkyrie returned with the remaining Asgardians.

She watched as Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Rocket, Rhodey and Pepper ran outside to greet the strange ship as it landed in the yard.

Tony Stark emerged from the ship, weak and fragile followed by another figure. Sigyn sighed almost disappointed.

Bruce's voice called from down the corridor "Sigyn! We could really use your help!"

She waited a moment before turning on her heel and marched through the compound. She skipped down a flight of steps and found Pepper helping Tony walk through the door.

"Hey, hotshot, long time no see!" greeted Tony and stumbled. Sigyn caught Tony in her arms and helped Pepper hold him upright.

"You've been in space for three weeks?" She questioned and placed the back of her palm to his cheek to feel how cold he was. The bags under his eyes were sunken and purple and his bones stuck from his body unnaturally.

"We could use your help brining him back to life a little." Bruce asked kindly.

"I'm afraid I don't have the energy to spare." Sigyn replied. "I'm sure your technology could help more."

"No, of course."

"Take him to the Infirmary." Sigyn motioned to Bruce who took her place.

"I'm surprised to see Reindeer Games isn't with you." Tony said as Bruce and Pepper dragged him away.

"Tony!" warned Pepper.

Sigyn closed her eyes for a moment and released a deep breath. She fiddled with the jacket zipper Natasha was kind enough to lend. She had to change from her torn up and bloodied outfit.

A women with short blonde hair stepped beside her and Sigyn turned her gaze onto the women who wore a tight blue outfit with red lining and a golden star.

"Carol Danvers." the women introduced with a small smile.

Sigyn didn't respond and instead followed after Bruce, Pepper and Tony. Carol glared after the smaller white haired women. "Don't mind." said Steve. "She's lost a lot more than any of us combined."

Carol's stare softened hearing those words. "What did she loose?"

"Her home. Her people." Steve said softly watching as Sigyn walked up at the stairs. "Thanos came for them, killed them all, including her... Come on, I'll show you a place to stay."

Sigyn entered the infirmary where Tony was laid on a bed with Bruce hooking him up to machines and Pepper holding his hand and approached the bedside.

"Hey, Sig. What I said, I'm sorry..."

"Think nothing of it." she held her hand over his face and said, "Rest." and a golden mist formed from her fingers and sank into his skin. Tony's eyes fell shut and the heart monitor went stable.

"Thank you." Pepper said thankfully. Sigyn pulled small smiled placed a hand on Pepper's shoulder only for her smile to fade.

"Does he know?" she asked sensing another life force within Pepper.

Pepper furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "Perhaps our children will know each other one day." and with that said she left the infirmary with both Bruce and Pepper looking at each other confused.

"So you're..." Bruce pointed awkwardly.

"Shh." smiled Pepper. 


Okay, so I'm assuming most of you have seen Endgame and I can't wait any longer to start uploading again! Yay! first chapter of Endgame and I'm pretty sure this is going to be the biggest book in the series and that's okay.

I have many things in store for Sigyn. BIG things are coming and I'm so excited for you all to see. But at the moment she isn't coping very well, but then again who is? 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter in the Endgame part of this story and don't forget to vote and comment!

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