Chapter 56: A Queen Is What She Became

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On Earth

Scott Lang sat peacefully outside on a bench at the Avengers HQ. It was a nice afternoon with not a sight of clouds in the sky. Scott sat on the bench with a plate of nacho's, a drink and unwrapped his lunch and picked up a taco. He licked his lips hungrily and before he could bring it to his mouth a massive gust of strong winds blew over him from a ship landing, forcing the taco filling to fly out of the shell, and his drink and nachos to fly away.

Nebula and Rocket emerged from the ship. "Hey, Humie!" called the little creature. "Where's big green?!"

"Kitchen, I think..." he trailed off watching as Nebula marched his way. "That's awesome."

Nebula pulled up a miniature microphone on her jacket and said, "Rhodey, careful on re-entry. There's an idiot in the landing zone."

War Machine landed heavily on the concrete where Scott was sitting on the bench and he jumped throwing his empty taco shell and holding his chest with fright. "Oh, god!"

"What's up regular sized man." greeted Rhodey with a cocky smile behind the helmet and turned to head inside.

Bruce Banner... or the Hulk. Exited the building in sweats and a blue rain jacket with a computer bag slung over his shoulder and he happily handed Scott two taco's. 

From the ship emerged Sigyn with Vali and Frigga who giggled with glee in her brother's arms. Sigyn adorned new armour, it was more Vanir that Asgardian. Black leather with silver arm guards, clippings and fastening. A coat with internal blue fabric and a green cape.

"Can we do that again?" asked Frigga with a finger in her mouth.

"Later." said Vali.

"Anyone else?!" Scott flailed his arms and Bruce chuckled. 

The smile on Frigga's face faded seeing the giant green creature heading towards them. "Sigyn!" he held out his arms. "It's sooo good to see you!"

"What in the nine realms....?" before Sigyn could complete her sentence Bruce picked her up in his giant arms and twirled her around. Frigga made a strange noise of concern when the giant green creature finally set down her mother.

"Long story." he said. "Are these who I think it is?" Bruce motioned to Vali and Frigga.

"Bruce, this is my son Vali and my daughter Frigga."

"Wow, you look just like your father." Bruce greeted and Vali responded with a polite nod.

"I've heard many stories about you."

"Oh," Bruce smiled. "I've heard many about you, don't you worry on that part. And isn't this one just so cute!" he wiggled a finger to the little white haired girl.

Frigga's face contorted with fear and she burst out crying. Bruce's smile disappeared and he went into panic. "No, no It's alright!"

Vali tried to hush his sister and rocked her in his arms, "He's friendly. He won't hurt you. He's mother's companion, see?" Vali motioned his head towards Bruce who held a terribly awkward smile and Frigga continued to cry.

"It's alright, Bruce." said Sigyn and took the little girl from her son's arms and hugged her into her chest and let her cry on her shoulder with Bruce out of her sight.

"Sorry." he apologised. "I was on my way to get Thor if you want to tag along."

"Uncle?" Vali said to his mother disappointed. "I thought he would be here." he flailed his arms. "It was the whole reason we came here."

"Have patience." she warned her son. "I have other duties to take care of here first." Sigyn replied to Bruce. "We can wait here for him."

"Sure thing. I'll let him know." Bruce then headed for the ship. "Make yourselves at home."

Sigyn headed towards the compound passing Scott who watched with heart eyes as the beautiful women passed by him. Vali turned on his heel glaring at the man. Scott cleared his throat and tried to concentrate on his taco. Vali smiled with victory and followed his mother inside the building.

Sigyn looked around the empty compound to see no one is sight. She sat Frigga on a lounge and knelt down to her level. "It's alright now." Sigyn wiped the tears from Frigga's rosy red cheeks. "He's big and scary isn't he?" she smiled and Frigga wiped her nose on the sleeve of her dress and nodded.

"You don't have to be afraid. He's a great warrior."

"Mother." Vali warned and held the handle of his blades hooked to either side of his belt. Sigyn looked over her shoulder to see Steve and Tony standing in a doorway. Both with their mouths to the floor.

"Is this what I think it is?" Tony pointed a finger to the three before him. "Cause if it is, I might leave the planet again."

"It's good to see you too, Tony." greeted Sigyn.

Steve could barely contain his excitement and charged towards Sigyn. He wrapped her in a tight hug, "It's great you came."

"Yeah, we were told you weren't coming." Tony stalked up behind Steve.

"And I thought neither of you liked each other."

"In certain situations, we put our differences aside." said Steve and eyed Vali who glared at him with the same intense blue eyes as his mother.

"You must be Vali." Steve held out his hand. "I've heard lots about you."

Vali looked down at Steve's hand for a moment before roughly shaking his hand. "You are?"

"Steve Rogers."

"And I'm Iron Man!" Tony announced with a hand in the air. "You look wonderful, has anyone told you?" he motioned to Sigyn. "And he look's exactly like Loki, people already tell you? And who is this little one?" Tony bent down with his hands on his knees.

Sigyn rolled her eyes dramatically, "My daughter, Frigga."

"Did you re-marry? Never thought you would. I'm surprised."

Vali stepped between him and his sister. "Do you realise who you are talking too? My mother is Queen of Vanaheim."

"A Queen?!" Tony repeated shocked and blinked. "You left and came back a Queen. Like Freddie Mercury, Queen? Or Queen of an entire planet, Queen? That's a step up. Congratulations, by the way."

"Shall I cut out his tongue, mother?" Vali pulled out a dagger and held the point to Tony's chin who smiled in the face of death.

"Calm down Lokison."

"That is a bit extreme." added Rhodey.

"Enough." Sigyn pushed Vali's dagger down and then turned her glare to Tony. "My daughter is just as much as Loki's child as is my son. You will do well to remember... and no, I have not remarried."

"She even speaks like a Queen. It's great." Tony chuckled to Steve. "I had a daughter too. Morgan is her name. They'd get along."

"Where is Natasha?" asked Sigyn growing tired of his games.

"She left on a mission to bring Clint in." Steve informed with an amused smile. He wasn't surprised as how much her son was like his mother. But all he saw was Loki's face. It was like Manhattan all over again.

There was a loud crash which caught their attention. Sigyn looked down to see Frigga was gone and looked up to see Frigga standing by a table where a giant platform in the middle of the room sat. She had grabbed a shiny object from the desk and pulled everything else down with it.

Frigga looked up shocked and then smiled happy she retrieved the shiny object.

"Yup!" Tony popped the 'p'. "Daddy's little girl."

Sigyn playfully slapped Tony's arm. "Oh, will you stop!" 

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