Chapter 58: By The Norns

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Who knows how long Thor decided to sleep on the ship, but once he finally decided to wake up and come inside, Sigyn's patience had already stretched thin.

Thor strided in cracking open a beer can and downing into it. His hair was ragged and unbrushed and his beard was overgrown and worst of all he had a gut and rags for clothes and shades to complete his hungover look.

"Drifting left." Tony said as he passed by dragging equipment behind him. "On the side there, Lebowski. Ratchet, how's it going?"

"It's Rocket. Watch it, pal. You're only a genius on Earth."

Thor let out a mighty burp and Tony shot a disgusted look over his shoulder and Thor held out his hands apologetically. "So? Where is everyone."

"They got tired of waiting for you." Tony shot and ducked under the machine to continue building.

Thor nodded without completely taking in what Tony said and took another huge gulp of his beer. "Uncle?!" said a surprised voice.

Thor turned ever so slowly realising who's voice that belonged to. Vali approached his uncle with open arms and a concerned smile. "This is not my Uncle!"

"Ah!" Thor rejoiced. "Come here!" he wrapped Vali in his giant arms nearly spilling his can down Vali's back.

Vali pulled away with his nose scrunched, "When was the last time you washed?" he looked his uncle up and down who shrugged. "What happened to you, Uncle? You've grown a belly."

"And you've grown..." Thor punched Vali's arm lightly. "Bigger."

"Uncle." Vali sighed greatly. "We cannot let my mother see you like this. It would break her heart..." Vali trailed off seeing Thor's expression drop.

Sigyn stopped in her path as Vali stepped aside to reveal Thor's physique. Her smile dropped as her eyes trailed him. "By the Norns, Thor. What's happened to you."

"Sigyn!" rejoiced Thor, his voice echoing in the large room. "I am so happy to see you!" he strutted her way and put a hand on her shoulder. "You look wonderful, I like the new outfit." he motioned to the green cape.

"Thor." Sigyn took his gloved hand in her's. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, of course!" he chirped with a small smile. "Never better."

"Thor, I know a lie. I was married to the god of lies. I know you're lying."

Thor took another gulp from the beer can. "I'm not." he avoided her eyes from behind his shades. "So how's the ruling life?" he tried to change the subject of conversation.

Sigyn's eyebrows went up, "Clearly not well for you."

"So uh..." he motioned towards Vali who stood with his arms folded. "What brings you here?'

"I came to see you, Uncle." Vali placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him. "Not like this. I came to tell you how Vanaheim is prospering and how wonderful it is again! We came to decide that Asgard should come to Vanaheim, so you can be with us."

"That's great." Thor sniffled. "Put the people are doing fine, what's left of them anyway."

"Thor!" Sigyn scolded and balled his jacket in her fist. "Enough, pull yourself together—"

"Mama." said a little voice and Sigyn recoiled her hand from Thor. She turned to see Frigga hiding behind her cape and she held out her hand for Frigga to come forward beside her.

Thor made a strange sound that resembled something like a cry and he bit his knuckles.

"Is that her?" his voice squeaked and Sigyn nodded. "Hello, little one." Thor greeted. "I'm your uncle The mighty Thor!" he shook his fists and a smile formed on Frigga's lips which made Thor smile for the first time in a long time. "You are just like your mother." he pinched her cheek which made her squeal with laughter. "Beautiful!"

"They both came to see you." informed Sigyn.

"Well, thank you for coming." Thor's eyes turned to Vali from behind his shades and he nodded in response. "Sig, is this... what The Norns meant all those years ago. Do you think maybe...?"

"I don't know. I wasn't going to come, but it's what made me change my mind."

"What did The Norns say?" Vali asked curiously and stepped closer.

"I'm not quite sure myself."

"Are you talking about my father."

Sigyn and Thor fell silent and casted each other unsure looks and it was all Vali needed to understand why his mother was truly here. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to give you false hope." replied Sigyn. "What we're trying to do here may or may not work."

"I could have my wife back..." Vali ran a hand over his braided head and turned his back.

"Maybe." Sigyn repeated firmly.

"Alright!" Tony announced. "We're done here. We can begin test runs."


"Alright, Clint." Bruce said pressing buttons from the control panel of the giant machine which Clint stood on in a red and white suit. "We're going in three... two... one..." the machine activated and Clint's body shrunk within a second and he was gone in a bang. Everyone watched and waited eagerly and as fast as Clint had left he appeared once more, only this time he was on his knee's and breathing heavily.

Natasha ran up the platform, "Hey, hey, look at me." she helped him to his feet, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Clint looked around dazed before holding up a baseball glove. "It worked. It worked."

Sigyn looked from Thor and turned to take Vali by his arm and pulled him aside. "Vali, I need you to take your sister home." 

"Mother, you saw how that worked. I can stay." he argued.

"No. I need you to go home and rally our banner men."

"Which ones?"

"All of them." she ordered.

"Mother, I don't think that's a good idea..."

"All Of them." she repeated firmly. "Tell them by direct order of the Queen they are being summoned. If anything should go wrong here..."


"If anything should go wrong." she grasped his arms firmly and whispered softly. "I need the Vanir Fleet ready. You are my heir, and if things don't go as planned the throne falls to you."

"No, I won't!" he slapped his mother's hands away in anger. "I want to stay and fight with you to protect you."

"I don't need protecting, my sweet boy." she stroked her thumb across his cheek. "I need you to take your sister home where it's the most safest for her. She needs protecting. And I need the Fleet ready. I'll send a signal if I need to summon them."

Vali sucked in a breath looking down at his boots and nodded. "Alright."

"Frigga!" Sigyn called the little girl who was standing by Thor's legs. Frigga turned hearing her name. "Yes, mama?"

"Go with your brother, it's time to go home."

Frigga happily trotted to her mother and took her hand. "You're leaving?!" Bruce called out.

"I'm sending them home!" Sigyn called over her shoulder as she guided Vali and Frigga outside. Thor chased after them. "You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye?"

"Goodbye, Uncle." Vali embraced Thor. "we'll see each other soon."

Thor then knelt down to Frigga and cupped her face. "I'm going to miss you."

"Mama, you coming?" Frigga asked as Vali picked her up into his arms.

"No." Sigyn kissed Frigga's forehead. "I have to stay. I will be home soon. I promise." and she stepped back out of the circle and summoned the Bifrost sword into her hand.

"I'll see you soon, mother." Vali waved farewell.

"Mama!" Frigga called as Sigyn raised the sword and the Bifrost cracked through the skies and whisked away her children. 

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