Chapter 67: You Can Rest Now

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One by one, the Chitauri faded to dust. All over the battlefield they began to disappear like half the universe did five years ago. And one by one, the fighting stopped. Thanos stumbled watching his army fade to dust and fly with the wind, watching as he lost. He pulled the spear from his body one last time and discarded it taking a seat on a pile of rubble with a deep sigh he accepted his defeat and his body turned to ash and flew with the wind.

They won.

Sigyn stared at the spot Thanos had been mere moments ago unable to comprehend that they had won this time.

"Tony!" she came to reality realising the man had collapsed into her arms. "Why didn't you wait." she scolded hoisting him up and dragging him to a pile of rubble to rest him on. "Why didn't you wait, I could have helped." she cupped the side of his unburnt face.

A breath escaped Tony and he smiled up at her. His Iron suit was burnt and shredded, his right side being the worst.

Sigyn shook her head trying to shake away the tears that formed in her eyes. "You fool. You damned fool! Why didn't you wait..." she held her hands over his arm and began to murmur incantations under her breath, a gold mist emitted from her hands around Tony trying to heal him. Her voice trembled as her throat tightened with the fear of losing Tony.

Rhodey landed beside them kneeling by Tony, Peter was quick to follow swinging in on a web. "Mr. Stark?" Peter's voice trembled as he came to Tony's other side. "Hey, Mr. Stark." he cried. "Do you hear me? It's Peter. We won." he informed with tears threatening to spill. "Mr. Stark? We won, Mr. Stark. We won, you did it, sir... you did it."

A hand rested on Peter's shoulder and Pepper pulled him away from Tony and handed him to Rhodey as he cried. Pepper knelt by Tony and she said softly, "Sig, you can stop."

Sigyn looked up raising her eyebrows but still continued her incantation, she refused to give up on Tony.

"It's no use." Pepper's lower lip quivered.

Sigyn looked up at Tony and his eyes that seemed to stare at nothing. Pepper was right even thought she tried her best to heal Tony, this was nothing he could come back from, even if he did live, she would only condemn him to a horrible life.

She stopped her incantation and the gold dust flickered and faded. Her hands dropped by her side and a tear slipped down her cheek.

"I'm sorry." she whispered and stood to give Pepper her last moments with Tony. She stood by Rhodey who held a crying Peter.

"Hey," said Pepper cupping Tony's cheek. His dull eyes turned to her voice.

"Hey, Pep..." he barely managed to whisper and placed his hand over hers.

"Friday." called Pepper and a small voice replied 'Life functions critical.' and Tony smiled at Pepper and his head rolled to the side. "Tony, look at me." she called his attention back to her. "We're going to be okay... you can rest now."

Tony's head rolled to the side and his last breath escaped him and his eyes turned lifeless. Tears overflowed Pepper's eyes as she kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. Violent sobs racked her body as she cried.

Vali came to his mother's side looking at Tony's lifeless body and he immedielty tended to his mother. He took her in his arms knowing how much this would upset her, she always talked about her Midgardian friends and how much she cherished them. First Natasha and now Tony.

Vali was first to kneel in Tony's honour, a Vanir tradition to honour fallen warriors in battle. Sigyn joined beside her son, kneeling together. Peter stiffed his cries looking around as other's began join, Clint followed shortly, then T'challa, Carol, Peter Quill, Valkyrie, Nebula, Scott, Steve, Thor, Dr Strange, Bucky, Shuri, Okoye, Wanda, Mantis, Drax. Peter Parker. 

A King kneeled.

A Queen kneeled.

A god kneeled.

A Captain kneeled.

A Master of the mystic arts kneeled.

A celestial kneeled. 

All in honour of a true hero. Tony Stark.


If anyone has seen the deleted scenes from Endgame that I can include in previous chapters that I can update, please let me know! 

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