Chapter 7: Dead Flowers Blooming On A Grave

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"All-Father." Sigyn announced her arrival upon entering the council room, where 'Odin' sat slouched on a grand chair at a long table listening to the commoners talk about issues that needed to be solved.

"My dear!" 'Odin' straightened himself in his chair, she always scolded him later for being so immature. "Welcome back."

"Thank you." Sigyn positioned herself beside the chair he sat on, and urged the meeting to continue.

"My lord, the people are concerned about the sound of the horns, we have received letters and messages from Vanaheim, Alfheim, Nidavellir and Jotunheim."

"Surely it was nothing. Tell them there is nothing to fear." Odin chuckled waving a hand dismissing the matter.

"Of course." they continued hesitantly. "And what are we supposed to do about the horns? They have clearly rung out over the Nine Realms, a clear sign of Rag—"

"—Are there any more matters to discuss?" Odin interrupted, not wanting to hear any of it.

"As a matter of fact, yes." Sigyn announced surprising the council. Odin internally groaned and rolled his eyes, he could feel Sigyn's blue eyes glaring holes into the back of his head. He would suffer later for this.

"Beside the fact that I heard the horns in Midgard and that the realms are plotting your demise..."

"Ah!" he waved her off. "You always pester me so!"

"I'll laugh when you are over-thrown and then watch as you cry at my feet." Sigyn retorted with a smile.

The council turned silent, half expecting Odin to lash out or banish the princess, but they were more shocked by what happened next.

Odin turned in his seat to face the princess and they hitched their breath. Sigyn merely smiled at him before dropping it to a displeased frown.

"You..." he waved a finger. "Are going to be the death of me."

Sigyn chuckled, "And then I'll laugh even more when I am perched upon the throne instead."

Odin grumbled something that sounded like 'Intolerable women' under his breath. She was tempted to smack his head.

"Dismissed!" he ordered the council members that watched the petty argument. They all quickly gathered their things and scurried from the room, except the guards that remained stationed.

"Did you at least retrieve it?" Odin sighed heavily.

"Retrieve what?" Sigyn rounded the table towards the fruit bowl and picked up grapes.

"You know what!" he sighed heavily. "The horn!"

"Oh yes, I did."

"Can I see it?"


"Because I want to relinquish in the presence of an ancient relic."

"Both of us are more ancient than that horn. We can relinquish in each others presence instead." Sigyn chuckled lightly making Odin shake his head, unable to hide the smile. A horn materialised in her hands as she walked it over to Odin who stood up from his chair, entranced by the object.

"The horn of Jormungandr." she announced. Odin stared down at the beautifully carved horn and reached out for it, but before he could touch it, it vanished. He looked up at Sigyn, confusion struck his face.

"I could only take it on the condition that it wouldn't fall into your hands."

"A wise decision, really." Odin fiddled with his palms, before mumbling, "Always loyal."

"I can hear you."

"Thats the point, my dar— my dear." Odin corrected himself in front of the guards before he compromised his own position. It made Sigyn roll her eyes playfully and snicker.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important matters to attend." Sigyn bowed her head and swiftly headed for the doors.

"Like what!?" Odin called after her.

"It most defiantly has nothing to do with your play!"

Odin watched as Sigyn left the council room, he hummed delighted with himself and mumbled under his breath, "She likes it." 

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