Chapter 52: The Lake of The Nine

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Without warning, the bodies in the wall sat up. Their skeletons cracked to life and threw themselves out of the slots in the walls, the seaweed fell from their bones and they ripped off the coral. The groaned and moaned and held out their swords, much like the ones Hela rose. They slowly marched towards the three intruders chanting 'Protect the lake'.

"You're the All-father command them!" Sigyn quickly protested.

"I am Thor son of Odin King of Asgard!" Thor shouted. "I demand you lay down your arms."

The dead stopped in their wake, and made no further movements. Thor and Sigyn casted each other wary glances before Sigyn stepped forward and said, "I am Sigyn Freyadottir, Queen of Vanaheim. I demand an audience with The Norns."

The skeletons continued to crack and one spoke with a deep grumble, "Only one may enter." the Draugr warned and backed away and climbed back into their slots and laid back to rest.

"That was mildly terrifying." said Brunnhilde. "Nothing like the ones we fought on Asgard."

"These ones are enchanted to protect The Lake." informed Sigyn and torches around the giant circular room lit up to illuminate the entire chamber. Dozen's of draugr laid to rest in the slots in the walls. More than they they saw earlier.

Between the slots around the room was darkened doorways that led to the nine towers. All with a rune representing the realm above the door. In the middle of the chamber was a stone built well, the bricks on one side were crumbled and broken creating an opening.

Sigyn looked over the wall of the well and looked down into nothing but darkness that seemed to go forever.

"Only one." said Brunnhilde. "It didn't mean down there, did it?"

Sigyn shrugged in response and kicked a pebble over the side and watched it fall. The three leaned it listening for a drop, but it never came.

"Where does it lead?" Thor asked.

"Don't know." said Sigyn. "I have to find out."

"No!" Thor's voice bounced off the walls and Sigyn shushed him harshly.

"You'll wake the dead."

"You can't." he said softly. "We don't know what's down there, or if there's even anything."

"It says in the scripture, The Norns work around a well. It can't be any more obvious." Sigyn stood on the edge of the opening and looked down into the darkness. Her heart pounded in her chest and she gripped the edges of the stone.

"Take this." Brunnhilde handed her the torch.

It was almost like The Lake new what she was doing. A breeze flew out of the well playing with Sigyn's hair like it was calling to her. It was like a voice whispering in her ear, a voice that came from the depths of the well.

Sigyn took in a deep breath before stepping over the edge. She let out a yelp and let herself fall, her hair whipped around as she fell deeper into the darkness. It was like falling threw water.

Thor and Valkyrie watched as the light from Sigyn's torch disappeared into the darkness and casted each other worried looks.

Sigyn's breathing became faster the further she fell into the darkness. Soon the fire from her torch blew out and the darkness consumed her as she continued to fall. It felt like the world around her was spinning and soon her fall came to a slow stop. Her boots touched the ground and she felt all wrong. Like the realm was upside down, it made her body fell strange.

The darkness still hovered around her, but she found it strange that a dim light illuminated around her body, keeping back the darkness. At her feet was the pebble she kicked. Wherever she was, it felt hollow, empty and never ending. She dropped the torch at her feet with a loud clank looking around the darkness.

"Sigyn?!" the distance sound of Thor's voice travelled. She ignored the voice and said, "Hello?" her voice didn't seem to echo or travel. She stepped forward unsure off what to do.

There was a sound like something sliding. Ahead she could see a faint outline of an object so she headed towards it.

She knelt by the object and ran her hand over it, it looked like a faintly light purple glowing root that protruded from the ground

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She knelt by the object and ran her hand over it, it looked like a faintly light purple glowing root that protruded from the ground. Sigyn furrowed her eyebrows confused and the sound came again.

She spun around to see a dark figure scatter away and her heart raced in her chest. "Who's there?" she called and got no response. She looked back to the tree root and was surprised to see a glowing blue string tied to the root that lead into the darkness ahead. Sigyn grasped the string and stood following the trail of the glowing tree roots with her hand running along the string. The dark figure continued to followed her, sliding in and out of her peripheral vision. 

The tree roots became to grow larger and eventually she was able to follow a steady stream, like the root was a river. It twisted and turned and carved it's way through the ground. 

"Hello?!" she called growing anxious. "Is anyone there?" she turned on her heel to look back the way she came and saw nothing but darkness. She turned back again and nearly stumbled with surprise. Before her was a tree where her string led to. But it wasn't like any ordinary tree.

It was huge and loomed over her. The bark was broken and floating in time and space, the tree was hollow and dead but yet it was glowing. Little orbs of light floated around the tree and around Sigyn. The branches reached out into darkness like they were reaching for something.

"Yggdrasil." she murmured with awe.

When suddenly a deep chilling voice said, "Who dares enter our realm?"

Sigyn spun on her feet looking for the source of the voice and before she could introduce herself. another smaller voice spoke.

 another smaller voice spoke

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"Sigyn daughter of Freya. Princess of Asgard. Wife of the trickster Loki and Queen of Vanaheim."

Sigyn turned again trying to look for who was talking.

"Why does she come here?" said an airy third voice. "What does she seek?"

Three dark figures emerged form the darkness, all wearing hooded cloaks that dragged behind them and devoured their faces with a shadow. Only the bottom half of their pale white faces could be seen. All three were rather large, almost like small giants.

Sigyn's mouth fell open. The three Norns of fate and destiny...

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