Chapter 13: Goddess Of Death

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Sigyn's hand gripped the back of Loki's suit. Her heart was now practically trying to break free. Loki and Thor cast each other another wary glance, confused and shocked.

"W-what?" Thor mumbled, unable to grasp the concept.

"Her violent appetites grew beyond my control. Couldn't stop her, so, I imprisoned her. Locked her away." Odin explained. "She draws her strength from Asgard and once she gets there her powers will be limitless."

"Whatever she is... w-we can stop her together—? We can face her together?" Thor was still unable to grasp the concept that he had a an elder sister the entire time.

"No we cannot." Odin interrupted. "This you must face alone... I love you my sons."

Loki looked to Odin surprised

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Loki looked to Odin surprised. Those words, something he rarely heard, but something he needed to hear. It made Sigyn smile.

Odin pointed his hand towards the sea, "Look at that."

The four of them looked out to the sea, admiring the beauty of the vast open seas.

"Remember this place." Odin says. "Home."

His body then turned into a golden mist, glittering in the Norwegian sun. The golden mist flew out with the wind, Thor and Loki stood, Sigyn dropped her hand from Loki, allowing him to follow his father as the mist flew over the cliff until it faded. Sigyn took a few steps forward watching.

It was almost like the Realm knew the All-Father had passed. The clouds rolled over thundering, the winds on the sea picked up causing the waves to violently crash against the sharp rocks at the base of the cliff.

Thor stood, shaking with anger and grief as thunder rumbled over head. Loki looked to the sky warily and back to his brother.

"Brother..." he finally said. Electricity sparked from Thor's hand as he clenched them into fists. His glare turned to Loki, 

"You... did this. This was you're doing." Thor turned his body to face his brother.

Loki tensed and puffed out his arms, ready for an attack. Sigyn too readied herself to hold off Thor. In this time of grief Thor couldn't be thinking straight and might do something he later regretted.

From behind, a black portal opened catching the attention of the three. They turned to face it as the portal opened up. Thor, Sigyn, and Loki looked at each other and advanced. The three approached the opening portal, a golden mist enveloped Sigyn's body, a green mist enveloped Loki's as the illusion faded to show their amour again.

Thor struck the ground and lightening washed over the three harmlessly. Loki and Sigyn trusted Thor enough even when he was angry. Sigyn stood between the two brothers as the lightning washed over them harmlessly, and Thor was also back into his armour.

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