Chapter 46: Endless Cold Winters

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In the skies of Vanaheim, the Bifrost ripped open the sky and landed outside the palace courtyards. Sigyn emerged from the Bifrost as the sword dematerialised in her hand.

She was immediately hit with a cold breeze and light snow fall. Her feet sunk into the snow that laid over the land in a thick blanket.

All the tress that she could see for miles were dead and leafless. No flowers grew, no birds soared the skies and no people roamed the palace and the surrounding city. Sigyn let out a cold breath shocked to find the warriors words were true.

Doors from the homes of the people all opened with curiosity after hearing a nightly thunder in the skies. Children peeked out of the windows, men and women stepped out of their doors, their faces red with cold and tear stains. The look of relief on their faces once they saw the princess brought hope back.

"My father?" she asked a women who had approached the princess. "Where is he?"

The women sniffled, hugging her coat tighter and pointed a gloved finger towards the end of the road that let into a forest of trees, both dead and alive. In the distance ruins of what used to be a grand village.

 In the distance ruins of what used to be a grand village

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Sigyn followed the snow covered road towards the road. As she passed the people, they each bowed their heads in respect as she hurried along. She came to the tree line and paused. The trees loomed over her like every children scary monster with sharp claws and dark shadows and creatures that roamed the forest. Even as a child, she dared to enter with her sister and brother, but Sigvard would insist to explore The Ruined City.

"My Lady." said a little voice and Sigyn turned to see a little stable boy huddled under layers of clothing walking a horse. "Take this." he shivered.

"Thank you." Sigyn gladly took the rains of the horse. "Go and sit by a fire." she commanded and hoisted herself onto the horse. She turned the horse towards the forest and nudged it sides.

The horse trudged through the thick layer of snow that covered the twisty and windy path. Sigyn ushered the horse into a trott to go a little faster. Hours it felt like, hours of riding threw a never ending forest unsure if she was still on the right path or hopelessly lost. It wasn't until structures began to come into view, broken wood or stone buried into the snow, sticking out. Remnants that turned into buildings.

The Ruined City.

It was dead silent. Not a bird, not a squirrel or any creature. It was unsettling. The only sound was the horses hooves that clumped threw the snow heavily. Sigyn followed the main road with alert eyes. Anything could be hiding in these ruins.

That was when she heard footsteps and brought the horse to a stop. The horse huffed nervously and backed up. Sigyn calmed the horse softly by patting his mane. The footsteps grew louder and closer.

"Who goes there!?" called Sigyn. Expecting her voice to echo, it was like a wall in front of her blocked the sound and it went no where.

A warrior rounded the corner with a sword and a shield raised. "Lady Sigyn?" he said shocked and lowered his arms.

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