Chapter 61: Old Asgard

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Sigyn wiped her tears as she headed up into the palace and held her head high again. She strolled through the lower levels of the palace sure to find Jane Foster in her chamber. Sigyn lightly knocked on the door and heard a small, 'come in' from the other side. She pushed open the giant golden door and slipped inside.

Jane rose from the lounge she sat on, slightly confused. "Weren't you just...." she motioned in a different direction. "You where just here?"

"Jane I don't have a lot of time to explain." replied Sigyn taking her by her arms. "The state of the universe is at hand."


"Listen to me." Sigyn peered over Jane's shoulder to see Rocket climb over the lounge with an extracting machine in his hands at the ready. "This might hurt a little and I'm terribly sorry."

"Sigyn, What are..." Jane paused with a gasp as Rocket pieced her back with the machine. Jane squirmed with pain as Rocket extracted the Aether from her body.

"So sorry." said Sigyn as Jane's body collapsed and she fell limp. Sigyn caught her body in her arms and gently laid her across the lounge.

"Nicely done." implied Rocket flipping the machine, which was swirling with red dust, over in his hand.

"Where is Thor?"

"Having a crisis."

Together the two swiftly exited Jane's chamber with Sigyn guiding Rocket through the palace. "Where did you see him last?"

"He saw his mother and disappeared."

"Oh no..." Sigyn faltered and turned in her step. She knew exactly where Thor was.

"Where are you going?" Rocket flailed his arms and chased after Sigyn. She hurried through the large corridors unaware of the squadron of guards heading her way. They turned the same corner and froze, the guards all casted each other wary glances.

Sigyn cleared her throat and they stood to attention. "Apologies, Lady Sigyn." they formed a path for her pass through them and she marched on ahead with Rocket trailing nervously behind.

"My Lady, are you aware....?"

"Yes, he is with me!" she replied over her shoulder as the guards all looked to one another with confusion. That was until another Sigyn wearing a silk gown trailed in the opposite direction with a flank of maids. The guards looked between the two Sigyn's confused and bewildered until it occurred to them.

"It's Loki!" they shouted. "After him!"

Sigyn stopped and turned instinctively thinking Loki had escaped to follow her, only to see her other self also stop thinking the same. Sigyn ducked behind a pillar before her past self saw her present self, as her past self turned searching for Loki.

"Oh, time to go!" shouted Rocket.

"Yes, I think so to." agreed Sigyn and sprinted with Rocket in league. "Follow me!" she guided him under an overpass and turned a sharp corner causing Rocket to slide over the polished golden floor behind her.

"Thor!" shouted out Rocket.

Sigyn burst through a set of golden doors and allowed Rocket to slid through before slamming them shut in the faces of the pursing guards and dropped the beam across the doors to prevent them from entering.

"Thor, we got it, we have to go!"

The guards banged on the other side demanding entrance. Sigyn spun on her heel and rounded the chamber. She came into view behind Rocket and saw Thor with his mother, Frigga.

"Sigyn too?" said Frigga with a smile. "You didn't tell me she was here."

"Oh, Frigga." Sigyn flew forward and embraced the queen with a warm smile.

Frigga pulled back from the hug and brushed Sigyn's hair back. "My, look at you! How you've changed. Thor told me what's happened, or what will happen. It hasn't been kind to you at all."

"No. But it has granted me other gifts. I am Queen of Vanaheim now, and I..."

"I know." said Frigga ignoring the ruckus coming from her doors. "Thor told me all. You had a little girl."

"She's beautiful, you should see. I honoured her with your name."

"Well, I feel honoured."

"Come on, we gotta move." announced Rocket breaking the reunion.

"I wish we had more time."

"This was a gift." said Frigga to both Thor and Sigyn and held out her hand for Thor. "You are going to be the man you're meant to be."

"I love you, mother." said Thor.

"I love you." she replied and they embraced in a tight hug. "And eat a salad."

"Come on, we gotta go." said Rocket impatiently.

Sigyn snickered, "Farewell." and she stepped back.

"Goodbye." whispered Frigga.

"In three... two..." counted Rocket.

"No wait!" shouted Thor and held out his hand.

"Wh- what am I looking at?"

"Oh, sometimes it takes a second." replied Frigga. From the open window Mjolnir flew into Thor's hand with a crack of thunder and he gasped with surprised. "I'm still worthy." he chuckled.

Sigyn sighed shaking her head. "Oh, boy" spoke Rocket and activated their suits, the red and white devoured their bodies followed by the helmet.

"Goodbye, mum."

And with a flash they were gone. Sigyn reappeared on the platform alongside all her fellow avengers once more. "Did we get em' all?" asked Bruce as their suits packed away.

"You telling me this actually worked?" announced Rhodey surprised until Clint fell to his knees. They had all returned, all but one. Natasha hadn't returned.

"Clint, where's Nat?"

Clint remained silent with tears in his eyes and it dawned on the avengers. Bruce's skin turned from a green to sickly grey in realisation. Sigyn's mouth fell open in shock horror and the room fell silent. After all they had lost, they continued to loose the biggest piece of their team.

"Oh no." breathed Sigyn as Bruce fell to his knee and angrily punched the plate form beneath them, sending vibrations up everyone's legs. 

Natasha hadn't made it back.

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