Chapter 21: Brunnhilde

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"What are you doing up here?" Scrapper 142 demanded as the two women stood face to face. Sigyn's heart pounded in her chest at the mere thought of the new information she received.

"That is none of your concern." Sigyn replied dryly. "And I want answers."

"Well, don't get your hopes up too high, princess." Scrapper 142 retorted sarcastically and attempted to step around Sigyn, but Sigyn followed blocking her path and only received a glare that would have mad any man tremble.

"See! There it is again!" Sigyn said. "Thats the second time you've called me princess."

"You address yourself as princess, I could care less 'your majesty'." Scrapper 142 air quoted.

"Anyone else would say 'princess' with disregard to my status." Sigyn explained. "I say there is more to who you are."

"Why would you care who I am?" Scrapper 142 flailed her arms growing annoyed and frustrated. Sigyn took note, surely on her arm, was the mark of the Valkyrie's. It made it difficult not to smile.

"You're Asgardian, aren't you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're Asgardian." Sigyn repeated. "Oh, let me guess... a Valkyrie, perhaps?"

"How did..." Valkyrie stepped back from the Asgardian princess. It caught her wildly off guard. She hadn't heard that name since...

"Thor told me." Sigyn explains and stepped froward, gesturing to her arm where the mark of the Valkyrie was visible. "And I know that mark."

The two fell into silence. Valkyrie stared down at the mark on her arm and back up at the princess, her dark brown eyes locked with her bright blue one's, and there was such kindness in them, yet there was a presence of a burning desire that resembled the exterior of a warrior.

"I don't know why are you hiding half way across the universe." Sigyn said softly. "But you can't deny the fact that two Asgardian prince's and the princess had fallen right into your lap at this time of need."

"What time of need?"

"Ragnarok is upon us." Sigyn said simply. "We need you're help—"

"Look, your majesty!" Valkyrie cut her off. "I'm obviously hiding here for a reason, you said so yourself and I intend to stay here. I'm not helping you fight destiny-"

"Our people are in danger!" Sigyn retorted loudly, her voice echoing down the corridor.

"They're not my people." Valkyrie spat and stormed past Sigyn, heading towards the champions suit.

Sigyn spun following her, "The Valkyrie are sworn to protect the throne of Asgard and it's people! They're you're people just as they are mine! That makes you no less different!"

"I don't care!" she yelled over her shoulder.

"Then you must be a traitor!"

Valkyrie came to a sudden holt in her wake before spinning around to face the princess. "I was betrayed when Odin sent the Valkyrie's in to fight Hela and killed us all! I'm not helping you."

"Fine. Stay here and wallow in your self pity." Sigyn spat and turned towards the elevator and pressed the button, she watched as Valkyrie stormed down the corridor until she turned left and disappeared. If they were going to get off this planet, they needed her help. But if worse came to worse, they'd have to leave the only living Valkyrie behind.

Sigyn stepped into the elevator and pressed two floors down. The doors opened again and she marched out heading towards the suit her and Loki stayed in.

She entered threw the sliding doors to find Loki lounging across the bed, including himself in some exotic foods.

"Hello, love." he greeted.

"You're not going to believe this!" Sigyn jumped into the bed beside him, she hovered over him with a wide smile.

"Hmm?" he hummed in response.

"That Scrapper, I just found out who she is."

"Go on?"

"She's a Valkyrie."

There was a moment of silence where Loki raise his eyebrows with disbelief. He had a talent of being able to tell when someone was lying, and unfortunately, Sigyn had learnt to bypass that talent, so he couldn't tell.

"You're right, I don't believe you." he replied cooly and bit into the sweet fruit, the juice dripping down his chin.

"I just confronted her!" Sigyn flailed her arms. "She confessed! She's the sole survivor of The Valkyries who were sent into fight Hela and she killed them all. It's no coincidence we fall into the planet that the sole survivor of the Valkyries are hiding and The Hulk! I even saw the mark on her arm, Loki. You can see for yourself."

"Okay, and even if she was a Valkyrie like you claim." Loki says. "Will she help us?"

"About that." Sigyn sighed and rested her weight onto one hand. "She refuses. She wants to stay here."

"A wise decision."

Sigyn playfully slapped his arm to which he mumbled an 'Ouch'. Sigyn sighed and rolled her eyes, she laid her head down on his chest while he continued to indulge in the strange food.

"We need to convince her."

"How would you plan on doing that?"

"You're the master mind. You think of something."

"Firstly, I need to see the mark of the Valkyrie first."

"How do you plan on doing that?" Sigyn repeated his words, Loki merely shrugged in response.

"I'll have to think of something." he chuckled looking down at his wife. She couldn't help the smile that stretched onto her face, it made him smile in response. He leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on her lips. She could taste the strange flavour of the fruit he was eating. She kissed back with a little more force and his hand found it's way into the braids of her silver white hair.

Suddenly, the loud boom of the Grandmaster's voice sounded across the city. "Sakaar, hear ye! Attention please. I have some bad news. My beloved exalted champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion! It seems that that criminally seductive Lord of Thunder has stolen him away. Take to the streets!"

Sigyn and Loki broke the kiss upon hearing that announcement. Loki sighed heavily, "What has he done."

"Seem's like he's found a way out of here!" Sigyn said excitedly. The doors to their suit slid open and a squad of guards entered.

"The Grandmaster demands you're presence."  

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