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Yeri's Pov..

🎶She look so perfect standing there with my american apparel underwear and I know now! That I'm so down..

Her lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart and I know now, that I'm so down!🎶

Not again!!!! As soon as I went back to my room and was about to take my wonderful nap, an annoying loud music is played from the next room. And it was not coming from Mingyu's room. It was coming from the next door, our neighbors.

What am I supposed to do now? Should I told that guy to keep it down? Wait! What's his name again? Is it Junggook or Jungshook? But we are strangers so him and his friends will think I'm strange!

"Mom!!" I called and ran down the stairs. And there she was, cooking something in the kitchen.

"Oh, is Mingyu awake now?" She quickly asked. Ugh, piece of a shit! He's just acting!

"Ugh! I don't know.. Anyway, can you tell the boy from the next door to keep down the noise? He's very noisy and I can't have my nap!" I complains.

You don't know how scary mom is when she's angry. If you make her angry, you will regret it for the rest of your life. So, you better not try to make her angry if you don't want to live in hell.

"Stop complaining already and help me prepare tonight's dinner. Your dad and your brother is almost home now.." She said and I frowned.

"Don't show me that face, Yerim.. Remember what your dad told you? We are in a new town and you guys should behave properly.. We should be polite.." Mom said, chopping the onions.

"I know that but it's so loud! I don't know how can Mingyu bear with that stupid rock music! Aish!!" I exclaimed while messing up my hair in annoyance.

(A/N: Yeri unnie! Did you just say stupid? I love 5 seconds of summer! Calum💕
Luke: He's not here at the moment.. Need anything?
Me: Nah.. *sighs in defeat*)

"Act like a girl, Yerim.." Mom said, calmly.

"I hate Busan! I want to go back! I hate that stupid neighbor of ours! I hate everything!" I yelled angrily and before she could even answer, I ran up the stairs to my room.

And to my surprise, the noise was gone! Finally! I can sleep in peace---

🎶Burn it down!!!!🎶

Heaven to hell! NOO!!! It's not gone! At the same time, my phone beeped. When I open my phone, there was one message from Chaeyoung and one message from unknown number. Then I decided to open my best friend's message first.

Chaeyoungie🐛: Great! Can't wait to visit you! I'm going out with mom! Call you later💕

Me: Sure!!!

Okay done! Then another message from some stranger.

Unknown: Sweetie, stop complaining about us or I'm going to kill you.

Who the f**k is this?

Me: Who the hell are you? How did you get my number?

I clicked the 'send' button and lay down on my bed. Who the hell is it? Then, my phone beeped again.

Unknown: I'm the boy from the next door and shut that little mouth of yours!

The boy from the next door?! That Junggook?!

Me: You mean Junggook? Whatever! Keep the noise down and I'll shut the hell up!

There is no away I'm going to lose! Then I saved his number as 'Neighbor.'

After a few minutes, my phone beeped again! Seriously?

Neighbor🐽: It's Jeon Jungkook not Junggook! Don't your parents tell you manners?

End of conversation! This had nothing to do with my parents! I angrily jumped out of my bed and quickly open the window.

"Keep the noise down and I told you I'll shut the hell up!" I yelled.

Then, the window of his room swing open and he appeared with a evil smirk plastered on his face!

Then, the window of his room swing open and he appeared with a evil smirk plastered on his face!

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I had to admit it. He's very handsome and hot but his attitude sucks! I will definitely not choose this room if I knew that this guy's room was next to mine. And I don't even know that he's a perverted dick head! I thought he was just a cold bad boy.

"Any problem sweetheart?" He asked.

I want to punch him in the face! He ruined my day! This is so great! It's only been hours since we got here and I already make one dick head enemy!

"I said if you keep the noise down, I'll shut up.." I repeated with a fake smile.

"Pardon?" He asked.

"I said keep your noises down and I'll shut up!" I yelled.

"What? I can't hear!" He smirked. What a jerk! How dare he tease me?!

"Go make a f**king barbecue in hell!" I yelled, angrily.

"Just shut up or else I'll rape you! I know you want to gain my attention cause you wanna ride on my dick.." He said, smirking.

This is it! I'm telling mom!

"MOM!!! JEON JUNGKOOK FROM THE NEXT DOOR SAID HE WILL RAPE ME! MOMM!!!!" I then quickly stormed out of my room and ran down the stairs.


Hi, how's chapter 3?

Just tell me honestly if it's boring okay?

And I heard the news about E'Dawn and Hyuna.

What do you think?

They got kicked out of Cube entertainment. For me, I totally blame Hyuna. E'Dawn is just a rookie idol and he doesn't even succeed that much yet. And Hyuna.. She ruined him by dating him. By the way, I feel good for Hui though. He's not going to be a third wheel anymore😂

Speaking of cube, who's your bias in Pentagon?

Mine is Wooseok😘

Anyway, please vote and comment!

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Anyway, please vote and comment!


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