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Yeri's Pov..

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!" My dad asked me angrily as soon as I entered the house. Please good God, help me!

"To the convenient store.." I mumbled, scared.

"It is only 15 minutes walk! Don't you dare lie to me!" He snapped.

"I'm not lying.." I said.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

You know what? My mom and my brothers stood there like a statue. They didn't bother defending me. And I clearly knows that Kim Mingyu is enjoying the scene too!

"Noona, what did you buy for me?" Eunwoo asked and I glared at him.

"Yeah, what did you buy?" Dad asked. Shit! Thanks a lot Kim Eunwoo! I'm doomed!

"I ate ramen there so I don't bother buying home.." I lied. As you all know, I didn't eat anything at the store. I end up arguing with that dick head and then we went to the Café later. Not only that! I don't even have the chance to drink my banana milk which he treated me. And it's all because of my hotheaded parents!

"I want ramen!" Eunwoo complains.

"Me too, mom!" Mingyu followed. How I want to kick their stupid ass! Can't they just shut their big mouths?

"You two, stop it or else you're going to receive a punishment just like her!" Dad shouts in anger and I flinched. What the hell! He's so loud and scary! And another f**king punishment?!

"Dad, I won't do it again.." I said.

"You won't do it again?" He asked and I nodded, looking down.

"I don't believe you! You always said you won't do it again but at the end, you always end up like this! I always end up scolding you and I'm sick of it!" He yelled. Do you want to know something? I tried my best not to cry. Dad is so rude. I'm his only daughter and he's suppose to show me more love than my brothers. But all he do being a strict, annoying and cold-hearted father all the time!

"Honey, I think it's enough for now.." Mom tried to stop him.

"No! Don't get into this Yuri! It's all your fault! She knew that you always end up defending her at the end and this is why she never obeyed me! She never take things seriously!" Dad fired back and mom immediately shut her mouth.

"Dad.. I said I'm sorry.." I mumbled.

"Dad, let's eat dinner now.." Mingyu mumbled and dad glared at him.

"You are not going to that stupid kpop group concerts again and if you ever think of trying, I'll beat you up.. Remember that." He said and leaves the living room.

Dad is an asshole. He's cruel, rude, scary and strict. I sometimes wish I was born from another family. He's too much this time!

"You should have return home at 5.. Now, help me prepare the dinner.." Mom said.

"I'm not hungry and don't disturb me, good night.." I said and ran upstairs to my room.

Then I lay down on my bed and started playing with my phone. And suddenly, there was a message from Jeon jerk again.

Neighbor🐽: What happen? I think I heard noises from your house??

Me: I don't want to talk about it.

Neighbor🐽: Are you sure?

Me: Stop it with the act! Why the hell are you suddenly concerned about me?!

Neighbor🐽: Coz, we're friends?

Me: You are not my friend and that's a lame excuse.

Neighbor🐽: Bitch👊

Me: Hey.. This bitch says hello!

Neighbor🐽: You're crazy....

Me: You know me well.. Crazy is my middle name😝

Neighbor🐽: I though it was whore?

Me: Maybe...

Neighbor🐽: Come out..

Me: Stop ordering me around!

Neighbor🐽: Just come out!

Me: I can't.. Dad's angry:(

Neighbor🐽: Then try sneaking out of your window.

Me: Are you kidding me?

Neighbor🐽: NO.

Me: I'm not ready to die yet. I have dreams and aim in this life. I can't.

Neighbor🐽: Stop being overdramatic! You're not going to die!

Me: How can you be so sure? What if I hurt some part of my precious body?

Neighbor🐽: Then imma heal them with kisses.

Me: P.E.R.V.E.R.T!

Neighbor🐽: Do you know what a joke is? By the way, try sneaking out already! It's not that high..

Me: Seriously!!!!

Neighbor🐽: See you there sweetie!

I groaned and quickly make my way towards the window. Yes! I'm crazy! I don't know what I'm doing right now! And most importantly, I don't know when did I started obeying Jeon dick head orders!

But here I am, risking my life. You know what I'm doing right now? I'm sneaking out! If dad finds out, I'm blaming that dick head neighbor! And to my surprise, I safely landed on the ground.

"There you are!" Jungkook suddenly said and I jump away in shock. The hell! He scared me!

"You idiot! You scared me!" I hissed.

"Whatever, I'm your hero.." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Hero? My ass!

"Dear hero, why are you calling me out here? If my dad finds out, I'm blaming you.." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Sweetie, your dear hero is taking you to his house.." He smirked.

WHAT?! What is he planning to do? He's such a pervert! I shouldn't have listen to him!

"We're not doing what you're thinking.." He said and I glared at him.

How on earth did he know?


"Yet.." He cuts me off and again, I glared at him like he was asking me for my kidneys.

"Don't you dare glare at me cause you may regret it." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Food is waiting for you at my house.. I know you haven't eaten anything yet and my mom made loads of foods.." He said.


FREAKING F**K?! Is that my stomach?

"I see.. Let's go!" He said, excitedly.

I don't get him! He's perverted ass but he's so innocent sometimes! Ugh!


Double updated!

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