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Yeri's Pov..

Ugh! I can't stop myself from thinking about that perverted dick head from the next door! It's not like I want him but I want to kill him! How dare he grabbed my breast?! Yeah! You heard me right! But I can't tell anyone about this. Even my parents and Chaeyoung. My parents won't believe me either. That dick head already gain their trust and Chaeyoung, she's useless. If she's in my position, she'll be depressed and she will cry everyday.

And today is Monday. Which means today is going to be my first day of school. I don't feel nervous or happy. I don't feel anything which is such a huge relief for me. And while I was doing my hair, my phone suddenly beeped and when I look at the message, it was from Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoungie🐛: Get your ass up sleepy head! I know today's your first day of school. And sent me that guy pics!

Me: I already got up and I don't know what you're talking about.. Whose pics?

Seriously? I don't know what the hell is she talking about. Whose pics? Wait...Did she mean B.I? Then, my phone beeped again.

Chaeyoungie🐛: That Thai boy you're talking about last night! I want his pics!

Me: ???......

Chaeyoungie🐛: Oh I hate you, Kim Yerim! Send it already!

Me: Doesn't have any:(

Chaeyoungie🐛: Liar! Don't be so secretive!

Me: Am not! Really! I don't have any😅

Chaeyoungie🐛: Did he have an account on Instagram?

Me: I don't know.. Maybe?

Chaeyoungie🐛: You better find out.

I smiled, seeing her text. Chaeyoung is really a good friend and I couldn't ask for more. She always stand by my side no matter what. And this is why best friends are for right?

"YERIM! WAKE UP!!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" My smile quickly vanished when I heard my mom shouting my name. For her information, I woke up at six! I didn't even get enough sleep last night. Why? It's all because of Jeon Jungkook! He was messing with my head all night because of his disgusting perverted actions!

Then, I lazily dragged myself downstairs. And Mingyu was there in the kitchen eating with dad and Eunwoo.

"Good morning, noona!" Eunwoo greeted me with a big smile.

"Good morning." I replied and sat down on the chair. I don't know why is he always so excited?

"I'm going to a new school! Isn't that great?" He asked me and I hummed in response. So that's the reason.

"Here.." Mom put a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks.." I mumbled and started to dig in.

"Dad you don't need to drop me to the college. Jungkook and I decided to walk together.." Mingyu said while shoving a big piece of pancake into his mouth.

"I'm glad to hear that.. What about you Yerim?" My dad finally shifted his attention to me.

"I don't need it. It's only twenty minutes walk.." I said. There's no way I'm going to face your stupid lectures! You don't know what I want. You don't understand my teenage dream. I love you but I'm sorry dad.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

So sure that I'm going to confessed to Bambam someday!

"Yes, but dad...." I pouted with puffy eyes and Mingyu immediately choked on his food cause he knew what I was trying to do.

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