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Yeri's Pov..

"Look up! The skies and the sun are congratulating us today!" Jungkook said cheerfully and I look up to the sky, smiling.

The skies are blue lagoon today which is very strange and the sun also shines very brightly to brighten up our moods. And you know what? We're holding hands right now! But I act normal in the outside but in the inside I'm about to explode!! Ahhh! Can you believe it?! We're holding hands!!

(A/N: :/  I don't know when did you become Jungkookie oppa hardcore fan unnie😂..)

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah.. It really matches our moods.. Don't you think?" He asked and I hum in response.

"Yah! Are you listening?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Yeah! I'm listening!!" I glared back and he raise his hands up in defeat.

"Yah! Why did you stop holding my hand?" I complains pouting and he chuckled.

"You're cute.." He said and continue to hold my hand again.

~Ikon is coming to town! Ikon is coming to town!~

But to turn my mood down, my phone suddenly rings. And when I look at the caller ID, it was none other than my so called 'brother' Mingyu.

Phone conversation.

"Yeah?" I answered, annoyed. Why? Cause he's really annoying. Why always ruining my wonderful time?

"Yerimie ~~~" He sang sweetly and I immediately knew that he wants something from me.

"Spill the f**king beans and carrots! What do you want right now?" I asked.

"Buy me ice-creams!!" He cheered and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm already on my way home." I said.

"How sweet of you! I'll eat it well! Thanks alot!" He said and before I could say anything, he hang up.

Ugh! This guy!

"Jungkook, is it okay if we buy ice-creams?" I asked with a sigh.

"You want it?" He asked back.

"Mingyu wants it.." I said and he chuckled.

"I never get you Kim siblings till today.. You guys are so strange!" He said.

"I don't know anymore.. I think it's in our bloods now.." I said.

"Right. Whatever! Let's go get the ice-creams!" He said, dragging me with him.

Soon we spotted the same halmeoni who was selling the ice-creams and cotton candies the other day. It definitely is fate right?

"Good evening, halmeoni!" Jungkook and I both cheered.

"Oh! Kids longtime no see! It's really good to see you guys again! What flavour do you want this time?" She asked us.

"What did you want?" Jungkook asked me.

"Cookie flavour and Vanilla." I said.

"You only want 2?" He asked, surprised.

"Yes, I don't want to catch cold again.. It was hell.." I said and he chuckled, shaking his head. Wae? I really mean it! I learned my lesson well! I'm not eating so many ice-creams ever again!

"Then what about Mingyu?" He asked.

"Bubblegum flavour. Oh! And let's get one for Eunwoo too! He likes cookie flavour too!" I added.

"Okay! So halmeoni, we want 2 cookie flavours, 1 vanilla, 1 bubblegum and 1 strawberry flavour." Jungkook said.

"Okay.. Wait a little bit." Halmeoni said to us and we nodded, smiling.

"I'm not used to it." Jungkook suddenly blurted out chuckling while shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We are so nice to each other and I'm not used to it." He said.

"Right.. But we will soon. And you know we're not comfortable around each other too." I pointed out.

"Have we ever?" He asked and we burst out laughing. He's right. We were like cats and dogs since we ever met each other! Soon, halmeoni handed us the ice-creams and we went home walking.

"I have to ask you something." Jungkook asked as we were heading home.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow!" He suggested and I blush. I never think about the dating thing.

"Yea.." I said, smiling nervously.

"It's okay if you're not ready---"

"NO! I'm ready!" I cuts him off and he beamed widely.

"You sure?!" He asked.

"Hundred percent sure!" I replied and with a blink of an eye, he kissed my cheeks.

"Did you just..." I trailed off, touching my cheeks.

"Be ready to face everything, babe.." He said, in which he left me dumbfounded.

"By the way, kissing is allowed in my dictionary.." He added, smirking. God! Is he really my boyfriend?


Hey readers!

How are you guys?!

I know it's pretty late but what do you think of Yeri's new Sm station song 'Hair in the air' with NCT Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno? I'm really happy that she got to show her talents finally!

And I never asked this question. Who's your bias in astro? Lemme guess, out of 70℅ of you will say Cha Eunwoo right? But for me, it's little Maknae Yoon Sanha😘💜

And here's my baby's pic to brighten up your day!

And here's my baby's pic to brighten up your day!

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See you!


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