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Yeri's Pov..

"Mom! I'm going.." I said and walk out of the house.

Today, I'm the class sweeper along with Eunchae, Dahyun and Daisy so, I need to make it to the school extra early to clean the class.


While walking my phone suddenly beeped and when I look at the message, it was from Jeon dick head again. Ugh! Why can't he leave me alone for Hanbin's sake?!

Neighbor🐽: Morning, sweetie.. Still remember today's plan?

Me: No, I forgot😝

Neighbor🐽: Yah.........

Me: Yeah..........

Neighbor🐽: What are you doing right now?

Me: Walking to school. What about you?

Neighbor🐽: Still on my bed, texting you.

Me: Aren't you going to college?

Neighbor🐽: Day off.

Me: Lucky you but why?

Neighbor🐽: Miss Jung is getting married today.

Me: I see....

Neighbor🐽: Anyway, I'll be there at the café after school.

Me: Did we really need to go together?

Neighbor🐽: Yes...

Me: But I don't want to!

Neighbor🐽: Tell me why?

Me: I don't want people to think of you as my boyfriend. People these days easily assume wrong things.

Neighbor🐽: I don't care. I'm going to get some sleep again, have a nice day and don't dream about me during class😘..

Me: Jeon Ju--

"Who are you texting?" I almost drop my phone when a hand was suddenly put around my shoulder. What the f**k?! I haven't finish typing my message too. But when I look up at the person, I'm not surprise. Why? It was Bambam. Who else will put his arm around my shoulder right?

"What? No one." I said and quickly shoved my phone inside my coat pocket.

"Oh.. Don't worry, I know you're texting Jungkook." He said calmly. What the f**k? How can he know?

"I assume neighbor means Jungkook right?" He asked.

"Umm, yea.." I mumbled and there was an awkward silence for around 2 minutes.

"You two are getting along, I see.." He sigh. WHAT? Me and Jungkook getting along? Ha! What kind of joke is that?

"No, we are not.." I said.

"Haha.. Don't lie, I know you two are really close these days. And I spotted you two walking to school together that day too." He said, smiling sadly.

"What do you mean? What day?" I asked, confused. Really? What did he mean? When did I walk to school with that dick head?

"The day we decided to walk to school together. I tried to call you and told you that I was waiting for you near the big oak tree but at the same time, I spotted you two walking together to school." He said, calmly and it makes me kinda guilty.

"I... Ummm.." I tried my best to make an excuse but nothing came out of my mouth. It's all Jungkook's fault! He told me to walk to school with him! It's not my fault but at the end, I'm the one who's suffering again!

"It's okay.. But you should have just told me if you don't want to walk with me." He said.

"No.. You get it wrong. It's just that..." I trailed off and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I don't want to ruin your relationship with your fiancé.." I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You don't have to hide it. I know that you're engaged to someone and you two are going to get married next year. I know everything." I said.

"What??" He asked, shock.

"Your fiancé is really pretty, you two really suit each other!" I said, smiling.

"Hahaha!!! I'm not engaged to anyone!" He laugh like there was no tomorrow. What the f**k is this?

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yep.. The last time I checked myself, I'm still a single handsome boy with full of charms!" He said, still chuckling.

This means............





I got fooled by that perverted dick head Jeon Jungkook!! Aish! Like seriously?!!

"Aish.." I mumbled in disbelief. How can I believe him at the first place? He's a great liar and I was suppose to know this!

"Who fooled you?" He asked chuckling and I just smiled. What can I do anyway now? Then, I secretly took out my phone and text Jeon dick head.

Me: You coconut head! Die 100000 times and starve to death! You are so going to get it and I mean it!

Done! How dare you Jeon Jungkook! Why did you lie to me and said that Bambam was already engaged to someone else?!


Aeyy yo wassup?

Sorry if it's lame..

No words really..

Anyway, who's your bias in Seventeen?

Mine is Mingyu, The8 and Wonwoo😁😅

Guys don't get into fights because of non kpopers dissing our idols...

And please continue to vote and comment.

Love you guys💖


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