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Yeri's Pov.

"ROCK 'N' ROLL!!!!!"

"LET'S DO IT!!!"




Guess what? Mingyu invited his new idiot friends in our house and now, they're doing whatever stupid thing. Today is Sunday and I thought I would spend my time peacefully but I'm totally wrong. Those idiots in Mingyu's room are noisy as hell!

And to my bad luck, my parents went out with Eunwoo. I don't know where the hell did they went and who cares? But most importantly, I'm stuck in this house with those idiots. And speaking of those guys, I had received a beautiful punishment. That is, I'm grounded for two weeks. And it's because I acted so rude and mannerless in front of our dick head neighbor. Pity me right? I don't know how can they trust Jungkook so easily?

"KIM MINGYU! KEEP YOUR STUPID NOISES DOWN OR I'M TELLING MOM!!!" I yelled for him to hear. But again, he can't hear and continue to play stupid music with his friends. This is it. I'm so done with them! Then, I dragged myself towards Mingyu's room and stood in front of his room. I'm not really scared of being grounded! I can survive it for two years! Yes! Two f**king years!!


Then I kicked his damn door with all my strength. Then the door swing open and Mingyu was there with an angry look plastered on his face.

"What the hell you think you're doing?!" He yelled, approaching me.

"What?! I just do what's right! I told you to stop playing those stupid instrument of yours!" I yelled back.

Meanwhile his friends just gave me an apologetic smile expect for Jeon Jungkook who was smirking at me. Just seeing his face makes me wants to throw up in the bathroom!

"You're so going to get it when dad comes back! He told you to respect me!" Mingyu exclaimed.

"Who cares? You don't deserve any respect! You know what? You're also pervert just like that dick head!" I snapped while pointing at Jeon jerk and he just rolled his eyes.

"How dare you! He's my friend!!" Mingyu glared at me.

"And I'm your f**king sister!" I fired back and I think he was out of words. Why? Cause I'm absolutely right. I'm his sister and he doesn't shows any love to me!

"Sorry to interrupt but do you want us to leave?" The Bambam guy asked. Curse me! I totally forgot about him! And to be honest, I don't really hate this Thai boy. I found him really attractive somehow. But my first impression was not good.

"I didn't tell you to leave.. You can stay.." I said and blush. I hope no one notice my tomato face right now.

"Umm.. Thanks?" He said, more like a question. Why don't I control my temper! I think he's scared of me now.

"No PDA here! Now get out!" Mingyu yelled and slammed the door shut. Uh, this bastard! That's not even a PDA! Then I lazily dragged myself downstairs. I need some drink. Not alcohol. Apple juice. That handsome creature, I mean that Bambam guy makes my whole body hot. And now I finally found a reason to stay in Busan. I need to tell this to Chaeyoung. She'll be so excited. Oh hell! Thinking of him gave me goosebumps!

"I think I like you.."

Yes, I think I like you, Bambam.

"You like me?!" As soon as I heard someone's voice, I quickly jump away in shock. What the hell! When I look at the person, it was none other than Jeon f**king Jungkook.

"What do you need?!" I asked, glaring at him.

"Wait.. You like me?" He asked back.

WHAT?! He heard me?

"Not you!" I scoffed.

"Oh really? Who is it?" He asked, smirking.

How dare he?

"You don't have to know! It's not your business!" I snapped and he just rolled his eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked and this time, he look serious as f**k. But I don't care.

"Why do I hate you so much? Cause you're pervert! I hate the way you look! I hate your eyes, your big nose, your lips! Everything! I hate everything about you!" I snapped. And I don't regret saying those. I'm absolutely right. I hate everything about him!

"You know what? Nothings gonna change. You're going to be mine. And I don't care who you like. You see this?" He suddenly took out a red lace underwear from his pocket.

Wait.. WHAT?!!!! That's my f**king underwear! How can he have it?!

"How can--"

"Don't ask me anything, sweetie. I have my ways. And don't you dare shout at me again cause I'm not afraid to lay hands on you." He said. WHAT?! He's not afraid to kill me?! No!

"Woo.. Don't be scared, sweetie.. Laying hands, I mean.." His hands slowly trailed up to my breasts. What the f**k!

Then, I quickly got into my senses and I hardly kicked him where no man should be kicked. Yep, you heard me right, in his big balls. And I quickly ran upstairs to my room and locked the door.

You'll not mess with me Jeon Jungkook!


Hey, it's been awhile!

How are you guys?

Have you watched Pentagon newest song 'Naughty boy?' Well, Wooseok wreck me! He's so handsome.

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