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"How about this one?" Jungkook showed Yeri a Levi's jeans.

"I don't know. Buy whatever you want.." Yeri said, annoyed.

After she ran out of the Café Jungkook being Jungkook, we know that he chased after her. Then after a good minutes of arguing and making lame excuses, they finally end up at the mall to buy Mingyu's birthday gift. And Yeri is still mad at Jungkook. You know how hardheaded she is.

"Pick it for me! I don't know what to buy!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I told you buy whatever you want! I'm not that interested cause it's not even my birthday!" Yeri fired back.

"What kind of sister are you? I'm really lucky that Irene noona is my sister.." Jungkook mumbled and Yeri glared at the guy.

"Whatever! I just said that I'm not interested cause it's not even my birthday! There's nothing to argue about!" Yeri said, angrily.

"Let's go!" Jungkook said, dragging her.

"Where are we going?" Yeri asked.

"Searching for a better gift for your so called brother." Jungkook said.

"I don't get you.." Yeri mumbled and Jungkook heard it.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"One time, you're a perverted dick head and the other time, you're a good innocent friend.." Yeri said.

"Yerim, let me tell you something. The reason why you don't get me is you don't know me. Stop saying it. You don't know what I have for you too. You don't know how much I've tried to gain your attention." Jungkook said, staring at her in seriousness.

"I..." Yeri was out of words when she look into his eyes.

"Stop.." Jungkook said and Yeri immediately shut her mouth.

"Close your eyes!"

"But why---"

"I said close your eyes!!" Jungkook repeated and Yeri does what she was told.

'What happen to me?'

'No, this is not me!'

'What is he trying to do?! Fight back you idiot!' She scold herself when she can feel Jungkook's hot breath.

"Psh... What happen to your eyebrows?" Asked Jungkook and Yeri immediately open her eyes, shock.

"I thought.. I thought..." She trailed off, touching her lips.

"You thought, you thought what?" Jungkook asked, still checking the girl's eyebrows.

"Never mind.." Yeri smiled nervously, embarrassed.

"You thought I was going to kiss you right?" Jungkook asked, smirking.

"N-no!!!" Yeri quickly look away.

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to lie. And you can kiss me whenever you want. I don't mind." Jungkook said, grinning widely. And for Yeri, she's disgusted of herself. How can she think that way? Most importantly, Jungkook already kissed millions of girls and he's disgusting.

"No! Never!! Shut the f**k up!" She hissed and quickly walk away.

"Come on sweetie!" Jungkook chased after her happily.


After 3 hours.

"Dad is going to kill me.. It's 5 already!" Yeri exclaimed scared.

"Just say we're buying Mingyu's birthday gift." Jungkook said, calmly.

"Still! I'm going home too late. I know they're going to scold me once I get there." Yeri said.

"Put all your worries away for now and enjoy the moment." Jungkook said and Yeri rolled her eyes.

"I hope I can.. Anyway, what did you buy for Mingyu?" Yeri asked.

"You don't have to know. As you've said, you're not interested so I'm not interested to tell you." Jungkook said.

"Whatever.." Yeri mumbled.

"I still don't know why I bought you this but take it.." Jungkook sigh while handing Yeri a brown paper bag.

"What's this?" Yeri asked, and tried to open the paper bag but Jungkook quickly stop her.

"No! Don't open it right now. Open it when you get home.." He told her.

"Why?" Yeri asked again.

"Stop asking me already! Can't you see that it's a gift for you! Like apologizing gift!" Jungkook exclaimed and Yeri grinned widely.

"Like seriously?! Thank you dick head!" Yeri quickly dragged him with her.

Soon, they both reached their destination and parted their ways.

"Mom! I'm home!" She yelled excitedly and quickly ran up to her room.

"Let's see what you got for me.." She mumbled and open the paper bag. But her jaw's dropped as soon as she realized that it was a pair of a bra and underwear which was red in color. And most importantly, it was sexy as f**k.


Neighbor🐽: Did you open the gift already? Sweetie, so many things are in my mind right now. Don't forget to wear it on our honeymoon😉




It's been awhile right?

I'm sad to say that I will be updating slowly for this month and the next month.

But, continue to show your love and support.

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Love you guys💕


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